


On Russian state TV: Another translated clip of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard

A closer look at the wonderful alternative universe of #TrumpVirus, #TuckerCarlson, the #GQP and their #Fox #Disinformation

Tulsi Gabbard, introduced by state TV host Vladimir Soloviev as "Our girlfriend Tulsi."

#TulsiGabbard #traitor #propaganda #espionage #Jan6 #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


The Trump Tapes!

Bob Woodward illustrates what a life of integrity can lead to. A place in history. With Nixon, 18 minutes of one tape disappeared.
Trump dwarfs the amount of crime. And this isn't 18 minutes. It's hours and hours of Trump unfiltered, with an actual journalist.

History here. If it isn't, we are.

#TrumpVirus #sedition #treason #espionage #fraud
#truth #accountability #MakeAmericaSane


Wow. One minute of "no sh--" / duh! / hit you over the head with #Truth....

Question: Have foreign or domestic entities ever used business icons "to further their foreign policy"?

#TrumpVIrus #disinformation #sedition #treason #espionage #GQP #emoluments #fraud #January6


Yes, the appeal court did a masterful job of demolishing Judge "Loose" Cannon's inside-out 'reasoning' in giving #TrumpVirus what he asked for, which like usual involves abandonment of reality-testing and suspending normal belief.

Here it is, full-text:


Laid out super-clearly (you don't need to be a lawyer!) one can see each twisted premise in the call for a "special master" by someone who stole documents and was caught (had no "standing" to then stall), in claiming he could use his hand-picked unqualified judge due to his status of having his Constitutional rights egregiously violated etc. In essence, each of his 4 bases for a stay was shown to be pure BS, and Judge Cannon wiped the floor with her ignorance and blatant lack of objectivity or legal knowledge.

Time for #accountability and #truth, to arrest the #TrumpVirus and #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #sedition #espionage #DJT


Sold Out!

A BLOCK: (1:50) We know Trump took nuclear weapons documents, information "among the most sensitive secrets we hold," documents marked "Special Access Programs" (2:19) What if it's even worse? What if it's worse than the worst we could imagine? (3:37) What if every crazy rumor about nuclear codes and invoking of The Rosenbergs is not only apt, but an understatement? (4:23) Biography of former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal investigative reporter Ronald Kessler (5:12) Kessler, a past Trump apologist, appears on Fox News Channel Thursday night (6:30) Kessler says what Trump took "could very well include the plans for counterstriking against Russia in the event of a nuclear attack" (8:50) Or, "penetrations by the CIA of foreign embassies, of foreign leaders like Putin, as well as recruitments of spies overseas." And that the Russians would've been trying to get a spy into Mar-a-Lago, and may have succeeded (11:00) Reinhart poised to release search warrant affidavit with all redactions the government requested (12:08) CNN reports Trump has been getting legal advice from non-lawyer Tom Fitton (12:56) Fox Business reports his web host may sue Trump for non-payment for Truth Social (13:40) We should assume that what's in Trump's Pandora's Box could be worse than we can possibly imagine.

A Block is 17 min of 44 from Olbermann's Countdown podcast

#soldout #espionage #trump


Very interesting.... Seen on Russian State TV

Putin World Declares ‘Our Agent Trump’ Is Irreversibly Screwed‘


“I’m very worried for our agent Trump. They found everything at Mar-a-Lago, they got packages of documents. In all seriousness, they say he should be executed as a person that was ready to hand off nuclear secrets to Russia.”

Begging the question of how Russia seems to know more than the American public at this point!

#TrumpVirus #sedition #treason #espionage #fraud #conspiracy #obstruction #Jan6