

A quotation by Krutch, Joseph Wood

Bad roads act as filters. They separate those who are sufficiently appreciative of what lies beyond the blacktop to be willing to undergo mild inconvenience from that much larger number of travelers which is not willing. The rougher the road, the finer the filter.

Joseph Wood Krutch (1893-1970) American educator, writer, critic, naturalist

Baja California and the Geography of Hope, Introduction (1967)

#quote #quotation #access #development #effort #filter #road #wilderness

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/krutch-joseph-wood/53557/


CartNat : Une Cartographie du gradient de naturalité potentielle de France métropolitaine


Le projet CartNat vise à développer une méthode de cartographie de la naturalité potentielle. Ces travaux ont abouti en 2021 pour la France métropolitaine terrestre et les cartographies produites consistent en 4 couches spatiales :

  1. L’intégrité biophysique de l’occupation du sol
  2. La spontanéité des processus
  3. Les continuités spatiales
  4. La carte synthétique du gradient de naturalité potentielle à partir des critères 1 à 3

Les cartographies sont aujourd’hui mises à disposition (format ESRI Geodatabase – 2.3 GB) et la notice technique qui les accompagne décrit la méthodologie appliquée.

#uicn #cartographie #sig #naturalité #nature #wilderness #mapping #gis #france #géographie #geography


A space startup says it has successfully demonstrated the ability to use ordinary, unmodified mobile telephones to connect to satellite Internet services

The Virginia-based company, Lynk, sent its "Shannon" satellite into orbit three months ago as part of a rideshare mission on a Falcon 9 rocket. After some initial tests, the company said "hundreds" of mobile phones in the United States, United Kingdom, and the Bahamas were able to connect with the satellite as it passed overhead, as if it were a virtual cell phone tower in space.

"Basically, our satellite looks to your cell phone like a standard cell tower," said Charles Miller, the co-founder and chief executive of Lynk.

Some technical challenges had to be overcome, as described in the linked article, but I wonder what sort of hurdles the telecoms regulatory issues will impose.

See A Virginia company has connected mobile phones directly to satellites

#technology #satellite #emergencies #mobile #wilderness


Lynk will start with intermittent text messages and expand from there.



Monks Wood #Wilderness: 60 years ago, scientists let a farm field #rewild – here’s what happened

In the archive of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology there is a typed note from the 1960s that planted the seed of an idea. Written by Kenneth Mellanby, director of the Monks Wood Experimental Station, a former research centre in Cambridgeshire, UK, the note describes a four-hectare arable field that lies next to the station and the ancient woodland of the Monks Wood National Nature Reserve. After harvesting a final barley crop, the field was ploughed and then abandoned in 1961.

The note reads: It might be interesting to watch what happens to this area if man does not interfere. Will it become a wood again, how long will it take, which species will be in it?

So began the Monks Wood Wilderness experiment, which is now 60 years old. A#rewilding study before the term existed, it shows how allowing land to naturally regenerate can expand native woodland and help tackle climate change and biodiversity loss.

enter image description here
Early 1960s

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#nature #MonksWood


When I was down at the shoreline taking photos with my wide angle lens I saw these clouds developing at the horizon! I hustled back up to the cabin to get my long lens so I could capture these. They surely look like mammatus clouds. I just thought it odd that they would form so late in the day and at the edge of large cloud bank.

#myphoto #wilderness