Simplex Chat (private, secure, encrypted #messaging) welcomes Flux #decentralised services.
Servers operated by #Flux — true #privacy and #decentralization for all users
#security #data #simplex #sxc #simplexchat #metadata #IM #e2ee #encryption #fediverse #anonymous #foss #communication #mobile #matrix #session #tor #Signal #Threema #deltachat #rocketchat #tox #wire #wickr #xmpp #cheogram #snikket #android #ios #Linux #Mac #windows #GrapheneOS #mastodon #bluesky
08.10.2024 Daten ins Nirwana geschickt
Speichern und löschen sind etwas verschiedenes
Es gibt scheinbar nicht nur "künstliche Intelligenz", sondern beim Microsoft Office 365 auch "künstliche Dummheit". Nutzerinnen und Nutzer des derzeitigen Word (Build 2409) erleben beim Speichern ihrer Dokumente häufig, dass sie sie danach nicht mehr auf der Festplatte vorfinden.
Eine Datei zu erzeugen, sie zu verändern, sie wieder zu speichern oder sie zu löschen sind die grundlegenden Aktionen, die man auf einem Computer vornehmen kann - und eigentlich sind sie seit mehr als 40 Jahren in verschiedenen Vorgängen programmiert.
Trotzdem löscht die oben genannte Word Version Dateien unter Umständen beim Speichern, wenn z.B. die Dateierweiterung in Großschrift geschrieben wird (.DOCX, .RTF)oder das Zeichen # enthält. Das Auftreten des Fehlers wird eventuell dadurch wahrscheinlicher, wenn man Word anschließend statt über "Datei/Schließen" mit dem x oben im Fenster beendet. Die Fehlerursache wird weiter gesucht ...
Einen nicht ganz so gravierenden Fehler erlebten im Frühjahr auch Word NutzerInnen auf Apple Mac. Wenn sie ihr Mac-System mit englischer Sprache, aber deutscher Zahlendarstellung und metrischem System konfiguriert hatten, so hat Word diese Auswahl einfach ignoriert. Wer schon mal mit einer fremdländischen Tastatur arbeiten musste, kann sich leicht vorstellen, wie schnell man dabei verzweifelt.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Microsoft-warnt-vor-Word-Fehler-Dateien-geloescht-statt-gespeichert-9964336.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Db
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8927-20241008-daten-ins-nirwana-geschickt.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8927-20241008-daten-ins-nirwana-geschickt.html
Tags: #Windows #Microsoft #Office365 #Bug #Speichern #löschen #Tastatur #Zeichensätze #Apple #Mac #Fehler #unbekannt
Trying Asahi Linux
So, dusted off @Vik-Thor / Lirleni Hankeshe 's old M1 Mac mini to try out Linux on it... And it's a mixed bag.
Right off the bat, the install procedure is odd if'n you're used to installing on a Windows machine. No live install, instead a Curl command is used to start the process from the Mac's terminal, with the first step being to partition the hard drive. Yes, the same HD holding the OS on the computer you're using. The partition feature is nice, after selecting the partition to re-size, you can specify the size you want by size or percentage.
Once done, it's time to reboot and pick your OS. This is a finicky process, not only do you need to do it a specific way, but I was doing other things and I guess the Mac went to sleep, as coloured static took over the screen. Problem was that it wouldn't wake up, so we had to reset which didn't work the first time... And I realized I didn't know my user name on the Mac, oops.
Ok, try three, and it works. Installer comes up automagically, Calamares, which doesn't seem to be used for anything more than setting up your account and basic settings like keyboard and time zone. Once that's done, its time to log in, something that was a little bit bumpy, and do the obvious, update the system.
More bumps in that process, but soon enough we have Linux up and running, Fedora KDE as it happens. I don't really like KDE, but your only desktop options are KDE or Gnome, and I really, really don't like the modern Gnome, I'd've rather they had Cinnamon, but KDE I can tolerate. The problem for me with KDE is two fold, too many customization options, and sometimes odd ways to do things, like 24 mode in the clock is in... clock widget settings, not the system date and time settings I think, nor region settings. Plus region settings are rather rigid, you can't just tweak certain aspects of the system to your taste, such as how dates are displayed, you need to find a region that matches your taste. And yes, that effects language, keyboard and other stuff. Cinnamon is more basic, but it works the way I expect a computer to work, in fact I've heard of it being held up as a really good choice for new users coming from Windows.
Now here's where things really become a problem, not all software works on the M1. Telegram? Nope. Signal? Nope. That's bad as I use IM to contact household and move files between devices. Telegram does have a web interface, but that's really clunky, and really only an emergency choice. I've still gotta try other software, but I suspect this can't be a daily driver as too little programs that I depend on will work here. But, we'll see.
Couldn't resist showing how janky this test system is. Yes, the mouse is resting atop the Mac, and we're using an old keyboard that's missing a key (I think I have some compatible keys around here somewhere though not that letter), and a VGA monitor. Yes, really, I ran short on digital monitors, so that's running a cheap Chinese HDMI to VGA converter powered by a wall wart as the Mac's USB port wasn't good enough. I don't remember the resolution, but it's fairly bonkers.
Packaging Clojure app for Mac https://youtu.be/N0pxjHgNUxs
#Clojure #Programming #Coding #Software #Mac #Apple
Airlines, banks, health care have operations disrupted in global IT outage
A global tech outage was disrupting operations in multiple industries on Friday, with airlines halting flights, some broadcasters off-air and everything from banking to health care hit by system problems.
According to an alert sent by global cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike to its clients and reviewed by Reuters, the company's Falcon Sensor software is causing Microsoft Windows to crash and display a blue screen, known informally as the "blue screen of death."
#CrowdStrike #Microsoft #Windows #BSOD but not #Linux #Mac or #BSD