


You take a kitchen-mallet
and a knife
and hit
the right spot, so it doesn’t jerk, for
jerking means only complications and reduces profit.
And the watchers already narrow their eyes, already admire the

already reach for their purses. And paper is ready
for wrapping it up. And smoke rises from chimneys.
And Christmas peers from windows, creeps along the ground
and splashes in barrels.
Such is the law of happiness.
I am just wondering if the carp is the right creature.
A far better creature surely would be one
which—stretched out—held flat—pinned down—
would turn its blue eye
on the mallet, the knife, the purse, the paper,
the watchers and the chimneys
and Christmas,
And quickly
say something. For instance
These are my happiest days; these are my golden days.
The starry sky above me and the moral law within me,

And yet it moves.
Or at least



Prendi un mazzuolo da cucina
e un coltello
e colpisci
il punto giusto, in modo che non sussulti, perché
il sussultare porta solo complicazioni e riduce il guadagno.
E gli spettatori sono già lì che stringono gli occhi, ammirano la

e prendono le borsette. E la carta è pronta
per avvolgerla. E il fumo sale dai camini.
E il Natale fa capolino dalle finestre, striscia a terra
e si tuffa nelle botti.
Questa è la legge della felicità.
Mi chiedo solo se la carpa sia la creatura più adatta.
Una creatura di gran lunga migliore sarebbe sicuramente una
che - distesa - tenuta piatta - bloccata,
rivolgerebbe il suo occhio blu
al mazzuolo, al coltello, alla borsetta, alla carta,
agli spettatori e ai camini
e al Natale,
e rapidamente
direbbe qualcosa. Per esempio
Questi sono i miei giorni più lieti, questi sono i miei giorni d'oro.
Il cielo stellato sopra di me e la legge morale dentro di me,
o anche

Eppure si muove.
O almeno

#poetry #poesia #Holub #carp #fish #Christmas #literature #letteratura #Czech


I think what I want for Christmas is a set of 5ml test tubes with caps/corks and a holder.
Trying to keep them straight on the bathroom counter is not ideal.

Also, the API caps leak...

#Aquarium #Fish


One of the most delicious Iranian dishes!

Shivid-Baghali-Polo with salmon and pickea is one of my favorites.

Rice with dill and fava beans and oven baked salmon or any other tasty fish is the traditional food prepared for the new year's dinner in most parts of Iran.

Being member of an Iranian door enthusiast group is like a daily torture seeing all these well prepared delicious food fotographed by people who do a much better job that i ever can, is not good for my "buy nothing" days that will end next week. Have to fight the temptation to run to the shop and buy some salmon to cook some for dinner!

#food #Iranian #Fish #Salmon #foodporn


They are #poisoning #rivers all over #Canada. They will blame it on climate change to justify the #climatelockdowns that are coming. Wayne Narvey of Esgenoôpetitj (Burnt Church) First Nation jumped from a canoe and waded to the spot where two Public Safety officers and two unidentified men in hazmat suits were watching over a Noxfish II drip system.

🐟☠️🐠What's in the water??
Miramachi River New Brunswick.

This video was taken by Wayne Narvey who was later arrested and charged with theft.

Working Group confirms project of bass eradication project, fish killing agent rotenone:

#Environmental #Agents in #Hazmat #Suits #caught #Poisoning #Fish in #NewBrunswick #River | Sept 8th 2022


enter image description here

#Revati #Nakshatra is the last of the 27 Nakshatras in the Nakshatra wheel, spanning 16º40′ – 30º00 sidereal Pisces. Revati indicates wealth – material wealth as well as spiritual wealth. It’s the last Nakshatra on the souls journey through the cycle of birth and rebirth and what we experience here above all else is an accumulation and wealth of experience. This doesn’t mean we’ve reached the end, no, the opposite is the case. It’s simply a step on our journey toward spiritual awakening that gets repeated over and over in this lifetime and throughout many more.

We can also see this in one of Revati’s symbol, the #fish. Fitting, really, seeing how Revati is fully located in Pisces, the sign of the Fish. It also indicates the notion of our soul swimming in the cosmic sea, the cosmic ocean as part of the universe as a whole. The other symbol belonging to Revati is the #drum, which indicates rhythm, like dancing to your own rhythm, though this is more of an interpretation fitting with the drum in Dhanishtha Nakshatra. It indicates a talent for going with the universal rhythm, the universal heart-beat, and a good sense for keeping time. Often when a person has planets in Revati Nakshatra they have an excellent sense of time and for being timely, even overly developed at that. This will be a person who will show up for meetings early or right on time and won’t have much patience for tardiness in others.

Revati is a Nakshatra of guidance, and again we can see this in a sense of following the drum-beat, like literally following a drummer who guides us on our journey.

#Pushan – The Nourisher – is Revati’s ruling deity and as a solar god brings light to our journey. This also connects him to Revati’s quality of guidance and travel or journeying, in a spiritual and physical sense. Pushan represents #Ahimsa – Non-Violence, which is important in Revati Nakshatra. Pushan is connected to animals, mostly larger animals like farm animals, cows, horses, sheep etc. He guards these animals, keeps them safe and content. Pushan has no teeth, which also connects to Ahimsa, without teeth we can’t bite and cause harm.

There is a story on how Pushan lost his teeth that I shared previously:

One day there was a ceremonial festivity to which Rudra, Shiva’s avatar of storms and rain, was not invited. When Rudra heard about the gathering he felt insulted and got outraged. He went to the site of the festivity and crashed the party. He shot an arrow into a Prasad, a ceremonial offering, just as Pushan was biting down on it. So instead of the sweet treat Pushan’s teeth met the hard arrow and his teeth broke off and fell out.

Needless to say that vegetarianism is a good option if you have planets in Revati or simply want to work with this Nakshatra. Abstinence from eating meat during a Revati Moon once every month is also a nice way to honour this Nakshatras energy and spirit.