



First published at 11:11 UTC on March 9th, 2024.


Interdimensional Entities Set Free Upon Humanity By NASA & CERN. #FreemanFly, Aliens From Hell

Freeman FlyPRO

freemantv.com/ What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel entities into our dimension. What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN? What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order?

Why does Madonna have a DNA clean up crew? Did Madonna show the #Mark-of-the-Beast at the Superbowl? Is this the very same Mark shown by Russell Brand?

Did Michael Jackson die or is there a much deeper #mystery involving The Nine #gods of #Egypt that were channeled by the elite? Is there any reality to Stargate SG1 or Battlestar Galactica? How have Space Command, the FBI, and the CIA influenced our understanding of inter-dimensional gods and the genetic creation of mankind?

#AleisterCrowley, The Beast #666, changed the world forever, as his beliefs take their deepest roots in society, what did Crowley have to say about #Transhumanism and the industrial use of blood and semen? Can this explain Lady Gaga's use of blood and semen in her new perfume line? What is the secret meaning of Monster Drink's #logo? #How many times have you seen 666 and not realized?



Scientists may have finally solved the mystery of #consciousness – their discoveries are troubling

source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/non-fiction/mystery-consciousness-free-will-science-philosophy-answer/

Think of it like this. We tend to think that our minds are like video cameras, recording the world. In fact, they are more like projectors, creating our reality. Of course there are data coming in. But those data are used to help train the projector to get better and to flag up when the projection fails to include something critical. That’s why we so often fail to notice things that do not have a direct bearing on our survival, such as features of buildings we pass each day.

#science #humanity #research #news


#Idiocracy - 02/03 is the date it takes place

The plot follows U.S. Army #librarian Joe Bauers, who wakes up five hundred years in the future after a botched government #hibernation experiment to find himself in a #dystopian #society run by #corporations, where #evolution has made #humanity #stupid because the benefits of #technology made it unnecessary for people to be #intelligent
and physically fit to survive


#movie #today


Third Time’s a Charm — #Lunar #Library Successfully Lands on the #Moon#Backup of Human #Civilization Will Last for Up To Billions of Years.

source: https://medium.com/arch-mission-foundation/third-times-a-charm-lunar-library-successfully-lands-on-the-moon-backup-of-human-civilization-1ef424ebe4f2

enter image description here

One day, these spaceborne knowledge repositories will not only preserve our past, but will also enrich, inspire and accompany #future generations who venture forth and make their homes amongst other worlds. They will carry the flame of our civilization, our #heritage and our #homeworld with them.

I would be surprised if our civilization survives the next 50 years and whether we will still have the ability to reach #space at all. Another danger is the destruction of #knowledge by #AI. If AI can tell us everything in the future, nobody will have to learn anything.

#humanity #mankind #news