

Vice Media Headed For Bankruptcy

📌 Vice, the brash digital-media disrupter that charmed giants like #Disney and #Fox into investing before a stunning crash-landing, is preparing to file for bankruptcy, according to two people with knowledge of its operations.

📌 The filing could come in the coming weeks, according to three people familiar with the matter who weren’t authorized to discuss the potential bankruptcy on the record.

📌 The company has been looking for a buyer, and still might find one, to avoid declaring bankruptcy. More than five companies have expressed interest in acquiring Vice, according to a person briefed on the discussions. The chances of that, however, are growing increasingly slim, said one of the people with knowledge of the potential bankruptcy.

📌 A bankruptcy filing would be a bleak coda to the tumultuous story of Vice, a new-media interloper that sought to supplant the media establishment before persuading it to invest hundreds of millions of dollars. In 2017, after a funding round from the private-equity firm TPG, Vice was worth $5.7 billion. But today, by most accounts, it’s worth a tiny fraction of that.

📌 In the event of a bankruptcy, Vice’s largest debtholder, Fortress Investment Group, could end up controlling the company, said one of the people. Vice would continue operating normally and run an auction to sell the company over a 45-day period, with Fortress in pole position as the most likely acquirer.

#vice #Media #Bakruptcy #Politics #Economy #US

NY Times Paywall Link


Scott Maxwell, a columnist for the Orlando Sentinel, argued this week that #DeSantis' obsession with punishing #Disney had become so destructive that "the wheels have come off" the entire venture.

The problem, as Maxwell sees it, is that DeSantis simply doesn't know how to handle improving his national profile in a way that doesn't involve nonstop culture warring that will grow off-putting to non-Republican voters.

"See, your average #American doesn’t believe #Mickey and #Minnie are trying to turn #preschoolers #gay or that the Main Street Electrical Parade is a covert #Pride operation," he writes. "They’re not obsessed with #drag queens. And they’re not keen on #book #bans." #LGBTQ #Florida #GOP #GOPLiars #Disneyworld


100 Jahre Disney: Mit Zeichentrick zum Weltkonzern | DW | 18.04.2023

Mit nur 40 Dollar soll sich Walt Disney einst auf den Weg nach Hollywood gemacht haben. 100 Jahre später kennt jedes Kind seinen Namen. Der Zeichentrickpionier schuf ein riesiges Film- und Medienunternehmen.#WaltDisney #Disney #Disney #MickeyMouse
100 Jahre Disney: Mit Zeichentrick zum Weltkonzern | DW | 18.04.2023


Schloss Neuschwanstein: Märchentraum und Depot für NS-Raubkunst | DW | 08.04.2023

Es ist das Märchenschloss schlechthin. Neuschwanstein inspirierte Walt Disney und lockt jährlich rund 1,4 Millionen Touristen an. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges aber diente es den Nazis als Raubkunst-Lager.#SchlossNeuschwanstein #NS-Raubkunst #Märchen #Disney #Hitler #Allgäu #Bayern #KönigLudwigII
Schloss Neuschwanstein: Märchentraum und Depot für NS-Raubkunst | DW | 08.04.2023


I was wondering what was up with that whole "this will be in effect until 21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England living as of the date of this Declaration," language in that whole Disney thing. I figured it was something very specific they were trying to accomplish legally. Apparently it is all about a longstanding legal tradition and a common law concept known as the “rule against perpetuities.” Basically you have to tie the covenant to 21 years after the death of some living person at the time it was signed. I figured they were going to make sure the legal case was buttoned up tight as a drum. Go Disney! FU DeSantis and the rest of your Republican enablers. #disney #desantis
Royal clause and King Charles III invoked in Disney vs. DeSantis board dispute


#BlackRock : Comment une #entreprise #contrôle le #monde dans l'ombre - #LouisEsquier

— Synopsis —
Vous ne le connaissez pas mais voici l’homme qui se rapproche le plus de boss final d’un jeu vidéo mais dans la vraie vie.

Cet homme est si puissant qu’il peut faire bouger l’ #économie comme il veut et dicte ses #lois.
C’est bien évidemment l’un des hommes les plus puissants du monde.
Cet homme dirige dans l’ombre toutes les boites qui font votre quotidien… #Apple, #Google, #Facebook, #Amazon, #Disney, #Netflix, possède la plupart des #banques #américaines et c’est même le seul chef d’ #entreprise qui a eu un siège à l’ #Élysée. Oui.
Ça parait délirant dit comme ça et presque surréaliste.

Voici BlackRock.

BlackRock possède toutes les #Bigpharma ainsi que la plupart des #médias #mainstreams #américains tout en étant l’entreprise qui gère plus de 10% de toutes les transactions dans le monde.
BlackRock est si puissant que l’entreprise est valorisée à 10 000 milliards de #dollars ce qui fait d’elle le troisième plus gros #PIB de la #planète derrière les #États-Unis et la #Chine.

Découvrez qui est l’un des hommes les plus puissants au monde et quel pouvoir il a sur vous.

#politique #économie #finance #gafam