

https://hoosier.social/@thekitmalone/112932924866901336 thekitmalone@hoosier.social - REMINDER!

ICV and yours truly are hosting DUNGEONS & DEMOCRACY tomorrow at 1pm at the Upland College Ave. Tasting Room (4842 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46205).

Get your character past obstacles to cast their vote! I'll followup the gaming session with a primer on Indiana election laws.

The event is FREE and all ages. (due to a snafu the RSVP says it's not accepting new entries, but we have space I promise!)


#TTRPG #DnD #HoosierMast #Indianapolis #Vote



An open letter to D&D and it's creators Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro to please NOT enact the horrible OGL that they have announced,
some big names have already signed.

Mage Hand Press, Foundry Virtual Tabletop, Rogue Genius Games, Plane Shift Press, Alchemy RPG, The DM Tool Chest, Sly Flourish, The DM Lair, Bat in the Attic Games, Astral Gaming, Lone Wolf Development,

many, many more.

#DND #OGL2 #OPENDND #TTRPG #RolePlaying #RolePlayingGames #WOTC #OGL1


Dans l'antre de Xanathar

La campagne de #DnD #levoldesdragons touche à sa fin et nos 4 héros, perdus dans l'antre de Xanathar le Tyranœil, sont à deux doigts de mettre les mains sur le fabuleux trésor Neverember. Mais y survivront-ils ?

#jdr #jeuderoles #roleplay @fetidegrigou


Alright, I'm going to say something I've said before. Something that is maybe a little unfair and little unpopular in certain quarters. And I'm going to preface it by saying this is not me judging the people involved, just pointing out a pitfall that I don't think most of them see.

OSR gaming is a trap.

Trying to recreate the magic of your first days of gaming is toxic nostalgia for most of us. Because for most of us, it is trying to evoke an era that was, by and large, a pretty crappy time and a pretty crappy experience unless you were a straight, white, cisgendered and middle-class or rich man or boy.

The baseline assumptions of early D&D, AD&D and clones/supporting products were vile. Harlot tables, homosexuality as a mental disorder, gender dysphoria as a joke and curse, women characters with lower stats than men because 'that's the way it is', etc. And let's not even get into the crazy racial subtext.

I think I may have seen that earlier than most because I am gay and the guy who taught me to play was black and I watched him try to figure out where that fit in the D&D game worlds where everybody was white by default or later when the only people of color were bad guys or savages. (By the way, Reggie, wherever you are, I owe you for a lifetime of gaming love. Thanks, dude.)

Nostalgia in small doses is not a bad thing. Making it your focus, without critical commentary, artistic expression or attempt to bring the best of those ideas into the modern world and a more inclusive ethos, is very much a bad thing.

If I saw more attempts to transform those old games, rather than venerate them, I'd be a lot less skeptical, and frankly worried, about OSR gaming and the culture it creates. But as it stands now, seeing that culture birth and sustain monsters isn't exactly a surprise. It's all about recreating a time when those guys weren't seen as monsters.

#tabletop #rpg #DND #OSR


One of the things my co-GM and I discussed when we started talking about our ‘D&D with Social Media’ campaign, which I may start calling Aliethia (from the Greek word for ‘Truth’, because I have a thing for ironic names), was the idea that the unique communications that make the local Internet equivalent work in the setting because of a giant iceberg-like of pure crystallized thought that was somehow pulled out of the Astral Plane, destroying the original city that stood where Aliethia is now and creating a mineral resource.

Each part of the crystal is still somehow in contact with the whole, which can act as a mega-server of sorts. Once this magic property was observed, it was only a matter of time before people started working with it for their advantage. And work it they have, over the following couple of centuries. The technology of the city is largely Late Medieval into the Renaissance, but in terms of how they store and access data, communicate with one another and are entertained, it is a much more 21st century feel. Perhaps even a little more advanced than our own world.

Practically everybody in the city has the equivalent to a smartphone, giving them access to their version of the Internet and that is a major feature of the setting. Isaac, my co-GM is leaning towards crystalline visors, but I’m championing ion stones. We’ll probably end up going with both.

As we try to map out various bits of the setting in terms of society and such, I’ll post more on how the economy, society, fantasy social media and dungeon crawling as a sport/Twitch culture work, if people are interested.

For instance, I am deeply interested in playing a Goblin Sorcerer in the game. Goblins aren’t exactly photogenic and despite there being many ‘humanoid’ citizens of the city of Aliethia some humans and demi-humans have lingering prejudices, so that’s problem with growing his Patron count. On the other hand, he’s an engaging little guy, flamboyant and wild and having a tendency towards truly spectacular BOOM spells. Which gives him a shot at becoming a ‘star’ of sorts, with all the perks and gold that brings with it.

#DnD #Campaign #RPGs #Aliethia


Wir haben gerade #Dungeons and #Dragons gespielt.
Wir haben gegen Frostriesen gekämpft.
Die waren in einem Raum eingesperrt, über einem Treppenhaus.
Wir gingen durch die Tür, sahen die Riesen, und dachten uns "Nope" und sind wieder raus, nachdem der Tabaxi-Barde dem Oberriesen seine eigene Axt auf den Kopf gehauen hat. WIr hatten netterweise einen fliegenden Teppich, auf dem wir zur Seite geflogen sind. Der Chef reißt die Wand auf (die Tür war nur Menschen-groß) und fällt erstmal das Treppenhaus runter. (die treppe ist nur halb so groß wie ein Fuß von so nem Riesen). Der Nächste Riese kommt, verliert im Laufe des Kampfes das Gleichgewicht und fällt auf den Chef. Der nächste Riese will runterklettern,meine Elfe schießt ihm einen Pfeil in die Hand, er fällt auf den Haufen.
Noch ein Riese will runterklettern, die Kriegerin wirft Säure auf die Hand, der Riese fällt runter.
So fällt ein Riese nach dem anderen das Treppenhaus runter und klatscht auf den Boden...
Dem Spieler vom Minotauren-Berserker, der nicht bei dem Kampf dabei war (er ist mit nem anderen Charakter außen am Turm hochgeflogen), war langweilig. Da hat er einfach mal ein Bildchen gemalt.
#DnD #Rollenspiel #roleplay #Itsrainingaxesandgiants #fantasy