

#Hamas Leader Yahya #Sinwar:

  • Our #Palestinian people in #Gaza are being subjected to a war of genocide, siege and starvation, which requires the nation to support them

  • The resistance is fine and the news and information published by the enemy comes within the framework of psychological warfare

  • Our combined efforts with the resistance in #Yemen, #Lebanon and Iraq will defeat the enemy and drive him out of our homeland, God willing.

  • Operation "Noah's Flood" came to deal a blow to the Zionist project in Palestine and the region.

  • Al-Qassam fought the October 7 attack with unparalleled skill and has been waging a defensive battle for an entire year that has exhausted and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


As Israel continues its downward spiral towards authoritarianism, sponsored in part by the US administration under President Biden, it has taken another step in the wrong direction, a budding army of #mercenaries.

The #IDF has been recruiting #African asylum seekers to perform life-threatening tasks in the #Gaza Strip in exchange for permanent residency. This practice is a form of exploitation and extortion, similar to Russia's #WagnerGroup, where prisoners are used as mercenaries. The IDF has also been using Palestinian civilians as human shields, which is a war crime prohibited by international law. A "despicable low" in Israel's behavior during the Gaza war.

Recruiting African #Asylum Seekers for Gaza War Is New Despicable Low haaretz.co.il/opinions/editori… or archive.ph/2zXbu (in Hebrew)

Interestingly, the Haaretz's Hebrew edition correctly titled this editorial: Local Wagner Group: The "most moral army in the world" extorts asylum seekers with threats.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


This is not Apartheid: Seven students and teachers were injured after Israeli settlers attacked Arab Al-Kaabneh Primary School in the Al-Ma’arajat area, northwest of Jericho.

The assault was followed by a wave of arrests and raids conducted by Israeli forces against the school’s teachers and principal.

More details:

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Between them and the British, German, French and American mercenaries, the genocide in gaza will never go to court and those responsible will never face justice.

Killing Arabs, Muslims and people of color is not weighting enough power to geopordizs the new world order.

Some war crimes are more tolerated than the others, it's all about the victims and those responsible..

#Gaza #Gwnocide #India #Meesenaries #Politics #WarCrime #Iniusrice #DoubleStandard #Israel



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September 13, 2024

Calls Mount for U.S. to Investigate, Hold Israel Accountable for Killing Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi

The body of Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, the 26-year-old Turkish American activist
who was killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, has arrived
in Turkey ahead of her funeral. On Thursday, Ayşenur's father, Mehmet
Suat Eygi, praised Turkey for investigating the killing and called on
the U.S. to do the same.

Mehmet Suat Eygi: "America is a different country. When there is
injustice or torment toward its citizens or they are killed in any
country in the world, it lands on that country like the eagle on its
emblem. But when the subject is Israel, there is more of an effort to
dodge it. But I want to believe that people will listen to their

Earlier this week, The Washington Post published an investigation
corroborating eyewitness accounts that the protests Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi
had been taking part in were already over when Israeli soldiers opened
fire and killed her.

Meanwhile, three top Democrats from Ayşenur's home state of Washington -
Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray and Congressmember Pramila
Jayapal - called on the Biden administration to investigate her killing.
On Wednesday, hundreds of people gathered at a Seattle beach for a vigil
honoring the recent University of Washington graduate.

#egypt #israel #west-bank #protest #peaceful-protest #ayşenur-ezgi-eygi #wapo #washington-post #democracy-now


Remember him?

Because sure the media doesn't care about his death.

It wasn't like he was a fascist idlamophobe standing up against Putinname Navalny, because then he would have been all over the news and the whole "civilized west" leaders would be on TV and media condemning the criminals who killed him.

He will be just another nameless victim of the Israeli never ending crimes against Palestinian people.

Now move on and watch the latest BS about US election.

#palestine #WarCrime #WestBank #NeverForget #NeverForgive #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


VETOOMUS: Suomen on tunnustettava Palestiinan valtio


"Israel ei pysäytä Gazan tuhoa ja palestiinalaisalueiden laitonta miehitystä, jollei kansainvälisesti luoda vahvaa painetta konfliktin ratkaisemiseksi oikeudenmukaisella tavalla. Suomi on sitoutunut konfliktin ratkaisussa kahden valtion malliin, joten nyt on oikea aika tunnustaa Palestiinan valtio ja lisätä näin painetta Israelia kohtaan.

Enemmistö YK:n jäsenmaista, 144 maata, on tunnustanut Palestiinan, viimeisimpinä Slovenia, Irlanti, Norja ja Espanja.

Orpon ja Purran hallituksen mielestä Palestiinan tunnustaminen ei ole ajankohtaista. Meidän mielestämme tunnustamisen aika on nyt. Allekirjoita vetoomuksemme ja liity mukaan vaatimaan vapaata ja itsenäistä Palestiinaa sekä sodan ja miehityksen loppua!"

#israel #palestiina #gaza #suomi


Former French PM Dominque de Villepin slams West's 'double standards' on Gaza, where 'hearts, heads and souls are in pieces'

Dominque de Villepin criticised the West for ignoring international law in relation to Israel's war in Gaza and said the subject had become "taboo" in #France.

De Villepin said France's influence on the global stage had faded and warned that Israel was "creating the conditions" for the reoccupation of Gaza.

In an interview with French radio station France Inter on Thursday, de Villepin, who was prime minister from 2005 to 2007, said Israel's war in Gaza was unlike previous conflicts due to the massive civilian death toll where well over 41,118 people have been killed.
#DpublrSyandard #Hypocrisy #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow