

Interesting. At around #sunset, the #contrails of passenger #aeroplanes glows very brightly and is visible from very far out. I spotted an #airliner near the #horizon which was heading this way and very roughly measured the time it took to pass by. That was around 15 minutes. Assuming that it was cruising at about 1000 km/h, it means that I must have spotted it about 250 km in the distance! Even if my timing was grossly overestimated at it was a mere 10 minutes, that still means I saw it around 170 km away when I first spotted it.



More #DramaInTheClouds. The #picture changes minute by minute and I think these #photographs show the interaction of #AirPressure, #Moisture and #Light.

First, a #panorama, looking #west.
Panorama of a cloudy sky

Next, zooming in to see layered #clouds in #greys and #PaleGolds. You can see the cellular structure of the clouds.
enter image description here

Finally, here's the interplay between #foreground #silhouetted #roofs and #background clouds on the #horizon.
Clouds and roof silhouettes

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring


Three non-conspiracies in one #photograph during today's #sunset. There is a #WaxingCrescent #NewMoon, to which humans have been in my lifetime. The #contrail that a passing #aeroplane is illuminated by the setting #Sun and is made up of water droplets condenses out of hot exhaust #gases of the #JetEngines. Oh, and the #Earth is round, as is evidenced by the fact that the Sun sets at different bearings on the #horizon at different times of year and the angle at which it sets is dependent on the latitude at which you happen to live.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #Moon


#Sunset this #evening was colourful. I took these #photographs with a quite small #FocalLengths to give me a wider sweep of the #sky.

This one includes #pink #clouds and the #Moon. The latter is quite hazy owing to the amount of moisture in the intervening atmosphere.
Clouds and Moon at sunset

Here, we're looking in the direction that the #Sun has set and you can discern some beams of light emanating from it even though it's below the #horizon. Of course, as were nearly at the #solstice, this is near the most #north-westerly #bearing that it sets at.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000