

#Cycle lanes are #good for #drivers and we need more of them, says the #AA

Having more cycle routes would be good for drivers, the head of the AA has said, as the Government considers cutting funds for walking and biking.

Encouraging motorists to take fewer journeys by #car can cut household fuel costs, and reduce congestion on the roads for other drivers, Edmund King said.

“Even though we're a motoring organisation, that doesn't mean you need to use your motor all the time,” Mr King said.

“And journeys under a mile and a half are in many ways the most expensive way to use a car, because your car's not warmed up, you're only going a short distance, and you've got to pay to park.”

The AA says around a fifth of its members are regular cyclists, with more saying they would like to cycle but are put off by a lack of safety and bike paths.

Around half of AA members said they would consider using a #bicycle to replace one or more car journeys per week.

Replacing more car journeys with #walking or #cycling would also help eliminate congestion and make it easier and quicker for drivers to get around, Mr King said.


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INCREDIBLY #GOOD #interview with the brilliant #David #DuByne of “ #Adapt 2030” about the systematic destruction of the food supply — from Thursday — HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — great all the way to the end!:

#Food becomes the leverage to force people into the digital currency system, and once people accept the digital currency then they can be slowly starved [or made to eat synthetics and insects] by putting calorie limits because they’ll be able to monitor everything you buy, like, “Oh, you’ve hit your 2,000 calorie limit today,” or “you’ve hit your $80/week gasoline limit.” Once they control your digital currency, they control everything.”
~ #Mike #Adams

“They’re going to need something massive, MASSIVE [in the form of an event] like we’ve never seen in history to bring in an entirely new system where everybody understands that, like, in a day or a week or a month, unanimously, that we have moved to a new system. … The old system is dead and we are at the new system and that is the only choice forward.”
~ #DavidDuByne
Source: https://www.brighteon.com/f4bd2b71-3c67-42d5-9999-37aad42a581c