

Vom Ende der Meinungsfreiheit in Europa / On the End of Freedom of Expression in Europe

Mit dem Digital Services Act und dem „Verhaltenskodex zur Bekämpfung von Desinformation“ schafft die EU eine ausgeklügelte Infrastruktur zur umfassenden Zensur von Informationen und Meinungen – ausgelagert an private Konzerne. Was Gastautor Johannes Mosmann durch Analyse dieser Dokumente kühl und sachlich an totalitärer Kontrollambition der Regierenden herausarbeitet, erinnert an dunkle, vordemokratische Zeiten.

With the Digital Services Act and the “Code of Practice on Disinformation”, the EU is creating a sophisticated infrastructure for the comprehensive censorship of information and opinions – outsourced to private corporations. The totalitarian control ambitions behind these plans that guest author Johannes Mosmann brings out in the analysis of these documents is reminiscent of dark, pre-democratic times.

Ein sehr lesenswerter Artikel, der sich mit den genannten Verordnungen und ihren Implikationen detailliert auseinandersetzt. Auf Deutsch und Englisch.


#eu #europa #europe #zensur #censorship #digital #disinformation #desinformation #fake-news #fakenews #freedom-of-expression #freedomofexpression #meinungsfreiheit #pressefrteiheit #freedom-of-press #freedomofpress #fereedom-of-speech #freedomofspeech #google #microsoft #economy #wirtschaft #demokratie #democracy #globalisierung #globalisation #globalization #faktenchecker #correctiv #fact-checking


Uuaaah !!! my company in Germany - especially my dept - is not only a shithole where anyone wants to get out asap
(for Gemans: forget #kununu : it is sold to those companies who pay the best )
now also my colleagues in #USA have left: at the end I'd would have to go there to introduce the new colleagues how to do the job)
my question now: I read a lot of stories of people who arrived there and were forced to take a flight back because they were on some ominous „list“.... even in case they got a #visum from the #American-Consulate they were refused to enter the States due to some decision of some hillbilly sheriff ...it's in the Southern States...
at the moment my company is preparing flight, consulate etc for my stay there...
I have signed petitions for Assange, Snowdon, participated in demonstration TTIP,CETA and so on - no Facebook profile available -do they read here, too ? I think yes...
anyone sharing his/her experiences to enter the States and perhaps some clues how to get through???
just about #freedom-of-expression #rights-of-free-movement #free-movement




Beijing Spring

Beijing Spring chronicles modern China’s first democracy movement and forgotten struggle for freedom of expression. In 1978, Deng Xiaoping tolerated the open posting of grievances, liberal ideas and art on Democracy Wall near Tiananmen Square.

The “Stars”, a group of self-taught artists (including Ai Weiwei) exposed the inhumanity of the Cultural Revolution and challenged propaganda art, while Wei Jingsheng called for democracy.

By 1979, Deng became fearful and cracked down, closing Democracy Wall, imprisoning some, and shutting the door on this brief period of reform.

One filmmaker, Chi Xiaoning, dared stand on top of Democracy Wall, camera in hand, recording it all.

When he died, no one knew his film’s whereabouts. After years of searching, this never-before-seen footage was tracked down by the film’s director, now shown for the first time ever in Beijing Spring.

These brave voices of this officially censored moment in Chinese history will surely inspire all of today’s freedom fighters.

#BeijingSpring #documentary #film #freedom-of-expression #artistic #freedom #democracy #cultural #revolution #Stars #StarsMovement #DemocracyWall #TiananmenSquare #DengXiaoping #WeiJingsheng #ChiXiaoning #AiWeiwei #China #GaylenRoss #AndrewCohen #ACFilms #docu-films