

Russian delegation arrives in Belarus for talks with Ukrainians


#Russia’s #delegation has arrived in #Belarus for talks with the Ukrainian side, #Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry #Peskov said on Sunday.
"In line with the agreement, the #Russian delegation consisting of representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and other agencies, including the presidential administration, has arrived in Belarus for talks with the Ukrainians," Peskov said.
Russia launched its special #military #operation aimed at #demilitarization and #denazification of Ukraine on February 24. On Friday, the troop movement was suspended amid expectation of possible talks with #Kiev, but resumed on Saturday as Ukraine refused to participate.
Earlier, the office of Ukrainian President Vladimir #Zelensky said he might discuss Ukraine’s neutral status as well as the package of guarantees for its security.
Belarusian President Alexander #Lukashenko announced on February 26 that Minsk was ready to provide a venue for holding the negotiations. Late on Saturday, Zelensky said the proposal to arrange talks had been put forward by the presidents of #Turkey and #Azerbaijan, Recep Tayyip #Erdogan and Ilham #Aliyev.

Russian delegation arrives in Belarus for talks with Ukrainians

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