

🌞 Joyeux solstice à toutes et à tous !... 😊

Bandcamp : Seelie, par Clann.

Le 22 dĂ©cembre se fĂȘte le solstice d’hiver, Ă©galement appelĂ© fĂȘte de Yule. À ce moment prĂ©cis de l’annĂ©e, la nuit est la plus longue. Le soleil est Ă  son plus haut point, proche du pĂŽle Nord.
On arrĂȘte les rĂ©coltes dans les champs. La nature est au repos. L’hiver est arrivĂ©. Mais le soleil va ĂȘtre de retour...

Dans les traditions scandinaves et germaniques, le retour du soleil est liĂ© Ă  la fertilitĂ© et Ă  l’enfantement. Cette renaissance du soleil est accordĂ©e par les dĂ©esses de la fĂ©conditĂ©. De mĂȘme, chez les Saxons et les Celtes, la figure de la mĂšre est associĂ©e au renouvellement.
Les foyers sont décorés et illuminés par des bougies, ainsi la lumiÚre et la chaleur du soleil s'invitent dans les habitations.
La tradition des cadeaux est ancienne. Dans la mythologie nordique, le dieu Heimdall descend sur la terre Ă  chaque fĂȘte de Yule pour apporter des cadeaux aux enfants.
Dans l’AntiquitĂ© romaine on cĂ©lĂšbre les Saturnales, la virilitĂ© et la force du soleil, en l’honneur de Saturne, dieu de l’agriculture.
AprĂšs les Saturnales, les Romains fĂȘtent le rĂšgne du soleil fixĂ© au 25 dĂ©cembre par l’empereur romain AurĂ©lien. Il instaure la fĂȘte du Sol Invictus, soleil invaincu. Cette divinitĂ© du soleil est inspirĂ©e du dieu Apollon et de Mithra, divinitĂ© perse.
Quelques dĂ©cennies aprĂšs, l’empereur romain Constantin, rĂ©cemment converti au christianisme, fait coĂŻncider la fĂȘte du soleil avec la commĂ©moration de la NativitĂ©. Dans la Bible, la date exacte de la naissance de JĂ©sus n’est pas prĂ©cisemment expliquĂ©e.
NoĂ«l remplace ainsi les cultes paĂŻens de Yule, des Saturnales et de Sol Invictus. Et prĂšs d’un siĂšcle plus tard, au concile d’Agde, NoĂ«l devient une fĂȘte d’obligation.
Mais Ă  l'origine, il s'agit bien d'une fĂȘte du retour de la lumiĂšre et de la fertilitĂ©.

#solstice #Yule #Sol-Invictus #célébrations #astronomie #cycle

L'illustration est de Seb McKinnon. The Moon’s Daughter.


It has been #windy all day with a strong north-westerly #wind gusting here to 80 km/h. On my usual #cycling circuit, there is about a 3 km stretch which is basically north-south and today I was travelling north on it. It was quite tough with me in the toughest parts travelling maybe 3 to 4 gears lower than usual and in parts feeling like I'd basically halted. On plus side, it was good exercise and of course in other parts the wind was behind me, making things very easy.

Another positive of the #weather is that half of the country's electricity has been being generated by wind power all day.

#Bike #Biking #Cycle #Bicycle


Well this was a little surprise! I took a walk down what will eventually become our new #bike path parallel to the new #train track under construction in #Ottawa. Most of the bike path will be a grade of fine gravel called "stone dust", but I got down south a bit and found it paved with 75 mm (3 in) thick asphalt and also 5.5 m (18 ft) wide! I think this is intended as a train emergency evacuation route to bring in a bus, as there is a turnaround here, too, plus an opening in the rail line fence. It will make a nice 500 m (1600 ft) of bike path though! It should all be open in the spring of 2024, we hope.

#biking #bicycle #rail #cycle #cycling


I am thinking the arrival of this backhoe is phase one of our new #bike path. I talked to one of the contractor's supervisor's yesterday and he told me that they were bringing in a backhoe and will start digging on Monday morning, so this should be it. The new bike path is scheduled to be completed by 22 December, so a nice Christmas gift for our neighbourhood. It will provide connections north to downtown and for us to the #Ottawa River and the sailing club, and to the south to the village of Osgoode, some 26.5 km away. It will remove our need to bike on busy roads, too. It is going to be great when done. More photos to come over the construction period.

#construction #biking #bicycle #cycle #cycling


First day a little bit of #snowing this season. The ambient temperature was several degrees above zero and so nothing settled and #cycling was just in the cold, with a little added wind chill. The ground conditions were just like during rain. After that, even coming into an unheated house and quickly changing into dry clothes again made it seem surprisingly cosy for a couple of hours.

#Biking #Bike #Bicycle #Cycle


I #cycled to work during heavy rain and into quite a gale this morning. I was #cycling at less than half speed for much of the journey and about two gears down. At one point, I had to cross a place which was waterlogged owing to an overflowing drain but it was about 25 cm deep which meant that I basically had to #ford it and the water entered my shoes from the angles. So, for the whole morning, I left my socks on the radiator in my office and stayed in there bare footed. during that time.

#Cycle #Bike #Biking #Bicycle #Commuting #StormCiaran


Comment régénérer le cycle de l'eau | CharlÚne Descollonges

CharlĂšne Descollonges nous invite Ă  un voyage au cƓur du cycle de l'eau. Aujourd'hui, ce cycle a Ă©tĂ© totalement transformĂ© par nos modes de vie et de consommation. Nous apprenons, Ă  nos dĂ©pens, Ă  vivre avec le manque d’eau, avec la sĂ©cheresse
 DĂ©couvrons ensemble ce qui complique aujourd’hui le voyage de l’eau sur notre planĂšte terre et quelle rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration est possible. CharlĂšne Descollonges est ingĂ©nieure hydrologue, spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans les politiques de partage de la ressource en eau et d’adaptation au changement climatique. Elle a cofondĂ© l'association “Pour une Hydrologie RĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative” qui vise Ă  restaurer massivement le cycle de l'eau Ă  l'Ă©chelle des territoires, via des projets pilotes en France et vient de publier l’ouvrage L’Eau aux Ă©ditions Tana.

#charlenedescollonges #descollonges #cycle #eau #regeneration #terre #sol #pluie #goutte #video #art #tedx #france #societe #hydrologue



#INTERVIEW: Hollywood star Rob Schneider on the #Election #Cycle Variant, how Big Pharma buys TV and politicians and RFK Jr, the man who cleaned up the Hudson River, will do the same with the pill pushers.

Interesting chat between George #Galloway and Rob #Schneider, who seems refreshingly well informed on current affairs.

#RobSchneider: The Best Interview You’ll Hear This Year | MOATS with #GeorgeGalloway Ep 269