

Author Timothy Garton Ash: 'Vladimir Putin is the Adolf Hitler of our day'

[Video interview]

Renowned author and Oxford Professor Timothy Garton Ash blames the "hubris" of past European leaders for many of the current struggles on the continent, including the war in Ukraine.

He says he's spent five decades "travelling, worrying and writing about Europe".

Ash met authoritarian leaders like Russia's Vladimir Putin and Hungary's Viktor Orban at the start of their political careers and assesses their rise to power in his latest book "Homelands: a Personal History of Europe". He spoke to FRANCE 24's Gavin Lee in Perspective


#Europe #history #leaders #books #dictators #war #democracy


Generation Now

#ElizabethWathuti at COP26: "Please open your hearts"

'Today’s #young #people are coming of age just as the #stable #climate that has allowed #previous #generations to #thrive on our #planet begins to visibly #break #down—and just before our last chance to stop it falls out of reach. #Leaders keep #praising young people for standing up and #protesting. But #saving the #world needs #decisions from the leaders. Decisions that #prioritize the #lives of the #people and the planet.'
#GenerationNow #COP26 #youth #activists #protests #strike #climatechange #movement #gnd #future #environment #gretathunberg #janegoodall #fridaysforfuture #climate #justice #hope


Climate Change is Happening Now


'It’s time for #world #leaders meeting at #COP26 to listen to #children and #young #people. Climate #action is needed now!

#climatechange #climate #justice #child #rights #unicef #human-rights #planet #life #FridaysforFuture
