

Trump's lawyers just resigned

Now isn't this precious?
So what now - after Lord #TrumpVirus hires a lawyer specifically to push for delays in the trial?

I'd actually been envisioning him (maybe) firing them all and then "defending" himself. Wouldn't that be fun?
It's difficult to defend the indefensible. Especially with a cross-current of self-inflicted nonstop damage.

#TrumpVirus #indictment #espionage #justice #accountability #DJT "More crime than anybody's ever crimed before!"


Just another quick report & smile (Ari Melber, < 3m)

Bradley P. Moss:

"I came for a quick insight into @AriMelber’s view of the indictment..."

"...I left laughing at the inclusion of 'dayenu'"

#TrumpVirus #indicted #indictment #espionage #DJT #justice #truth #accountability #Karma


Trump Indicted!

This is the best overview, historically and politically. that I have come across -

MSNBC (actual) News - non-paywalled, the whole segment. his was very good, concise & pithy observation & analysis. Covered with experts in the legal and judicial system, including former prosecutors, an impeachment manager, past NARA chief, etc. Top notch.

Trump indicted: Rachel Maddow joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss charges

#TrumpVirus #indictment #indicted #Espionage #treason #sedition #Jan6 #GQP #truth #accountability


i guess this would qualify as BREAKING NEWS!

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted in the special counsel's classified documents probe, sources familiar with the matter tell CNN

Way to go CNN... I remember when the first N stood for "News'.
And now, as we've all watched the daily build-up with Grand Juries and target statements and venue stories, etc....

Let the smoke lift (pardon the allusion to the many smoky skies and also the smokescreens so beloved by #TrumpVirus & Co.)

#truth #justice #accountability #Karma #indictment #espionage #treason #sedition #emoluments #fraud #obstruction #DJT


Indian news outlets report that #Qatar has charged 8 ex-Indian navy officers with spying on the country’s military for #Israel.

#India’s hyper-nationalist media outlets like Republic and Times Now have been uncharacteristically muted on the story.

After months of denial, Indian news outlets now report that eight ex-Indian Navy officers have been charged by Qatar with spying for Israel.

Multiple Indian news outlets — including The Tribune and The Print — now report that the men as well as several Qatari nationals have been charged with spying for Israel. The charges have not been formally made public. And these claims have not been confirmed by the Indian or Qatari governments or third parties willing to speak on the record. But the prolonged nature of the detention of these men and a shift in Indian news coverage of the story give weight to the espionage angle.
If the men were arrested in #Pakistan, there would be wall-to-wall coverage with anchors like Arnab Goswami shouting at the top of their lungs.

#Espionage #Politics


"Mr Donaldson (Independent National Security Legislation Monitor) was scathing in his final report saying this should never happen again, that a person be charged, sentenced and jailed in complete secrecy."

The National Security Legislation Monitor is now conducting a review of the entire National Security Information Act at the direction of the Albanese government.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said that he welcomed the court's decision to make the sentencing remarks public and that he had previously requested they be made public.

"While it is always a matter for the court to determine what is published, court proceedings, including judgements and reasons, should be as open as possible whilst ensuring national security information is protected," he said in a statement.

"The former government agreed to an unprecedented level of secrecy in the prosecution of 'Alan Johns' resulting in wholly closed criminal proceedings.

"This is not consistent with the rule of law and open justice."
#oz #Australia #Law #WitnessJ #Section22 #war-crimes #Afghanistan #espionage #East-Timor


So... #TrumpVirus clearly violated 18USC, Section 793 - Espionage Act.- subsection C, etc... - Meidas Touch Report:

"Trump now has a real, serious laptop scandal on his hands. It could be direct proof that he violated the Espionage Act."

BREAKING: Trump CAUGHT in his own LAPTOP Scandal NOW

Giving classified documents to aides and to a #GQP PAC via electronic copies made of the documents Trump stole...
How much more mountain of evidence is needed? Now there is, present, "the laptop from hell".

#laptop #MAGA #sedition #espionage #accountability #documents #truth #justice