

Correlative Trend Between Percentage of National Irreligiousness & National Mean IQ for 241 Countries & Dependencies, plus Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient demonstrating a 0.64 (strong) correlation.

Given the etymology of the word 'religion' being 'the repeated process of gathering & transitionally binding' minds to ideology, it seems to me that the higher the mean intelligence quotient expressed by a population, the less susceptible its minds are to being gathered & bound to ideology.

#correlation #intelligencequotient #ideology #religion #irreligion #irreligiousness #stats #data #analysis #pearsoncorrelation #usa #uk #abrahamism #judaism #christianity #islam #hinduism #buddhism #folkreligion #etymology #ontology #anthropology #un #religiousideology #info


GDP & GDP Per Capita of all Muslim Majority Nations, 2023.

These 47 nations collectively represent:

7.51 trillion GDP in USD
10.67 million square miles of land
20.6% of the world's land area
1.61 billion population
19.95% of the world's population
1.27 billion Muslims
72.8% of the world's Muslims
518 mean population density
80 mean population IQ
2.64 homicides per 100k of pop.

#islam #muslim #muslims #ummah #gdp #gdppercapita #wealth #economics #stats #statistics #demography #anthropology #culture #religion #islamicworld #usa #uk #muslimworld #data #information #money #culturalanthropology #comparativereligion #population #land #landarea #homicide #iq #homiciderate #intelligencequotient #israel #palestine #israelpalestinewar #migrants #globalism #refugees #asylees


Religious Belief Systems by Continent Region, 2023.

Due to there being no data for just over 900 million people, each figure given for each belief system should be considered as being around 89% accurate. This could, for example, swap the most prevalent religion position between Christianity & Islam, or could further extend Christianity's lead.

#religion #metaphysics #philosophy #belief #faith #ideology #dogma #beliefsystems #religiousideology #data #statistics #stats #information #demography #anthropology #culture #god #gods #spiritualism #spirit #ontology #abrahamism #judaism #usa #christianity #uk #islam #hinduism #un #buddhism #folklore #folkreligion #eu #irreligion #athiesm #agnosticism #hindu #christian #muslim #jew #buddist


Population density of European countries with at least 5 million population, 2023.

As you can see from this data, the UK is the third most population dense country of all countries in the European continent region with at least 5 million population.

There is no necessity or justification for mass migration into the United Kingdom. The UK is a relatively small island nation & space is at a premium.

#unitedkingdom #immigration #migration #massmigration #immigrationcontrol #uk #replacementmigration #population #usa #populationdensity #ethnography #elites #overpopulation #anthropology #statistics #stats #data #demographics #globalism #ethnolinguisticfragmentation #culture #england #wales #scotland #greatbritain #northernireland #autochthonousculture


#Graph depicting the correlative #trend between number of homicides per 100k of population & mean national #IQ, with Pearson correlation coefficient, for 241 countries & dependencies, 2023.

The #graph shows that as the mean national IQ goes up, the number of homicides per 100k of #population goes down, with a strong correlation of 0.57. This suggests to me that the more #intelligent a population is, the less inclined to commit #homicide it is.

#homiciderate #murder #usa #uk #nato #murderrate #immigration #migrants #eu #globalism #neoliberalism #anthropology #mathematics #data #empiricism #stats #statistics #pearsoncorrelation #elitism #elites #crime #academia #intelligentsia #neoliberalglobalism #massmigration #un #wef #unitednations #agenda2030 #facts




Reposted (🗻DENVER NUGGETS🗻🏀):

– Первый дуэт в истории НБА с 30+ очковым трипл-даблом от обоих звёзд в одной игре🌟

– Первый дуэт в истории с трипл-даблом в игре финала НБА от обоих звёзд⭐

– Никола Йокич - первый игрок в истории финалов НБА с перформансом в 30+ очков, 20+ подборов и 10+ передач✨

– Джамал Мюррей - третий игрок в истории финалов НБА с 10+ передачами в трёх играх подряд✨

– Единственные игроки в истории плей-офф НБА, которые набирают ~25+ очков при 40%+ реализации трёхочковых☄

🃏Джокер: 32 очка (12/21 с игры, 1/2 из-за дуги, 7/8 штрафные), 21 подбор, 10 передач и 2 блокшота. +15 за 44мин!

🏹Синяя Стрела: 34 очка (12/22 с игры, 3/6 из-за дуги, 7/8 штрафные), 10 передач, 10 подборов и 1 перехват. +14 за 45мин!

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