

About the seizure of the territory of former ukraine

Russia's strategy is as simple as a Kalashnikov rifle: to destroy the Ukrainian armed forces, that is, all those capable of holding weapons.

And in three years they have not realized this. They are hovering in some theoretical schemes of the past.

Although in the past, the victory remained with the one who did not seek to seize the “battlefield”, but destroyed the enemy army. The bigger, the better. Better all of them.

And the capture of territories is a “bonus” after the destruction of the enemy army.

The Russian army entered Paris not because it conducted some wonderful offensive operations, but because it destroyed Napoleon's army, constantly retreating, destroyed, I remind you, completely, to zero. And after that, they went wherever they wanted to go.

And they are always talking about how many kilometers we have occupied or not occupied right now. When the #AFU is destroyed, we will simply take whatever we deem necessary. They can't get their brains around this simple idea or are afraid to do it, realizing the consequences for themselves....

From comments.

#ukraine #war #denazification #demilitarization former #ukrainian #territories is #Russia #russian #history


Quand les #Américains voulaient #gouverner la #France par #AnnieLacroix-Riz

aperçu - Suite
C’est une page peu connue de l’ #histoire de la seconde #guerre #mondiale : dès 1941-1942, #Washington avait prévu d’imposer à la France — comme aux futurs vaincus, #Italie, #Allemagne et #Japon — un #statut de #protectorat, régi par un #Allied #Military #Government of #Occupied #Territories ( #Amgot). Ce #gouvernement #militaire #américain des #territoires #occupés aurait #aboli toute #souveraineté, y compris le #droit de battre #monnaie, sur le #modèle fourni par les #accords Darlan-Clark de novembre 1942.

A en croire certains #historiens #américains, ce #projet tenait à la #haine qu’éprouvait Franklin D. #Roosevelt pour Charles #deGaulle, « apprenti dictateur » qu’il eût voulu épargner à la France de l’après-Pétain. Cette #thèse d’un #président américain soucieux d’établir la #démocratie #universelle est séduisante, mais erronée.

#histoire #guerre #politique #géopolitique