

Do Electric Planes REALLY Work?! I tried one and here is what I think.

Hrmkay .. that could actually really be the very very first useful niche application for actual green electric aviation.

Mentor Now! Visits a flight school .. the Green Flight Academy in Skellefteå, Sweden, originally for professional reasons.

But he takes us along, for something very special - for now. ;)

Do Electric Planes REALLY Work?! I tried one and here is what I think.


#Mentour #Pilot #Now! #Electric #Aviation #RandomShit


For sure, while they actually use green energy for their main fuel, taking the wear and lifetime of batteries for this application in to account makes things a bit more complicated imho..

Heck, 500hrs of flight time per battery isn't _that_ much sadly.

But besides that. Not only does he seemingly loving to fly electric in the first place ... but i really can see how that setup - a flight school - really can work out in these conditions.

And in the long run ... the biggest problem of the still not yet really existing lithium battery recycling industry is the weird point that there aren't enough lithium cells to recycle in the first place.

They just keep on running for years on end. And the only source of recycling material is your freakin phone or tablet battery you replaced after .. what ... 5 years of usage finally? ;)

(The last one i replaced was built in 2014..... frickin' 9 years ;))
Do Electric Planes REALLY Work?! I tried one and here is what I think.


Tesla owners fuming as they are hit with £17,000 bill to fix car after 'driving in rain'

"After complaints from me, we received a call at 5.30pm on the Wednesday saying the battery was damaged due to water ingress and it was unfortunately not covered by the battery’s 8-year warranty and so the repair would be around £17,500. Did I wish to proceed?? I was flabbergasted and couldn’t really find my words."

John said he pressed representatives of #Tesla on whether he or Rob were at fault for the damage, to which he claims he was told that it was a weather issue. He added: "They said that the battery is effectively submerged in water. How can that be our fault?

"After finally getting to speak to a manager, he told me it had water in it due to the fact the weather in Scotland has been so bad. That was the issue. They said it’s not necessarily my fault but it’s not Tesla’s to pay under warranty. He reminded me there was a yellow weather warning in some parts of Scotland.

"I pushed him on this and said I've never heard or something like this happening. He said it can happen with Range Rovers and Mercs but I'm just not buying it. To date, it's been a disaster of a service and the stress and worry of this is excruciating.

"I said to the manager, ‘so, my understanding is, Teslas are unfit for purpose in Scotland?.” I’ve been driving for 30 years and this is my most premium car to date and this is what it does when Edinburgh’s roads get puddles or a little wet!"


#EV #cars #autos #Scotland #battery #Electric #ElectricCars #Scotland #rain #weather #Capitalism #CapitalismFails #scam #Consumer #complaints #BoycottTesla


made to explode

just another way to murder the stupid humans

#Electric #car#EXPLODES on driveway and sets fire to Merseyside family home after ‘battery malfunctions’


A family home was lit on fire after their ‘electric car’ reportedly exploded while sitting in their driveway.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service rushed to a family home in Bromborough, Wirral at around 10pm on Saturday night after receiving reports that a car was on fire. The blaze was put out in just ten minutes.

The Liverpool Echo reported that the façade of the two-storey family #home was #blackened by the #fire and that the garage was also previously on fire as well.

One man told the Echo that after speaking to the owners of the car this morning they believed the cause of the fire was a ‘malfunctioning electric car battery’, although this has not been officially confirmed by the fire service.

He said: ‘I was in bed and heard this popping noise. It sounded like fireworks going off.

‘I went outside with my mum and there were bright lights with a car up in flames over the road.

‘The owner was in the house when it happened but got out. She told me this morning that the car was only a month old with a thousand miles on the clock and the car battery malfunctioned.’

One woman said: ‘I heard tyres popping and people came out to see what was going on. Someone started screaming and people rushed out to help.

Read More: ‘Electric car’ EXPLODES on driveway and sets fire to Merseyside family home after ‘battery malfunctions’


Such moves could help to trigger an EV price war that may result in even more affordable, environmentally friendly options for consumers.


#EV #cars #electric


Colossal Cache of Lithium Found in US May Be World's Largest

Hydrothermal enrichment of lithium in intracaldera illite-bearing claystones

Developing a #sustainable supply chain for the global proliferation of #lithium ion batteries in #electric #vehicles and grid storage necessitates the extraction of lithium resources that minimize local environmental impacts. Volcano sedimentary lithium resources have the potential to meet this requirement, as they tend to be shallow, high-tonnage deposits with low waste:ore strip ratios. Illite-bearing Miocene lacustrine sediments within the southern portion of McDermitt caldera (USA) at Thacker Pass contain extremely high lithium grades... #economics #geology


Deutlich später: Anblick, Klang, Duft schlafender Häuser. Die neuen Nachbarn gegenüber kämpfen gegen die Nacht mit grellem kalten Licht, haben die Balkontür weit geöffnet, obgleich die Stunden beständig kühler werden. Zwischen angeregten Unterhaltungen klingt immer wieder lautes Gelächter, aber mit einem gekünstelten, müden Unterton. Irgendwann schreit eine Klingel, die Tür schließt, es wird stiller zwischen den Fassaden. (Von der Zeit am Rande von Tagen, von der unergründlichen Leere zwischen den Dächern und dem Nachthimmel, und von allem, worin sich schlafende Gedanken dazwischen verheddern können.)

#outerworld #in_between_days_in_between_nights #electric_twilight

#in between days in between nights #electric twilight


This girl brings up more red flags and some good info and confirms that the residents of #Lahaina do not want to give their #DNA to the FBI. Apparently they're asking for DNA from every single resident, not just the family members of the missing. I'll hold me tongue...

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5v3pInoRYmBs

NEW #MAUI FIRE OFFICIAL RELEASE OF MISSING VICTIMS NAMES [hawaii #electric caught in fire #coverup]