

So... #TrumpVirus clearly violated 18USC, Section 793 - Espionage Act.- subsection C, etc... - Meidas Touch Report:

"Trump now has a real, serious laptop scandal on his hands. It could be direct proof that he violated the Espionage Act."

BREAKING: Trump CAUGHT in his own LAPTOP Scandal NOW

Giving classified documents to aides and to a #GQP PAC via electronic copies made of the documents Trump stole...
How much more mountain of evidence is needed? Now there is, present, "the laptop from hell".

#laptop #MAGA #sedition #espionage #accountability #documents #truth #justice


#BNF #Gallica #Documents #Mode_d_emploi


Coucou tout le monde !

Je n'ai jamais compris ni réussi à faire une recherche sur le site de la BNF, ni Gallica.
Je mets l'objet de la requête dans la fenêtre de recherche, et me retrouve avec des choses qui n'ont rien à voir sur Gallica, et sur la BNF je trouve des "notices" mais pas le document, etc. C'est frustrant, d'autan qu'il paraît que nous avons là une mine prodigieuse d'informations.

Ma question est donc :
-> Comment fait-on pour trouver un document scanné, livre, ou autre, sur la BNF ou sur Gallica ?
Quelqu'un peut-il l'expliquer simplement ?

Mille mercis d'avance 🤗


#Info, #Google est si puissant qu'il nous cache les autres #moteurs de #recherche.


Nous ignorons tout simplement l'existence de la plupart d'entre eux.

www.refseek.com est un #MoteurDeRecherche de #ressources #académiques.Plus d'un milliard de #sources
www.worldcat.org - #recherchez dans le #contenu de 20 000 #bibliothèques #mondiales.
link.springer.com - accès à plus de 10 millions de #documents #scientifiques : #livres, #articles,
www.bioline.org.br est une #bibliothèque de #revues #bioscientifiques #publiées
repec.org - Des volontaires de 102 #pays ont collecté près de 4 millions de #publications
www.science.gov est un #moteur de recherche du #gouvernement #américain pour plus de 2200 #sites #scientifiques.
www.pdfdrive.com est le plus grand site #Web de #téléchargement #gratuit de #livres #PDF. Réclamez plus de 225 millions de #titres.
www.base-search.net est l'un des moteurs de recherche les plus puissants pour les #textes de #recherche #académique.Plus de 100 millions d' #articles #scientifiques dont 70% #gratuits




#InfoGraphique – Chronique d’Olivier Berruyer #02
Au programme aujourd’hui : après la grave explosion des #gazoducs #NordStream, quelles conséquences concrètes allons-nous subir ? Se chauffer va-t-il devenir un luxe réservé aux plus aisés ? Sommes-nous condamnés aux cols roulés pendant que les #ultrariches se déplacent en Jet privé ? Notre #économie entière va-t-elle tenir le choc ? Les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes, il est temps de parler de ce que les #médias #mainstreams n'expliquent pas.

🟢 Voici la série complète sur NORD STREAM, pour plus de détails, d’explications, et pour retrouver l'ensemble de nos #documents :
ARTICLE 1 - Les origines : https://elucid.media/politique/nord-stream-russie-securite-energetique-europe-allemagne/
ARTICLE 2 - Les conséquences https://elucid.media/politique/attentat-nord-stream-nos-economies-vont-elles-tenir-le-choc/

00:00 - 03:58 : L' #explosion Nord Stream
03:58 - 17:29 : Après le #sabotage, quelles conséquences pour les #États ?
17:29 - 18:30 : #Catastrophe #environnementale
18:30 - 21:36 : La #Chine : grande gagnante de la #crise
21:36 - 28:35 : #Conséquences pour la #France et l' #Europe
28:35 : Fin de l' #abondance

#politique #énergie #InfoGraphique02 #Élucid #NordStream


An appeals court rules the DOJ can regain access to documents seized from Mar-a-Lago

The appeals court also pointedly noted that Trump had presented no evidence that he had declassified the sensitive records, as he maintained as recently as Wednesday, and rejected the possibility that Trump could have an "individual interest in or need for" the roughly 100 documents with classification markings that were seized by the FBI in its Aug. 8 search of the Palm Beach property.


#trump #documents #appeal #doj


FBI Plants Docs at Mar-a-Lago
When 50 armed Gestapo occupied President Trump’s Mara-a-Lago home while he was away in New York, they demanded that his lawyer Christina Bobb, who was present at Mar-a-Lago when the agents conducted the search, disable the estate’s security cameras—ostensibly so they could ransack the place and plant evidence without getting caught on camera. Bobb wisely refused, and the FBI forced staff, guests, and Mar-a-Lago’s security force outdoors as they made entry. A housekeeper was purportedly held at gunpoint for refusing to identify herself. The FBI unlawfully detained everyone present, saying they were “not free to leave.”

We all know the official narrative: the FBI, under instructions from a criminal attorney general and a Trump-hating, Jeffrey Epstein and Hussein Obama-loving Judge, spent seven hours ransacking the president’s home in search of so-called secret documents he had allegedly taken from the White House, including, according to the Bezos-owned Washington Post, nuclear secrets, a claim Trump has rebuked.


#FBI #Fake #Documents #Mar-a-Lago


Researcher fully recovers text from pixels: Opaque shapes provide more assurance than pixelation

Using pixelation to redact images? Those pixels may not actually be hiding anything.

This week, Dan Petro, Lead Researcher at offensive security firm Bishop Fox has demonstrated how he was able to completely recover text from an image redacted via the pixelation method. Further, the researcher has released a GitHub tool that can be used by anyone to reconstruct text from obscure, pixelated images.

But Petro shows why it might be safer to just stick good old opaque bars over the text you want to hide, rather than chancing it with alternate techniques — especially with pixelation. “The bottom line is that when you need to redact text, use black bars covering the whole text. Never use anything else. No pixelization, no blurring, no fuzzing, no swirling,” warns Petro.

See https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/researcher-fully-recovers-text-from-pixels-how-to-reverse-redaction/

#technology #privacy #redaction #documents
#Blog, ##documents, ##privacy, ##redaction, ##technology


Unlike most browsers on iOS, the Documents app can render offline JavaScript and web pages from saved files

Whilst trying to get Wordle to run offline on iOS, I noticed neither Safari, Firefox nor Brave would render the offline JavaScript files (apparently all the browsers on iOS have to use the underlying Safari engine, and we know how Apple restricts nice things).

This is how I came upon the Documents app which can not only do this rendering easily, it also connects to various cloud storage services, can annotate PDFs, opens any file type, has a VPN, and a bunch more stuff all from a single app. Some features like rendering to PDF, though, are pay to use.

In retrospect, I found out that Safari’s offline Reading List function would handle Wordle, but it is nice to know that Documents can actually do so many things inside a single app. And if Wordle has finally gone, then the offline Reading List mode won’t be able to save it for offline use (it has to have been saved before the site goes offline), but Documents will still be able to do the job if you have obtained the files later on.

See https://readdle.com/documents

#technology #ios #documents #offline #mobile
#Blog, ##ios, ##mobile, ##offline, ##technology