

Detaining #Gonzalo #Lira: Another blow to the #freedom of #press in #Ukraine


While it is true that Lira has criticised the Zelensky regime and the eight-year-long shelling of Donbas residents by Kyiv, he has not participated in any activities other than exercising his right to free speech as a citizen and respected journalist. Whether or not we agree with Lira's opinions, freedom of speech must not be restricted, especially during times of conflict. These are the values we claim to be defending.

Ukraine’s recent implementation of laws criminalising dissent, banning opposition political parties, nationalising the media, and even persecuting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for maintaining canonical communion with Moscow has raised concerns among free speech advocates. These actions have been criticised for undermining democratic values and creating a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

The detainment of Gonzalo Lira serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between national security and individual liberties, especially during times of conflict. It also raises questions about the Zelensky administration's dedication to democratic principles and the obligation of its Western supporters to address these concerns. As the situation in Ukraine continues to unfold, it is crucial for the international community to remain vigilant in advocating for the protection of freedom of speech and other fundamental rights, while holding governments accountable for their actions.


Vom Ende der Meinungsfreiheit in Europa / On the End of Freedom of Expression in Europe

Mit dem Digital Services Act und dem „Verhaltenskodex zur Bekämpfung von Desinformation“ schafft die EU eine ausgeklügelte Infrastruktur zur umfassenden Zensur von Informationen und Meinungen – ausgelagert an private Konzerne. Was Gastautor Johannes Mosmann durch Analyse dieser Dokumente kühl und sachlich an totalitärer Kontrollambition der Regierenden herausarbeitet, erinnert an dunkle, vordemokratische Zeiten.

With the Digital Services Act and the “Code of Practice on Disinformation”, the EU is creating a sophisticated infrastructure for the comprehensive censorship of information and opinions – outsourced to private corporations. The totalitarian control ambitions behind these plans that guest author Johannes Mosmann brings out in the analysis of these documents is reminiscent of dark, pre-democratic times.

Ein sehr lesenswerter Artikel, der sich mit den genannten Verordnungen und ihren Implikationen detailliert auseinandersetzt. Auf Deutsch und Englisch.


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