

#Putin’s ‘Merchant of Death’ Is Back in the #Arms #Business. This Time Selling to the #Houthis.

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/putin-s-merchant-of-death-is-back-in-the-arms-business-this-time-selling-to-the-houthis/ar-AA1rNKsT

Arming a belligerent in the #MiddleEast #conflict would also mark an escalation for #Russia, which has been strengthening #security ties with #Tehran but has generally stayed away from the confrontation between #Israel and its Iran-backed foes.

#war #terror #business #politics #news #military #weapons


«Колорадо Эвеланш» заключили контракт новичка с нападающим Никитой Прищеповым, сообщает пресс-служба «Эвеланш». Соглашени...


🏔 🤝🏻 ✍🏻 🇷🇺 Никита Прищепов подписал 3-летний контракт новичка с "лавинами" https://www.nhl.com/avalanche/news/avalanche-sign-prishchepov

«Колорадо Эвеланш» заключили контракт новичка с нападающим Никитой Прищеповым, сообщает пресс-служба «Эвеланш». Соглашение с 20-летним

форвардом рассчитано на 3 года #WelcomeToColorado

Российский нападающий был выбран в седьмом раунде драфта НХЛ-2024 под общим 217-м номером. Прищепов начнет сезон-2024/25 в составе фарм-клуба «Колорадо» в АХЛ. В двух матчах нынешней предсезонки НХЛ он отметился ассистентским баллом.

В прошлом сезоне 2023/24 форвард набрал 67 (22+45) очков в 63 матчах регулярного чемпионата QMJHL и добавил 11 (3+8) результативных баллов в 14 матчах плей-офф за «Викториавиль Тигрес» из юниорской лиги Квебека.

Никита Прищепов последние три сезона выступал в юниорской лиге QMJHL и с каждым годом улучшал свою результативность в «Викториавилле» (2021/22 -- 27 очков; 2022/23 -- 41 балл и 2023/24 -- 67 очков)

➡Профиль Прищепова с сайта eliteprospects https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/691679/nikita-prishchepov

#NikitaPrishchepov #Russia #ColoradoAvalanche #NHL #ColoradoEagles #AHL #Hockey

Avalanche Sign Prishchepov | Colorado Avalanche

Avalanche Sign Prishchepov | Colorado Avalanche

#lang_ru #хоккей #нхл #колорадоэвеланш #nhl #coloradoavalanche #vk_colorado_avalanche




#Ukraine #Russia #EU #International (Zeitschrift)

Soeben haben wir ein Gespräch ins Netz gestellt, das ich mit dem bei der jüngsten Wahl auf der Liste Sarah Wagenknecht ins EP gewählten Michael von der Schulenburg über die jüngste Resolution des Europaparlamentes zur Ukraine geführt habe. Von der Schulenburg kann auf eine jahrzehntelange Erfahrung als hochrangiger UN-Diplomat zurückblicken und ist daher ein äußerst kompetenter Experte auf dem Gebiet der internationalen Beziehungen. Er äußerst seine absolute Ablehnung der jüngsten Resolution, welche ausführlich weitere, ja sogar noch deutlich verschärfte, militärische Unterstützung der Ukraine durch die #EU fordert, von einem möglichst rasch zu erreichenden Frieden findet sich dort kein einziges Wort. Diese Resolution liest sich als Aufruf zum totalen Krieg. Die EU verfolgt eine irrationale Politik und hat sich seiner Meinung nach längst von einem Friedens- in ein Kriegsprojekt verwandelt.

Der genaue Text dieses Beschlusses, der mit 595 Pro- bei 137 Gegenstimmen und 47 Enthaltungen, angenommen worden ist, befindet sich in der Beilage dieses Newsletters. Übrigens, von den österreichischen Fraktionen haben ÖVP und Neos dafür, FPÖ dagegen gestimmt, SPÖ und Grüne haben sich der Stimme enthalten.


Ich möchte bei dieser Gelegenheit auf einen hoch interessanten Kommentar des deutschen Historikers und Friedensforschers Leo Ensel verweisen, welcher bereits vor der Beschlussfassung des EP bei der Schweizer Plattform globalbridge publiziert worden ist. Auch dieser artikuliert das völlige Unverständnis über die beim politischen und auch medialen Mainstream in #Europa vorherrschende kriegsunterstützende Haltung. Die Aufforderung nach konkreten Initiativen für einen baldigen Waffenstillstand und Friedensverhandlungen wird bereits vielfach als "Putinversteherei" diffamiert, obwohl sich ganz offensichtlich immer mehr EU-Bürger*innen dafür aussprechen.




Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

Envoy: 'Russian leadership' decides to delist Taliban as terrorist group

by Ayaz Gul


Russia reported Friday that a "principal decision" had already been
made to remove Afghanistan's ruling Taliban from Moscow's list of
terrorist organizations.

Zamir Kabulov, the Russian presidential envoy for the South Asian
nation, was quoted by state-run TASS news agency as saying that the
foreign ministry and national security agencies "are putting finishing
legal touches" on the Taliban's delisting in line with federal laws.

"A principal decision on this has already been made by the Russian
leadership," said Kabulov. "Hopefully, the final decision will be
announced soon."

The remarks were reported on the same day that Moscow hosted a
conference of regional countries to discuss Afghanistan, with Russian
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presiding over the proceedings.

Lavrov later held bilateral talks with Taliban Foreign Minister Amir
Khan Muttaqi, who led his delegation at Friday's multilateral event in
the Russian capital, organized under the Moscow Format platform.

"We firmly believe in the importance of maintaining a pragmatic
dialogue with the current Afghan government," Lavrov said in his
inaugural speech to delegates from countries such as China, India,
Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan.

"Moscow will continue to develop political, trade, and economic ties
with Kabul," Lavrov pledged.

Russia launched the Moscow Format in 2017 and it has since become a
regular platform for discussing challenges facing impoverished,
war-torn Afghanistan.

Muttaqi, in his broadcast address to Friday's gathering, welcomed
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan's recent announcements that they will remove
the Taliban from their lists of outlawed groups.

"We also appreciate the positive remarks [made] by the high-ranking
officials of the Russian Federation in this regard and hope to see more
effective steps soon," said the Taliban chief diplomat.

Russia's involvement in Afghanistan has been tumultuous. The Soviet
army entered the country in 1979 to help a pro-Moscow government in
Kabul but pulled out a decade later due to heavy losses inflicted by
U.S.-backed Afghan insurgents, or mujahideen.

Moscow has developed close informal ties with the Taliban since they
regained power in Afghanistan three years ago after the United States
and NATO forces withdrew ending 20 years of war.

President Vladimir Putin stated in July that Russia considered the
Taliban an ally in the fight against terrorism. The former Afghan
insurgent group has been on the Russian list of terrorist organizations
since 2003.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov praised the Taliban for combating
narcotics in Afghanistan and fighting a regional Islamic State
affiliate known as IS-Khorasan (IS-K).

"We support the Afghan authorities' resolve to combat the terrorist
threat," he told the conference Friday.

Muttaqi called on all regional countries "to cooperate in preventing
the recruitment of their citizens by ISIS and then send them to
Afghanistan and other countries to carry out subversive operations." He
used an acronym for IS-K, which the United Nations describes as the
most significant terrorist regional threat emanating from Afghan soil.

The Taliban foreign minister did not name any country, but Kabul
formally alleged last week that the terrorist group is orchestrating
attacks from bases in Pakistan, charges officials in Islamabad have
refuted as unfounded.

No country has officially recognized the de facto Taliban government,
although China and the United Arab Emirates have formally accepted
Taliban-appointed ambassadors.

Washington remains opposed to any step toward easing sanctions or
moving toward recognition of the Taliban as Afghanistan's rightful
government, saying Kabul must improve its human rights record to win
international legitimacy and support.

"We will look for interest in any outcomes and deliverables from the
upcoming Moscow Format meeting, but we do not participate," Karen
Decker, the head of the Doha-based U.S. diplomatic mission for
Afghanistan, told reporters Thursday.

The U.S. has never attended a Moscow Format meeting because it is seen
as a regional conversation, said Decker, who has also been tasked with
overseeing Afghan diplomacy.

#russia #afghanistan #taliban #terrorists #terrorism #terrorist #putin #moscow-format #lavrov #is-k


Don’t Underestimate the Russian Military After the Ukraine War

Russian president Vladimir Putin has consistently said that, “this conflict is not about territory…[it] is about the principles underlying the new international order.” He has repeatedly said that, although Russian troops in 2022 “approached Kiev … there was no political decision to storm the three-million city.”

Rather, he says, “it was nothing more than an operation to force the Ukrainian regime to peace. The troops were there to push the Ukrainian side to negotiations.”

This worked. Within weeks, Ukraine had agreed in Istanbul to abandon its NATO ambitions, Russia had withdrawn its troops from around Kyiv, and peace appeared possible before the West intervened and discouraged it.


#NATO #weapons #Western #fail #ukraine #vassalage #ukrainian #war #failstate #Russia #russian #military #history


The United States and Israel stand on the verge of a direct attack on Iran, with the most far-reaching and catastrophic consequences for the Middle East and the whole world.

Using Iran’s attack on Israeli military infrastructure Tuesday as a pretext, the White House has effectively given Israel carte blanche to carry out an illegal attack against the second most populous country in the region (after Egypt).

“We’ll be discussing with the Israelis what they’re going to do, but all seven of us [referring to the G7 nations] agree that they have a right to respond,” Biden said Wednesday. Reuters commented in a news report, “[T]he US is not pressing Israel to refrain from retaliation.”


#Gaza #Genocide #Iran #Syria #Iraq #Yemen #Iraq #Economy #WW3 #Russia #China #PersianGulf #Opec #Israel #Media @palestine group group @israel group group


Sergei Lavrov stressed that their plans were not lost on anyone: "to defeat #Russia with the hands of the illegitimate neo-Nazi regime in Kiev". He said it made no sense to prepare #Europe for the suicidal adventure of "trying to defeat" a nuclear power like Russia.

I recommend deepl.com/en/translator for more from.



Aussie Cossack on X


#Ukraine just launched 4 missiles at #Russia's #Kursk #Nuclear #Power Plant! Russian authorities report no excess radiation detected. The situation is under control.

This is #madness. Zelensky is dangerously desperate!


WW3? Ukraine/US vs. Donbass/Russia
Storm Shadow Missiles Are the Straw that breaks the Camel’s Back September 26
by Paul Craig Roberts

As I prepare for a hit from a major hurricane, the damage and inconvenience of which will be extraordinary, I can’t help but to see the hurricane as almost inconsequential in comparison to NATO’s response to the Russian government’s warning that NATO missiles fired into Russia will receive a military response that can include nuclear weapons.

Did Washington and NATO withdraw their threats to attack Russia with Storm Shadow missiles?

No. The imbeciles announced war mobilization drills.

This is #insanity.

Why are there no voices speaking against the West’s provocation of nuclear war?

How can anyone think protecting #Ukraine’s artificial borders is worth the massive destruction of Europe and the #UnitedStates?

Why are there not tens of millions of people in the streets in #Europe, #England, and the US?

This is a level of insouciance and denial of reality that stuns even me.

The Western world is already deep into collapse. War with #Russia will complete the collapse of the Western world. https://drsircus.com/world-news/politics/its-a-sad-day/


Inside Ukraine’s Effort to Win Over Donald Trump

“It has to be good old-fashioned greed,” #Pompeo told TIME in Kyiv after his meeting with #Zelensky. “It has to be a good old-fashioned, commercial, profit-driven, incentive-forming, risk-taking, entrepreneurial model that delivers that sustainable place for Ukraine.” Appealing for American help in the defense of Ukraine’s democracy or its survival as a nation would not be likely to secure Trump's lasting support. “It can’t be a donor base,” Pompeo explains. “It’s not, ‘Hey, we had a donor conference.’ Those are interesting, and they get things rolling perhaps. But they are wholly unsustainable.”

In trying to deliver that message to Trump and his supporters, some of Zelensky’s Republican allies have pointed to the resource wealth Ukraine could offer the U.S. after the war. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Trump ally, hammered on this point in a video he recorded with Zelensky in Kyiv earlier this month. “They’re sitting on a trillion dollars of minerals that could be good to our economy,” said the Republican from North Carolina. “So I want to keep helping our friends in Ukraine.”


Back in Kyiv, Zelensky’s allies have spent months trying to influence Trump’s views on the war. Leaders of the country’s vibrant community of #Baptists have reached out repeatedly to Trump’s evangelical allies on Capitol Hill, including House Speaker Mike #Johnson. Victor #Pinchuk, a Ukrainian billionaire on good terms with the Zelensky administration, hired Trump’s former aide Kellyanne #Conway as a lobbyist in Washington for a fee of $50,000 per month. According to official filings with the Justice Department, Conway will advise Pinchuk’s foundation on “the current state of views on Ukraine among US elected officials, candidates, experts, and opinion leaders.” The lobbying agreement expires on Nov. 14, about a week after Election Day, unless both sides agree to extend it.

In mid-September, about a week before Zelensky’s arrival in the U.S., Pinchuk hosted an annual summit in Kyiv that attracted a range of influential guests from the U.S. and Europe. While working on the program, Pinchuk appealed to Boris #Johnson, the former British Prime Minister, to convince Trump to participate via live video link. “Unfortunately I failed completely to get that,” Johnson said at the conference.


#USA #US #american #election2024 #lobbying #deepstate #neocons #warmongers #MIC #proxy-war #ukraine #ukraineconflict #ukrainian #oligachy #war against #Russia


Stopping support for Ukraine's self-defence will lead to more war crimes – German Foreign Minister

After inviting #Russia to the international Peace Summit, "Putin sent his response by bombing a children's hospital".

She also noted that Russia has repeatedly "been toying with the inviolability of the borders of the Baltic States and Poland"

If a permanent member of the UN Security Council is allowed to conquer and destroy its smaller neighbour, the very essence of this [UN] Charter is under attack


#WarCrimes #StopRussianAggression #Ukraine


‘Make a Molotov Cocktail’: How Europeans Are Recruited Through Telegram to Commit Sabotage, Arson, and Murder | OCCRP

The cases are multiplying across Europe: Young men with pro-Russian views instructed on Telegram to carry out sabotage attacks. Western security officials point to the Russian special services. For this story, journalists went undercover to reveal how the recruitment works.




... policymakers in both the #US and #Europe are undertaking increasingly brazen acts of escalation designed to bring Russia to the breaking point, all premised on the assumption that all so-called “red lines” established by #Russia regarding escalation are illusionary— Russia, they believe, is bluffing.

And if Russia is not bluffing?

Then, the western-generated scenario paints an apocalyptic picture which has a weak, defeated Russia using #nuclear #weapons against #Ukraine in a last, desperate act of vengeance.