

Unconfirmed: Iranian government have sent a message to Biden administration and #IAEA that if any Iranian nuclear facility is attacked by Israel, they will remove their #NPT signature and stop cooperating with the #UN and #EU and will reserve "it's right to take all necessary measures" to defend their country against nuclear armed "Zionist entity" .

This comes after a group of hardline members of Iranian parliament (Majles) signed a letter to #Khamenei (who is the spiritual leader and head of Iranian defense forces) to reverse his #Fatwa about illegality of nuclear weapons in Islam and allow the scientists of armed forces to develop a nuclear weapon.

A fatwa by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, against the acquisition, development and use of nuclear weapons[1] dates back to the mid-1990s.[2] The first public announcement is reported to have occurred in October 2003, followed by an official statement at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna in August 2005.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei%27s_fatwa_against_nuclear_weapons

The fatwa was not directly about nuclear weapons, but any form of WMD, production, storage and use of such weapons were declared "Haram", but it also said that in case the country was subjected to such weapons, they will have the permission to use them against "legitimate" targets.

The issue was clarified officially on the wwb site of Khamenei:

In our opinion, in addition to nuclear weapons, all other kinds of weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological weapons - are considered to be a serious threat against humanity as well. Having been the victim of chemical weapons, the Iranian nation feels even more than other nations the danger of producing and storing such weapons. Therefore, the nation is ready to use all its resources in the effort to confront them. We consider the use of these weapons to be religiously forbidden, and we believe the effort to immunize all human beings from this grave tragedy is everyone’s responsibility.

#Iran #Israel #Biden #NuclearWeapon #WMD


The duo of Israel and KSA are working on setting the whole region on fire.

Without #KSA's and #UAE's help Israel can not bomb #Iran using #F35s. With Iranian fighter jets located on #Hamedan and #Dezful, they will be able to intercept the Israeli fighter jets on their way out of Iran after the first bomb has exploded.

Even with the #stealth technology of F35s, it has to burn a massive amount of fuel to be able to leave Iranian airspace, which means in those minutes after the bombings, they will be highly vulnerable unless they can land/refuel over UAE or KSA's airspace, alternative landing there.

This mean both countries will be on the direct target list of Iran that will not hesitate to retaliate against the 2 countries and set the whole region on fire.

Iran's nuclear program is located on 17 different locations. Israel can not attack all of them, and an attack against the 2 main sites of #Natanz and #Fardow will just make #Khamenei to cancel his #Fatwa against #nuclear #bomb and resign from the #NPT and cut all ties with both the #UN and the #IAEA.

This is an absolute madness and an extremely dangerous and irresponsible act. Something that #Biden seems to have signed off and OKed with during his trip to the 2 countries. US bombing campaign in #Syria the other day, may be the starting step in the coming chain of action co-ordinated between US-Israel-KSA and UAE.

Lets hope they are not that stupid to actually do it.

#Politics #RoadToWar #SaudiArabia #JCPOA


Meinung: Die Geister, die Khomeini rief - das Attentat auf Salman Rushdie | DW | 21.08.2022

Der Anschlag auf den indisch-britischen Schriftsteller Salman Rushdie in den USA belegt auf tragische Weise, wie verhängnisvoll die politische Instrumentalisierung des Islam ist, meint Loay Mudhoon.#SalmanRushdie #Fatwa #SatanischeVerse #Islam #HadiMatar #AyatollahKhomeini
Meinung: Die Geister, die Khomeini rief - das Attentat auf Salman Rushdie | DW | 21.08.2022


Günter Wallraff: "Literaturnobelpreis für Rushdie ist überfällig!" | DW | 16.08.2022

Mit Gewalttaten wie dem Angriff auf Salman Rushdie wollen Aggressoren Kritiker einschüchtern und mundtot machen. Das neu entflammte Interesse an Rushdies Werken wirft die Frage auf: Erreichen sie das Gegenteil?#SalmanRushdie #Attentat #Iran #Fatwa #PENDeutschland #Literatur #AjatollahChomeini
Günter Wallraff: "Literaturnobelpreis für Rushdie ist überfällig!" | DW | 16.08.2022


Iran: "Rushdie ist selbst verantwortlich" | DW | 15.08.2022

Der Iran macht den Schriftsteller Salman Rushdie selbst und seine Anhänger für den Messerangriff verantwortlich. Rushdie, dem es etwas besser geht, bekommt international viel Unterstützung, unter anderem von den USA.#SalmanRushdie #Attentat #Islam #Islamkritik #Fatwa #Israel #USA
Iran: "Rushdie ist selbst verantwortlich" | DW | 15.08.2022


Salman Rushdie nach Messerangriff auf dem Weg der Besserung | DW | 14.08.2022

Positive Nachrichten: Nach dem Messeranschlag auf den Schriftsteller Rushdie muss dieser nicht mehr künstlich beatmet werden. Er kann auch wieder sprechen. Der mutmaßliche Attentäter erklärt sich für nicht schuldig.#SalmanRushdie #Attentat #USA #NewYork #Literatur #Meinungsfreiheit #Iran #Fatwa
Salman Rushdie nach Messerangriff auf dem Weg der Besserung | DW | 14.08.2022