

Lost science?.. Thomas H. Moray's(1892–1974) son John should continue his fathers #energy patent, and pass on his notes, but..

His son John kept his fathers notes secret. Hoping he could pass those notes to a proper researcher.
This is one of John's last requests i could find. dated 2015

You can read the whole story of who broke the "Radiant Energy ( R.E.) device" etc and how to restore it here.

A patent by Thomas: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/19/81/34/1a05c66cb4c369/US2460707.pdf
Allegedly Moray valve is part of that patent

In his notebook, dated November 1, 1913, Henry included a memo that he had obtained material from a railroad car at Abisco, Sweden the previous summer, and material from the side of a hill. He made electric tests of these materials, taking them home to try each as a detector for his energy machine. Tests indicated that this soft, white stone-like substance might make a good "valve-like detector"*.
[ * This "valve-like detector" is what led Henry to do research in semi-conductive materials, and from this soft white stone he developed his first Moray valve and the Moray valve that was used in some of the early Radiant Energy devices]
[p. 22] "Silver wire used on stone makes a rectifier." (source: http://www.rexresearch.com/moray2/morayrer.htm )

But John never did find a successor.
John diseases in 2021. So Who is now in posession of Thomas notes?
His memorial 2021 show names of their relatives

Seems there's another foundation on one of his relative's name.
But that foundations' website is still not active.

The foundation contact is Kevin R Moray ..

i only found this https://checkpeople.com/name/Kevin-Moray/in-UT/Salt-Lake-City/1294e1b494e744b5b35d629fcd79aedf

Where to go from here?

#education #science #opensource #closedsource #lost #funding #crowdfunding #story #history #research #flos #technology #tesla #utah #saltlakecity #secrecy #help


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Photographer Launches DIY Large-Format Pinhole Camera Kits


A film photographer has launched a crowdfunding campaign for DIY pinhole camera kits with the aim of making large-format shooting affordable, accessible, and easy.

Set up by David Hancock, a photographer and writer who also shares educational material on YouTube, the Kickstarter campaign features large-format pinhole cameras -- 5119 Cameras -- that are designed to be built at home. Hancock shares that his project originated from a conversation with a photographer friend who was no longer able to use the fine controls on his cameras, which prompted Hancock to design simple cameras that could be used by anyone.

Hancock claims that he chose sheet film for this project to make the cameras simpler to build and because the format afforded quality results that could be achieved by anyone. The cameras are designed to be constructed by photographers of any level of building skill and, if constructed correctly, the designs promise to remain light-proof.

The largest camera kits are made out of custom-cut 7mm bamboo plywood. The insides of each camera are lined with thick, black, and light-absorbent felt instead of paint, further sealing them against light leakage. Hancock says that the choice of felt over paint ensures that the surface texture eliminates image hot spots that are caused by reflections that reconvene on the film plane and result in lost contrast due to internal reflections.

The pre-production lineup for the three standard-format 5119 Cameras models

The design consists of oversized parts and pieces that can be easily handled and the shutters employ easy resistance adjustments and also include a 52mm filter ring for filters or lens hoods. Hancock explains that to make these cameras customizable, all parts will arrive unfinished and untreated, which allows photographers to finish them by applying stains or treatment of choice. He says that this can also make for an educational project for children starting out in film photography.

The collection consists of four camera models -- The 45, Model 1; The 57, Model 1; The 810, Model 1; and The 410 Diptych, Model 1.

The 45, Model 1 is the smallest of the cameras in the lineup and is designed to be a compact, easy to use, and reliably shoot sheet film. It has a focal length of 90mm with an 84-degrees angle of view which approximates to 20mm full-frame equivalent.

5119 Cameras The 45, Model 1 | Fuji Velvia 100

The 57, Model 1 delivers the 5×7 format, which is particularly suited for shooting negatives for contact prints and, as Hancock says, "gives the darkroom photographer on a budget a way to also see their images easily made into actual, physical prints."

This model builds on the design and performance aesthetic of The 45, Model 1, and adds an element of high-art performance. The specifications include a focal length of 127mm and 81.3-degrees angle of view which translates to 22mm equivalent on full-frame.

5119 Cameras The 57, Model 1 | Foma 332 Photo Paper

The 810, Model 1 is the largest camera and shoots 8×10. Although the size and weight of the camera make it more difficult to carry and use, Hancock claims that it delivers "accordingly beautiful results." Well suited for landscape work, it has a focal length of 169mm with an 88-degrees angle of view which is an 18.5mm equivalent for full-frame cameras.

5119 Cameras The 810, Model 1 | Liquid Light brushed on Fiber Paper

The 410 Diptych, Model 1 is possibly the most unusual camera in the lineup. Hancock is confident that no other Kickstarter campaign has released a 4×10 camera, particularly one that can alternately take two 4X5 film backs and create diptych images.

"This camera, a unique tool in the photographic world, aims to provide something that gives the photographer a panoramic pinhole option," he writes.

With a focal length of 159mm, the camera has an 87-degree horizontal angle of view and a 49-degree vertical angle of view which make for 19mm and 40mm full-frame equivalent, respectively.

5119 Cameras The 410 Diptych, Model 1

Providing the campaign is successfully funded, Hancock will order the parts for the kits and ship them to backers with no timeline specified as of yet. All backing options can be persued on Hancock's Kickstarter campaign page.

Disclaimer : Make sure you do your own research into any crowdfunding project you're considering backing. While we aim to only share legitimate and trustworthy campaigns, there's always a real chance that you can lose your money when backing any crowdfunded project.

#doityourself #equipment #news #crowdfunded #crowdfunding #diy #diypinholecamera #kickstarter #largeformat #pinhole #pinholecamera


Le CAC40 s’apprĂȘte Ă  verser 51 milliards d’euros Ă  ses actionnaires malgrĂ© la poursuite de la pandĂ©mie

Gros actionnaires et fonds d’investissement vont bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’un dividende record, en pleine pandĂ©mie : 51 milliards d'euros pour les actionnaires du CAC40 en 2021, soit une hausse de 22 % par rapport Ă  2020 alors que 100 % de ces grandes entreprises ont touchĂ© des aides publiques liĂ©es au Covid-19. Notre Observatoire des multinationales lance la campagne “AllĂŽ Bercy ?” pour que les aides publiques aux entreprises soient enfin soumises Ă  condition. https://www.bastamag.net/CAC40-dividendes-51-milliards-actionnaires-AlloBercy-aides-publiques-aux-entreprises-privees-coronaprofiteur-campagne-financement-participatif

DĂ©couvrir le projet sur Kiss Kiss Bank Bank : https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/allo-bercy

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Le financement participatif du documentaire "Disappear" se poursuit sur Leetchi jusqu'au 30 décembre 2019

"Disappear (Cover your online tracks)" est la suite de l'excellent documentaire "Nothing to hide". Beaucoup de travail a déjà été accompli depuis un an, mais l'équipe compte toujours sur le soutien financier du public pour boucler le travail de production et de post-production.

Teaser + appel à financement lancé par le réalisateur et la productrice : https://vimeo.com/333934035

Site initial du financement participatif (contient le lien vers la cagnotte Leetchi) : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1587081065/disappear-the-documentary

#Disappear #MarcMeillassoux #crowdfunding #financement #NothingToHide #surveillance #internet #documentaire #documentary #CreativeCommons #AutoDĂ©fense #SelfDefense #VPN #Tor #LogicielsLibres #chiffrement