

G7 shameful statement

Apulia #G7 Leaders’ Communiqué (pdf)

On page 5 starts a section titled “Conflict in Gaza” (the beginning part as screenshot attached).

Take a look at the first paragraph:

1) We condemn Hamas’ attack 2024/10/07

2) We fully support Israel esp. its security

3) Israel is obliged to abide international law

4) We condemn Hamas for using civilians as shield

5) We disapprove of civilian death “equally”

6) We ask “all parties” to act toward protection of civilians.

Hamas caused this “conflict” and is solely responsible for the loss of civilian lives. G7 stands with Israel.

#ShameOnYou #G7 #Europe #Israel #Genocide


picturing coward war criminal of IDF as pigs is an insult to those lovely and gentle animals.

I don't like picturing humans comitting crime as animals. No animal would ever do what these monsters do. They are evil, they are the worst of the worst. They are Israeli ISIS with support of the "leftists", "feminists" and "liberals".

PS. I don't care if some people get offended by this image.. every single IDF soldier is willing participant in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and outrageous war crimes in occupied west bank.

#Israel #IDF #inhumanity #WarCrime #AIimsge


Desperation as displaced people queue for donated food in Khan Younis camp

Children stand at a gathering of internally displaced Palestinians to collect food donated by a charitable group, in a camp in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, on June 15, 2024 [Haitham Imad/EPA]

This happening in front of our eyes as 7 billions people go on loving their lives aa nothing else s going on.
#Gaza #Shame
#food #Famine
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Rats are jumping ship:Major General (reserve) of the occupying army, Isaac Brik: Any decision by Netanyahu to attack Hezbollah will bring a holocaust to the government.

The war in Gaza has lost its purpose and continues only to benefit Netanyahu, we have reduced the military's capacity within 20 years until it is no longer able to defeat Hamas.

  • What is happening in Rafah is a source of shame for the Israeli army.

PS. He had no problem slaughtering 40000 palestinians, he had no problem making millions of palestinians homeless, he had no problem with IDF raping prisoners with metal rods, he had no problem with IDF handcuffing kidnapped Palestinians for weeks leading to amputation. He had no problem with starving millions of palestinians mostly women and children, but he is worried that the genocidal army of Israel is weak and losing their fake image of being undefeated.

#IDF #Inhumanity #Hypocrisy #WarCrime #Politics #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


It's been endless since Lord Balfor, WWI Armistice

Good morning, Rip Van Winkle.

earthling - 2024-06-16 02:06:34 GMT

“This war might become an endless war. A war of attrition which as strong as the Israeli army is, the Hamas forces can always kill and sabotage and then there will be retaliation. It leads nowhere and it is endless.”“They will never achieve this ridiculous ‘total victory’ ... It will go on, and on and on until Israel and Hamas – mainly Israel – will realise that it leads to nowhere and it must stop at any price.”

Gideon Levy



Urgent Spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces:

Sinking is the fate of ships that have been targeted in the past 72 hours for violating the ban on access to the ports of occupied Palestine.

  • The Verbena ship sinks in the Gulf of Aden after being hit by a number of missiles.

  • The TUTOR ship, which was targeted by a drone boat and a number of ballistic missiles and drones, is in danger of sinking in the coming hours.

  • This operation is dedicated by the Yemeni armed forces to our mujahid brothers in #Gaza on the occasion of Eid al-Adha and victory, and in recognition of their steadfastness and jihad, may God protect them and to all the free people of the Palestinian nation. It is only from God
    (Auto translated from Arabic)
    #Yemen #Israel #Blockade #Shipping #RedSea


IDF have admitted that they lost 8 active dutyewar criminals during a single incident in Gaza today.

The Palestinian resistance had earlier reported that they had destroyed the APC these soldiers were traveling with using a Yasin 105 Iranian designer modified RPG 7 specially built to penetrate Israeli Markva tanks that used to be called the safest tanks in the world.

The Israel assault on Gaza have shown that the myth of Israeli military superiority and it's iron dome and Markva tanks being the best and the safest military equipments in the world, while Hamas and Hezbollah have easily penetrated and destroyed these multi million dollar hardware with home made weapons not costing even a fraction of those built by Israel.

#Military #Hamas #Yasin105 #MarkvaTank #IronDome #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


"More than 2,000 #academics have signed a letter demanding the resignation of #Germany’s #Education Minister over her attempt to #sanction scholars who supported pro-Palestinian students’ right to protest"

They said that “The withdrawal of funding ad personam on the basis of political statements made by researchers is contrary to the Basic Law...such political sanctions is a sign of constitutional ignorance and political abuse of power,”


#Education #Fascism #Israel #Palestine #NeoMcCartyism #Freedom #FreeSpeech #Protectionism #Europe #Protests


Why there are no reporters in Europe like him any more?

They all have turned into cowards at best or genocide supporters at worst. The disgusting dirty and disgusting atmosphere created by Israeli supporters and right wing media owners not to forget the sold out politicians and indifferent public (on top of racism and islamophobia) have created a vaccume of strong, knowledgeable and brave reporters who are not afraid of telling the truth.

With Robert Fisk gone, The independent have also turned into a echo chamber of pro Israeli voices. German and Swedish media are not even worth reading any more and I get better news from Israeli media criticizing the fascist regime of Netanyahu than any of the so called progressives and liberals in those countries.

As Ahmad Shamloo the great Iranian poet said more than half a century ago : "strange time we live in my dear; they smell your mouth to make sure you haven't said 'I love you'".

#Media #Israel #Fascism #GideonLevy #Politics #SelfCensorhip #UK #Sweden #Germany #News #Cowardice


There are land, air, and sea attacks on #Rafah right now.

There are no functioning #hospitals in Rafah. There is no medical treatment, and none of the Palestinians who are being injured have any medical teams to rescue them.

There have been reports from journalists, healthcare workers and paramedics that they could not reach the area.

Over a million palestinians sitting defenceless and being bombed by one of the strongest armies in the world, while disgusting hypocrite leaders of the "world" are just standing by and doing nothing to stop the mad man in #TelAviv.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Palestinian resistance claims they attacked an Israeli APC carrying 8 occupation soldiers with a Yasin 105 RPG. Blowing it up and killing or badly injuring all inside.

There are no verified reports about the number of casualties, but these APCs can carry between 6 and 12 soldiers, depending on their equipments.

This is yet another big blow to fascist regime of #Netanyahu who chose war instead of #ceasefire and release of all the #hostages.

#Yasin105 #Casualties #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow