

DNC convention report -

Uff! Stevie Wonder just gave an awesome speech, punctuated by music references and then a live performance.
SNL's Kenan Thmpson just did a live 'quiz show' interview with real people, telling them their life's about to change with #Project2025.

High gear messaging and entertainment, punctuated by #joy and #hp

#truth #DNC #Convention

Live on most networks - PBS is good except they cut off Stevie Wonder! BAD PBS!


But is Brown an entrenched Wasserman-Schultzist who takes AIPAC money?

gentlegardener - 2024-07-20 18:22:09 GMT

Venn diagram of
-Pols afraid of losing seats who had no coattails to ride anyway
-lame stream #media desiring something not boring to televise #democrats #convention
-donors who want the power over party that #musk and #thiel enjoy
-those who are bored or have short attention span
-dems who do not want to disenfranchise those who already voted for #harrisBiden or vice-versa
-patriotsHmmmm. First few do Not have alot of Overlap with the last Few, id wager



While we're all bombarded with #disinformation and #tribal political warfare, the #GQP convention, etc...
Some of us had turn the tubes off, as even beloved 'news' show helped deify the personification of evil, corruption, distrust & hate.

Thankfully, the late-nite shows offered up only the highlights, PLUS #ContextAndPerspective.

Colbert last night, did an excellent live show as the 1st GQP Convention night wound down

#Colbert #election #Convention #GQP #TrumpVirus #Vance


#Rollenspiel #Convention #Werbetrommel

Hallo, ich verantstalte mit einigen Freunden einen Rollenspiel-Con immer um den Tag der deutschen Einheit herum.

Normalerweise findet der Sparren-Con bei Bielefeld statt, aber letztes Jahr ist er ausgefallen, dieses Jahr findet er online statt.

Und ich wollte Rollenspieler und Rollenspiel-Interessierte herzlich einladen daran teilzunehmen.

Nach aktuellem Kontept braucht man einen Discord-Account und einen Account auf https://sparrencon.de (dort unter "Programm" eine Spielrunde anmelden oder sich bei einer Spielrunde anmelden).

Ich freu mich auf euch.