

#Iran's first interceptor drone

The Air Defense Force of Iran has successfully equipped the jet-powered #drone “Karrar-3” with an infrared-guided, air-to-air “Majid” missile, said Brig.-Gen. Alireza Sabahifard yesterday (22 ⁠Oct).

After 1.5 year of research and trial, the “Majid” AD-08 surface-to-air missile was turned into air-to-air. The warhead can detonate various aerial targets with a 700-m to 8-kilometer range. #Karrar is the first Iranian #military drone with a record service ceiling of 47,000 feet (14.3 ⁠km).

The name of this project is “Rasoul”. It provides the ability to quickly respond to drone attacks.


#Turkey says it will not bow to threats after #US downs its drone in #Syria

• Top Turkish official calls US partnership with PKK offshoot “tremendous stupidity”

• Turkish Foreign Ministry says the #drone was downed due to technical disagreements with US

⚡️ Turkish FM Fidan talks to #Blinken, and “strongly” tells his American counterpart that #Washington should stop working with YPG in Syria.

• Fidan also tells Blinken that Turkey will decisively continue its counter terror operations in Iraq and Syria

• Fidan and Blinken, regarding the downed Turkish drone, agreed that the de-confliction mechanism between the two #Nato allies should work without disrupting #Ankara’s counter terror operations


der analoge mann probiert ...
... nachdem der gestrige Testaufbau in einer mentalen Katastrophe endete, hat der analoge mann sich heute erst einmal um die Grundierung mit Lyra8, Mikrofon und Effekten gekümmert ... und siehe da, die Katastrophe Nummer 2 wurde abgewendet. Weitere Ideen liegen auch schon auf dem Tisch ... nur noch die große Frage: Mit oder ohne Beats?
Fortsetzung folgt (eventuellvielleicht) ...

#deranalogemann #noisefest #2 #noise #drone #industrial #konzert #probe


#Film : Opération Eye in the Sky
Une opération de #drone au Kenya impliquant des terroristes et des civils voit son issue suspendue à une chaîne de décisions politiques... Un suspense en temps réel qui interroge les enjeux moraux des guerres modernes.

Depuis le principe de la guerre à distance, au fond, celui qui donne l'ordre de tirer pourrait aussi tirer...
À un moment, dans ce film, j'ai vraiment compris pourquoi c'est le colonel qui est à donner les ordres, mais ne tire pas, et pourquoi c'est une jeune recrue qui est à obéir, avec le devoir de tirer...
Décidément... La #hiérarchisation des taches pour se protéger...

“La #guerre, un massacre de gens qui ne se connaissent pas, au profit de gens qui se connaissent mais ne se massacrent pas.”
– Paul Valéry


A hacker's view at commercial drone security


We'll take a look at how #DJI - dominating player for commercial and recreational #drones - builds their #software, specifically from a #security angle.

This talk will discuss DJI #drones, most specifically the DJI #Mini-series; looking at the #hardware, discussing attack angles, up to a full #compromise of a current #drone for custom firmware purposes.

Along the way, we'll look at a lot of security WTFs that allow to pwn these devices. The amount and quality of bugs sometimes feel like you're trapped in a very cool hardware CTF.

We'll go from #sniffing hardware busses, making fun of incorrect usage of #SoC security features over to how DJI consistently and knowingly violates the GPL, into executing custom code on the flight controller and Linux system.


#uav #fpv #ccc


#3Movies about #drones worth watching ...

1) Eye in the Sky - https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/333352-eye-in-the-sky
What would happen if the #military wasn't just staffed by inhuman assholes who don't give a shit about #CollateralDamage? Then one would ask oneself if it is justifiable to kill a little girl who happens to be selling her bread next to a house with terrorists. Or else how to justify the death of the little girl for a higher goal. The debate seems somewhat hypocritical, as the US military has incinerated entire wedding parties with drones without consequence.
2) Drone - https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/452068-drone
Aren't #drone #pilots who intervene in war far from the front lines also #war participants and therefore legitimate targets in a #conflict. What happens if the other side attacks these pilots while they are at home with their families after their 8-hour shift?
3) Eye on Juliet - https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/471514-eye-on-juliet
He uses drones to protect a pipeline on another continent. In the process, he witnesses how a beautiful young woman is to be forcibly married. He falls in love with her and helps her escape with the drones. If you don't think outside the box, this is a #love story. But how creepy is it really? If he were an old geezer, he'd be a stalker, and besides, he's misusing the drones for his purpose. Apart from that, the drones #kill people who approach the pipeline.

#movie #entertainment #ethics #moral #future #technology #pilot #cinema #USA #CIA #Pentagon #DoD #terror #terrorism