

WW3? #Ukraine/US vs. Donbass/Russia

who`s #phone is going to hit by their #drone tone
bang your #dead
When all the human battalions of selectively gathered fight capable men are dead and defunded, and the war is conducted by autonomous drones, using a global satellite intelligence and control network, how will anyone know 'who' is doing it ? The combatant distinctions are already becoming blurred as more remote controlled devices are deployed.

The current rules and diplomatic trigger points will be obsolete by then, just as the law has not kept up with silicon valley's developments and big pharma's developments. When all of these sectors become one big corporate technological unity it will be a #global #technological #killing #machine active in all regions, versus low social credit score humans.

#death cult culling any dissenters world wide with one click of a mouse
who knew that mouse`s could be so deadly ?
Drone use is widening in Ukraine, bringing with it potential dawn of robotic killing machines
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 by: JD Heyes



take with a pinch of salt
The Deeply Troubling FTX Facts and ‘Coincidences’
This guy tells an intriguing story about all the BITCOIN billionaires who've turned up dead in the last few years, leaving their crypto wealth untraceable ( effectively a secret stash for insiders who know how to get it and put it somewhere they can use it to fund anything dodgy they fancy ).

also, ALL the big leaders in the #crypto world, who set the #system up, are #dead, EVERY ONE OF THEM !

The first 15 minutes of this chat are a bit slack so you might want to skip ahead.

January 1st, 2023

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7uDXTHSUjli3/See less

Mel K & Jovan Hutton Pulitzer | The Digital Prison of the OBiden CBDC Plan


wave goodbye to truth , freedom and love

he is already #dead
This #flag was waving today over the Capitol in honor of your visit,” the speaker said, handing over the souvenir.

The special way that the American flag was folded 13 times is a long-standing tradition. Each fold has its own symbolic meaning associated with the expression of patriotism, loyalty and respect for America and its values. And the triangular shape goes back to the hats worn by soldiers during the struggle for US independence. The flag is usually folded in this way at solemn #funeral ceremonies.
enter image description here


Vaxxed drag queen drops #dead on #stage during a #performance
My comment: Lifestyle choies can have consequences, AND I MEAN THE VAX.
Those who have been injured by the vax are not allowed to talk about it evidently . . .
The BBC has boasted that it triggered the removal of a Facebook vaccine injury support group with over 250,000 members. Are the injured no longer even allowed to talk to one another?

#vaccinescam no longer acting