

He's like the Energizer bunny from Hell *

Trump Appeals Dismissal of His Vast Civil Suit Against Clinton

  * Context -
'The energizer bunny', for anyone not familiar, is a ubiquitous U.S. advertisement - and branding - for a brand of batteries with long lives., All our long lives in America (and maybe elsewhere) we cartoon adverts featuring "the energizer bunny" that just keeps going and going and going... like the #TrumpVirus / #GQP #sedition - not to mention a catalog of #psychopathology and anti- #truth.


Perfect. May need a lot more space than being freed up! But what a good move letting out pot-heads and jailing the most vile, dangerous, crime ring anyone's ever seen before. So terrific, the #TrumpVirus crime organization (including #GQP and #Fox magnates) - and they've yet to be held #accountable, or denied free reign to continue to hate, steal, lie, and plot #sedition at will.

Biden Releases Marijuana Offenders from Prison to Make Room for Trump Administration

[Yes... #satire as of this moment. Morally/legally/historically, however, we have #crime & #corruption on a scale never seen before!]



Well, cumulatively this looks rather positive for Ukraine, rather perilous for the nuclear plant, and rather desperate for #Putin.
Though yes, it's multi-layered, complex &. dynamic. As the buzz is about oil prices, Saudi/ #OPEC policy, and #Ukraine.

Putin seizes Europe's largest nuclear plant, signs laws annexing Ukraine land; OPEC cuts oil production, helps Russia: Updates

I don't know how I ended up seeing this but the video is short, sweet & polished. I saw "USA Today" and thought it's from them, but it's from MSN, or some hybrid. Whatever, here's a fairly concise rundown of today's main stories (sans Walker/ #GQP/ #TrumpVirus)


#TrumpVirus contagion still alive & well in #DeathSantis/#GQP land. Sad. Sick.
Finally we are returning to #truth and #law and so the #seditionist choir are screaming to stop, & that the enemy is OUR FBI. Law.

Liz Cheney blasts GOP's 'sickening comments' about FBI's Mar-a-Lago search warrant

I can't believe I'm saying this but G-d Bless Liz Cheney! She has nothing to lose & has gained a lot of respect, regardless of history, affiliation. etc. She sees #truth and speaks it to #corrupt power, AKA the #GQP / #Fox disinformation, division, & hate machine.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain #truth #accountability #law #TruthToPower #denial #mindfulness #disinformation


Thin-sliced review:
#History in real-time.

⨊: Announced Monday evening by Lord #TrumpVirus himself, complaining that ‘this has never happened before!’ (#accountability anyone?) They’re raiding my beautiful home! To which the reaction was: no President has ever committed so much crime and flagrantly ignored the Federal Presidential Records Act law and stolen documents and things of that nature…

Here is historian Michael Beschloss on how Aug 8 was “historic”- twice now. Once before on this exact date in 1974, a reckoning with reality and #truth led inexorably to the resignation of Richard. Nixon. August 8, 1974. Game over. Fast forward Aug 8, 2022:

FBI searches Trump home on Nixon resignation speech anniversary

For a few years of grift and organized, #GQP sanctioned & enabled #sedition… it wasn’t an 18 minute gap but blatant criminal theft of US history. It’s what every President is told beforehand, US law meant to prevent pilfering secrets and public treasures of THE office.

Dr. Mary Trump just supposed her uncle is surprised. This has never happened before. (Imagining Seth Meyers: “MEL!”)
Trapped? Who can defend &/or offend? Mark Meadows! Um… Hey Florida. Hello, who is the governor? Why can’t the FBI be stopped? I thought you were my friend…

I concur with Beschloss ~ compared to Trump, Nixon looks like an angel.
And legal analyst Neal Katyal noted how this is historic in a legal sense too, beyond being a “president”, just the Boss & #GQP

Historic because this is not only a case of bigly violating the Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, which can lead to prison &/or banishment from any public office… but it is an ex-President ‘like nobody’s ever seen before’, with a long, never-caught-yet criminal past, AND, it looks like DOJ is really rolling out, armed with every tool, every i dotted, t crossed.

And what is the "leader of the [brain] free world bellowing (not that the country is about him, is it?)
He is whining: “They took my safe!

It gets stranger, maybe more predictable. (horse hoofs) Here’s wing-man Kevin McCarthy, saying he’ll sue the DOJ…
#Vote #MakeAmericaSaneAgain

#Karma #justice #accountability


Oh really? Department

What a surprise... Jury gave award of $4M to one family today, punitive damages coming tomorrow. Hope they reflect the vastness of this #TrumpVirus variant whose volume raged above the rest of the #GQP / #Fox / #Disinformation din. #truth #accountability

Child porn found in documents Alex Jones sent to lawyers of Sandy Hook families, court filing says

So it's not just drinking or pouring the kool-aid, but like others serving time for Big Lies, he's done some bad felonies too.
As in #criminal charges ahead. I truly hope the pendulum is swinging from this universal low-point back towards #Karma & #truth.



Hot off the Press, new from Randy Rainbow...

Thoughts and Prayers

Taking on #CancunCruz & his cowardly avoidance of anything sane or beneficial to We the People of #reality world.
Running from disaster in his home town and state, and running still harder from anything to help with serious, real, crises.

Specifically a look at this particularly sleazy liar/#seditionist with an exact-opposite-of-good response to all things bad.
Including the non-response to mass murders of children and the same old 'thoughts & prayers' with zero other acts.

Chip off the ol' #TrumpVirus

#GunViolence #GQP #ThoughtsAndPrayers #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Double-deck trouble for conspiracy crazy Alex Jones today:

Already he's perjured himself twice (according to the judge's count) and angered many as he denied the reality of a massacre of children... Now it turns out that - on the issue of his stating there were no texts in his possession, as subpoena'd to produce.

Dear Alex Jones: "Do you know what perjury is?" *

**Or reality?*

Turns out his lawyers had meant to send him those specific incriminating texts but 'goofed' and sent his whole phone contents to the plaintiff's lawyers. Hello?! Jury is now out to decide damages. Poor Alex... his growl has lost its bite. Though his cult still loves him.

#TrumpVirus #AlexJones #GQP #disinformation #perjury #psychopathology #cult


Tucker Carlson Claims Secret Service Texts Were Deleted by Hillary Clinton

This is satire! (Though not by definition devoid of truthiness~) - I could totally believe that Fox, NewsMax, OAN etc. would say this.

I read this article title as the subject of an email, and I confess, it took a second until I checked the source (Borowitz). Short & sweet.
And, I am sure, entirely believable and/or actionable for many people living in the #Fox / #GQP disinformation/conspiracy alt-reality.



As some still adamant cultists warn (their) people "you'd better wake up" because of what that monster Biden and socialist liberal looneys are planning for you.... Fortunately, some people do seem to be slowly, cautiously, actually waking up. To #truth. #Evidence. #Reality.

Be kind. It's painful.

Those already "woke" (in the sense of living in the actual, not alternative #reality ) need to 'stand back' except to support and welcome those who genuinely believed, many with rightful resentment after being conned and swindled by Lord #TrumpVirus.

And we - ALL of us, f*n party or cult memes and past loyalties aside - We need to stand together as one We the People to battle the REAL "ENEMY": fascist, regressive power entrenched at the top and taking away ALL our societal gains and values - in #SCOTUS and especially the #GQP #sedition crew in Congress, like #MTG, #Rubio & the whole Florida gang of liars and accused sex criminals, etc.



A whole lot of #truth coming out, about sedition planning, the 'mind' of Lord #TrumpVirus, knowledge of crime "like we've never seen before", etc. Cheney pointed out Trump is not a child. (Really? Niece Mary thinks he is, mentally! No?) Murphy was excellent too, and Raskin gave a brilliant historical overview of Constitution, electoral college, etc., and is now going into the "Crazy Day" planning session with nutcake Sydney Powell, Rudy, et al. Un-believable. But THIS is the truth. Not the "Big Lie" still promoted by #Fox/ #GQP


And that's only what he's done recently. But there is a long, long, LONG history of crime: Lest We Forget

#Jan6 #January6th #sedition #SeditiousCollusion #ElectionFraud #treason #traitors #Constitution


Well, what next can #DeathSantis do to kill people or democracy?
Now this is a doozy: Florida will require specific "intellectual" qualities (i.e., #GQP 'thinking') in order to be acceptable as a university student or "educator". A survey will be mandatory; no privacy. Now were there a normal Supreme Court, it wouldn't last a minute. But...

DeSantis signs bill requiring Florida students, professors to register political views with state

How do you spell #BigBrother ? #fascism ? #dictatorship ? #DeSantis is #evil ! #MakeAmericaSaneAgain