

What Has Been Asserted Without Evidence May Be Dismissed Without Evidence



"Anything that’s been asserted without #evidence may be dismissed without evidence. It’s true of #arguments... and it’s especially true of claims coming from #governments that we know for a fact make #false #claims all the time."

Telling the #truth is an #obligation, and knowing how to tell it is an #art.

#evidence #russia #ukraine #us #empire #politics #propaganda #social #media #war #anti-war #peace


Covid & Censorship - Have You Been Lied To By The Media?

Journalists have banded together to object to “censorship” and “fearmongering” about Covid-19 that they say has been put out by the media and tech giants since the pandemic began.
#censorship #misinformation #disinformation #covid

#censorship #covid #Russel-Brand #fearmongering #dominating-narratives #controlled-news #pharmaceutical-companies #governments #corruption


Young #Swedish man #raped with bottle for 6 hours by #Muslim #immigrants, charged with "#hate #crime" by usurped Swedish "#justice" #system.

This is the fault of #neoliberal #globalist Chancellor Angela #Merkel and #Jewish ex-#EU #Commission #President Jean-Claude #Juncker, who in 2015 opened #Europe's external #borders and permitted #millions of hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures to enter #European countries unchecked.

The #West's #governments have been #usurped by #globalists who are are working with the #CCP and among which people of #Afroasiatic descent are over-represented, in an effort to destroy the #West and merge its remains with the #East within a #technocratic #global #governance #plutocracy.
