

"Trump was speaking at a prayer summit when he, in his concluding remarks, warned Americans away from following Biden into "World War II."

'Mental decline': Trump mocked by Republicans over 'World War II' slip

The account for Republicans Against Trump, a group for "pro-democracy conservatives Republicans fighting Trump & Trumpism," said, "Donald Trump is warning America that 'Cognitively impaired' Biden will lead us into 'World War Two' if re-elected. You can’t make this sh-t up."

Simply amazing... he is still chuffed/bragging about how 'perfect' he was on an "IQ test", and so he challenges his erstwhile opponent to take the same test.

Spoiler: It's not an "IQ" test he took but a basic screening for basic brain/cognitive functioning, orientation to reality x4 ...
He was "terrific". Perfect really. None of the doctors, all those doctors. "Nobody could believe it!" So smart. A stable genius. 🐴 (neigh!)

#TrumpVirus #psychopathology #IQ #cognition #cognitive #Donny #dementia #thinking #truth


Something "we here" have touched upon, and today we've been joined by the Atlantic.


Is Dark Lord #TrumpVirus "neurologically" messed up? (Is/was the sky blue?) Or is it more psychological, like thinking and behavior?

I'm biased of course. And of course the MD went with neurons in this (basically re-do) of the diagnostic overview, or dance-around.

My response, on Planet X (above)

#TrumpVirus #Psychopathology #neuro #narcissism #psychology #malevolence #cognition #delusional #thinking