

Mehrere Accounts - endlich gibt es einen Client dafür! Soeben kurz angetestet, ist noch Beta, aber sieht schon gut aus. Darauf warte ich bei #Element schon seit 2 Jahren.

#FluffyChat #Matrix #MultiAccount

Peter Hormanns - 2022-01-18 19:42:18 GMT

Fluffychat kann mittlerweile mehrere Accounts verwalten, soweit ich es weiss



Hilfe | Probleme beim Anmelden mit Element Desktop

ich habe hier auf einen Linux Mint den Matrix Client Element Desktop installiert. Nicht als Flatpack sondern über das aktuelle Repository. Wenn ich mich nun Anmelden will, kommt die Meldung 'Meldie an...' und ein sich drehender Kreis. Problem ist das danach nichts mehr kommt, es läuft einfach immer weiter. Auf dem Smartphone und Tablet hingegen kann ich mich problemlos mit der Android Version von Element anmelden.

Habt Ihr eine Idee wo das Problem liegen könnte bzw. wie man es lösen kann?

Tags: #Hilfe #Element #Element-Desktop #Linux #Linux-Mint #Anmeldung #samor #2021-12-05


Google AppStore verlangt Altersverifikation für Element - schon wieder

Ähmm, sagt mal - war die Sache mit der #Altersfreigabe bei der Installation von #Element im #AppStore von #NoGoogle nicht geklärt?

Ich muss jetzt leider vorübergehend eine #Android - Wanze (frisch zurückgesetzt) an den Start bringen und habe mich um ein möglichst paranoides Setup hinsichtlich der #Privatsphäre bemüht, soweit das mit #DrecksAndroid überhaupt möglich ist.

Jetzt brauche ich #Element, aber da verlangt der AppStore, dass ich zwecks #Altersverifikation Kredikarteninformationen oder ein Ausweisdokument hochlade.

Wie bitte? Die Sache sollte doch seit 31.01.2021 gelöst sein?!?

Element suspended on Google Play Store: now resolved.


#Matrix #Element #Fedora

Fedora Magazine - 2021-11-01 08:00:00 GMT

Multiple Matrix sessions with Element on Fedora Linux

Element is a Matrix protocol client which allows you to communicate end-to-end-encrypted (E2EE) with anyone else using the Matrix protocol. Matrix is “an open network for secure, decentralized communication” and Element is your gateway into this network.

This article shows you how to operate multiple distinct sessions of the Element Matrix client on Fedora Linux.

An open network for secure, decentralized communication

A convenient way to operate an up-to-date Element client on your Fedora Linux is the Flatpak package. It is distributed via the Flatpak repository Flathub. Flatpak is an alternative package manager on Fedora Linux that considers itself the next-generation technology in building and distributing applications on Linux. Flathub is a public, distribution-agnostic repository.

An alternative gnome-native client is Fractal. Learn how to setup and use Fractal on the Fedora Magazine in Fractal: a GNOME Matrix chat client.

In some scenarios, most probably when using Matrix personally and at work, you want to operate multiple distinct sessions of Matrix on your Fedora Linux. Some clients like Element don’t feature a session selection or multiple logins in the same application window. Fortunately Element can start with different profiles. That’s what you and I are going to explore now. First you have to install Element, though. To do this you need the package manager Flatpak and the repository Flathub.

Install Flatpak, Flathub and Element

The Element Flatpak is distributed via Flathub. Begin by installing Flatpak and add the Flathub repository to it.
$ dnf install -y flatpak
$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
If you fancy more insight into Flatpak and Flathub visit the Fedora Magazine article on Getting Started with Flatpak.

Next install the Element Flatpak with flatpak install im.riot.Riot. After the installation is complete you should see a Desktop entry Element.

Element was once called Riot. Read up on its history in Element (Software) | Wikipedia

Setup multiple Matrix sessions

By default, Element will launch a nameless profile as your users primary session. The desktop entry of your window manager will most probably only open one session because of that default. The client itself, once started, does not provide a way to switch profiles nor to log into multiple accounts. Fortunately for you the terminal command features a ‐‐profile flag which you’ll use to your advantage.

The default desktop entry of your Element Flatpak installation is located under /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/im.riot.Riot.desktop. Its contents look like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/element --file-forwarding im.riot.Riot @@u %U @@
The magic happens in the Exec= statement. Copy / modify this file and at the end of the Exec= line add the ‐‐profile flag. E.g. one with ‐‐profile personal and the other with ‐‐profile work. This instructs Element to use a different profile than the default one. If you installed the Element Flatpak with the ‐‐user flag, the desktop entry will be in ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/im.riot.Riot.desktop instead. In this case, substitute /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/im.riot.Riot.desktop to ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications/im.riot.Riot.desktop in the following copy command:
$ cp /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/im.riot.Riot.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/im.riot.Riot-work.desktop
$ vim ~/.local/share/applications/im.riot.Riot-work.desktop
$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/im.riot.Riot-work.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Element (work)
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=/app/bin/element --file-forwarding im.riot.Riot @@u %U @@ --profile work
A little quirk: if you already started one session with a ‐‐profile flag the original without the flag won’t start. It works the other way around though.

If you want to change the name of an existing profile you simply rename the profile folder from your home directory under ~/.var/app/im.riot.Riot/config. The default profile is called Element while the new work profile is called Element-work.


Nice! You setup Flatpak and Flathub on your device and gained access to many awesome Flatpak packages out there. You then installed the Element Flatpak before you setup multiple desktop entries to conveniently open up any number of distinct matrix account sessions.

Did you know that you can access the freenode / IRC world through Matrix? Check it out on the Fedora Magazine in Access freenode using Matrix clients.- - - - - -




Excited! New https://element.io website and new simpler pricing plans for enterprises. Open source encrypted communications with no vendor lock-in for the win!

Yes, really, when you use your own domain, you can take your data and go to another hosting company and your users wont notice a thing. Of course, we at Element Matrix Services will do everything to make it worth staying ;)

Also all our bridge offerings (#Telegram, #Signal, #WhatsApp, #Teams, #Discord, #Slack, #IRC) are now billed per remote active user instead of a flat fee. This means no more restrictions on how many rooms or users one can bridge - you only pay for what you bridge!

New pricing plans blog post: https://element.io/blog/simpler-plans-for-element-on-premise-and-cloud/

Ps. We're also hiring across the board! Come join a great growing company, feel free to ping with questions!

#element #matrix




Element (was Riot.im)


Free option
Server federation
“Bridges” for interoperability with other apps
E2EE text chat
No phone number or email needed for signup


Questions over Matrix server network reliability
Not fully audited

All the other messenger apps discussed in this article rely on a centralized server network to function (although, as in the case of using AWS, this can be a highly distributed network).

Element is instead built on the idea of federation. Users can set up their own servers using the Matrix communications protocol or connect to Matrix servers that have been set up by other users. Federation has received the support of Edward Snowden, but remains a controversial idea due to the potentially unreliable ad-hoc peer-to-peer nature of such a network.

Matrix servers are interoperable, so any user of any Matrix client (Element is the most popular of these) can communicate with any other Matrix user. Matrix “bridges” even allow for communication with the users of other popular messaging platforms, such as Signal, Slack, or even WhatsApp.

Matrix (and thus Element) uses the Olm implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm, with Megolm used for group communications. All Element apps, plus the Matrix protocol itself, are open source, but have not been formally audited. Olm and Megolm, however, have.

An email or phone number is not required to register with Element, although these can be added to make contact matching easier. By default, messages are hosted on a large public server run by Matrix, but you can connect to any Matrix server or set one up yourself in a matter of seconds.

All text chats and 1:1 voice and video calls are end-to-end encrypted. Group voice and video calls ( which also allow screen sharing) leverage Jitsi ( without E2EE support in Element at the present time). The Element app is free, but premium plans are available for Element-managed Matrix servers.


Ajeet Kaur ⋄ Sacred Waters ⋄ Kundalini yoga meditations ⋄ Relaxation ⋄ Balance and radiance

Question: Your first CD, Sacred Waters, has received extremely positive reviews. You have selected 3 mantras for this CD. Why did you choose these mantras?

Whenever anyone asks me how I chose the mantras, I have to say I didn’t really choose them. Like everything that Kundalini Yoga teaches, the universe just presented them to me to share. I was teaching a yoga class and I was looking for something on majesty. The Sat Nayaran meditation works for majesty and I fell in love with that mantra. I composed the music and went into class and taught it. It was very much on the spot, since it seemed like a great melody that was very simple and didn’t take away from the meditation. All these shabds are about letting go and letting the flow take over. The process of making this CD was all part of that flow.

I started to chant the Narayan Shabad as a way to take it deeper. I love the theme of water, which just washes things away. I was loving my daily practice of Sat Narayan and I thought that if I practiced the shabd everyday, that would take it a little deeper. The melody just seemed to make its way there and it stuck.

Gobinda is often translated as “sustainer”, but it also represents the water element, so it has a similar vibration as the other tracks. The entire CD works on washing away whatever doesn’t serve us anymore. Gobinda organically found its way into this project, since I had written it much earlier in time. I was walking out of the gurdwara one day and just started singing the tune. I added the shabd part into that song later on, and the English is just the translation of the shabd. This shabd is the first part of a prayer called Bayntee Chaupaee by Guru Gobind Singh. It is from the evening prayer, Rehiraas, which balances the water element.

#music #sacred-chants #water #element #Ajeet-Kaur


Element.io lève 30 millions de dollars et Matrix explose !


ouhhh... Bonne nouvelle !

Le #monde s'est véritablement réveillé à l'ère de la #communication #décentralisée. Le Congrès américain publie le projet de #loi ACCESS Act, qui vise à imposer l' #interopérabilité et la #portabilité des #données entre les #plateformes ; l' #Unioneuropéenne fait avancer la loi sur les marchés numériques dans le même sens - et le système national de santé allemand a publié son plan de normalisation de 150 000 organismes de santé sur #Matrix.

Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

Découvrir la #messagerie Element.io : https://element.io par le réseau Matrix

#ACCESSAct #Element #Décentralisé #Numérique #LogicielLibre


Matrix: E2EE aktiviert - endlich!

Seit gefühlt einem Jahr gibt es das Feature Ende-Zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung #E2EE in #Matrix bzw. #Element.
Seit dieser Zeit testet die Familie es in direkten Chats und kleineren Gruppen, aber bislang zauderte ich, es tatsächlich auch für die größeren Räume mit der erweiterten Familie (inklusive Oma + Opa) zu aktivieren. Zu viel Respekt hatte ich bislang vor Akzeptanzproblemen, wenn es in dem Bereich Ärger gibt und man wegen weiter Entfernung und Pandemie quasi nicht supporten kann.

Heute ist die Testphase offiziell vorbei - es ist nun für alle Räume scharf geschaltet.

Screenshot: E2EE archiviert


- ¿Telegram, WhatsApp o Matrix?

- Ninguno corazón, ninguno cumple.

Me despierto con un pequeño debate que me llega al móvil sobre qué servicios de red utilizar. Hay quien dice que no le gustan las redes sociales, y resulta muy respetable, hasta loable, el querer mantener canales de información y socialización al margen de los algoritmos de la manipulación (o, simplemente, optar por una vida más tranquila y sosegada, con otros canales de acceso a la cultura -probablemente más enriquecedores-). No hay que crear necesidades que no se tienen. Pero, si deseas opinar y participar de ese proceso creativo y de configuración de la sociedad global que habitamos, está bien que sepas que existen redes en la que los señores de los datos, esos que gracias a la generación de perfiles pueden influir en comportamientos sociales más que cualquier gobierno, tienen muy difícil intervenir.
Es ahí donde alguien dice que menos mal que usamos #Telegram y no #WhatsApp... Llevo dos días en Telegram, y ya estoy pensando volver a quitarlo... lo hice por acceder a la información de coordinación de un evento en el que participo. Evidentemente, no comparto mi lista de contactos con la aplicación (que es lo mismo que compartirla con el servidor de Telegram). Algunas personas, que tienen mi teléfono, me han visto aparecer por ahí, y me han contactado... El que acceda a mi listado de llamadas... no es necesario ni para que me envíen el código de verificación de la App, pero sí para ver las interacciones que tengo con otros usuarios... Es verdad que el cliente Telegram es software de fuentes abiertas, pero la versión que la gente instala en Android usa Google Play Services para localización, HockeySDK para auto-actualizaciones, y realiza las notificaciones push a través de Google Cloud Messaging. Ser abierto no es suficiente, si el desarrollo no está hecho con respeto a unos principios.

Poniéndonos de acuerdo

Me parece pueril defender la aplicación o plataforma que uno utiliza sin más, creo que lo importante es ponerse de acuerdo sobre cómo se garantizan unos principios:
- Aplicación de código abierto (para permitir saber qué hace en nuestro dispositivo), y con licencia libre (para impedir que nos convirtamos en usuarios cautivos, como pasó con el don't be evil de Google);
- Que las comunicaciones sigan protocolos estándares (muy probablemente si se cumple este criterio y el anterior, existirán varios clientes);
- Que el servidor sea código abierto y se distribuya con una licencia libre (probablemente existirá -y ello es deseable- más de un servidor para el mismo servicio)
Llegados a ese acuerdo, si acordamos que esas son las garantías técnicas para una tecnología ética que permita el control por el usuario, tenemos que: WhatsApp, #Facebook, #Instagram, los múltiples servicios de #Google, no cumplen; tampoco cumple Telegram.
¡ Hay que usar #Matrix !, refiere otro.

Matrix, ese estándard tan moderno

Lamentablemente, el protocolo Matrix no está lo suficientemente trillado como para recomendar su adopción masiva. Sólo existe un servidor que lo implemente (llamado Vector, Riot.im, y hoy Element.io), y lo desarrolla una empresa relacionada con el origen y mantenimiento del protocolo (New Vector Ltd, cuyo nombre comercial es #Element, "New Vector Ltd (trading as Element)", leemos en su web).
Algunos desarrolladores que han intentado hacer un servidor para el protocolo Matrix han abandonado el proyecto diciendo que no se daban las condiciones de transparencia y seguridad para crear un servidor sólido (no recuerdo ahora la entrada, es de hace unos años, pero viendo estas graves acusaciones de un desarrollador de matrix-construct, y los comentarios que generaron, creo que debía ser el del proyecto mxhsd, claros sus argumentos en esa última entrada). Así lo señalan también los desarrolladores de la única versión comunitaria de un servidor del protocolo matrix, matrix-construct, que sigue en activo; dicen que reciben "ningún apoyo, o menos, de la fundación Matrix.org o de los desarrolladores de New Vector"; del mismo modo en la página del protocolo, matrix.org, no parece que promocione que se desarrollen otros servidores (ni si quiera tiene una sección para ello, ni un listado de los proyectos en marcha, al menos no la he encontrado en mi búsqueda).


Hoy por hoy, el único servicio de mensajería que cumple las garantías de criterios éticos (y legales) es #Jabber-XMPP. Su experiencia de uso, con el cliente #Conversations en #Android, es prácticamente la misma que se puede tener con WhatsApp... Esa es mi recomendación.
Si nos vamos a redes sociales, las del #Fediverso: #Mastodon, #PeerTube, #Diaspora, #PixelFed,... En servicios de videoconferencia: #Jitsi autoalojado e instalado con las recomendaciones de la FSF, #BigBlueButton con sus recomendaciones de privacidad y cumplimiento RGPD. En correo, correos autoalojados o servicios tradicionales (#Disroot.org, #Mailfence.com, #Mailbox.org,... o los operadores tradicionales no gratuitos), los nuevos servicios seguros como #ProtonMail o, algo mejor posicionado, #Tutanota, quedan fuera de los criterios señalados. Herramientas de trabajo (repositorio documental, agenda, contactos,... #Nextcloud). Puede haber otros que sean más adecuados para un concreto uso y respeten los criterios arriba enumerados, adelante... Lo importante es estar de acuerdo en los criterios, y explicarlos. Habrá que seguir en ello, peor será ya otro día.


Element is the company that currently hires most of the people working on the open #Matrix communication protocol specification. Element also produces the #opensource Matrix servers #Synapse and #Dendrite, and the #web, #desktop, #Android and #iOS clients called #Element.

I also work at Element. Element is not just open source and open specifications. Element is also about #business. The thing that is needed to pay the #developers that work on the open specifications and open source that anyone can use freely. And people do! Matrix is hugely popular and massively growing, in public sector, private sector and hobbyist self-hosters. It's an exciting time to be involved.

Element is currently hiring for multiple roles - including the team I work for. This is the SaaS team of Element Matrix Services, which provides hosted Matrix (servers) and Element (clients) to all kinds of customers, from small teams to large enterprises - and sometimes virtual conferences.

It's a fun company to work at. And remote friendly, even outside Covid! Interested? Have a look at the roles below. We're growing fast so there are many - and not just #engineering.

  • Senior Developer Advocate
  • Office Administrator (fluent French)
  • Designer, Marketing
  • Fullstack Developer (EMS - Element Matrix Services)
  • VP/Head of Product
  • Automation / Business Processes Engineer
  • Engineering Manager/Director - Product Engineering
  • Android Developer - Element
  • Trust and Safety Engineer
  • Product Manager
  • Engineering Manager/Director - Element Web
  • iOS Developer
  • Senior Front End Engineer - Element

Full descriptions: https://apply.workable.com/elementio/

If you're interested but don't see a role, recommend dropping your your details to be considered anyway - who knows we might need you! Am also happy to answer questions and of course give a strong referral to good talented people I'd like to work with 😊

#jobs #recruitments #opportunities


I think some of you guys know already but one of the main #matrix client, #Element, was removed from Google Play.


I feel very sorry for those who live on the application’s ecosystem.

I would also expect it should have some impact on other communities which depend on Matrix, such as Mozilla, who recently replaced IRC with Matrix, and the next week’s FOSDEM.