

Quand la Caf porte plainte contre un allocataire de l’AAH coincé à l’étranger pendant la pandémie

Mohammed, 59 ans, vit grâce à l’allocation adulte handicapé. Il est aujourd’hui visé par une plainte de la Caf parce qu’il a séjourné un an au Maroc, coincé par les confinements anti-Covid et pour prendre soin de ses parents âgés. https://basta.media/quand-la-caf-porte-plainte-contre-un-allocataire-de-l-aah-coince-a-l-etranger

#Caf #AAH #AllocationAdulteHandicapé #Sanction #Plainte #Temoignage #ControleSocial #FraudeSociale #Erreur


« Je n’ai jamais vu une aberration pareille » : le chaos de la dématérialisation des Caf raconté de l’intérieur

Entre les bugs des logiciels, les réformes incessantes, et l’obligation de passer le moins de tps possible avec les allocataires, la dématérialisation et la réduction des coûts pèsent aussi sur les travailleurs et travailleuses des #Caf. Ils et elles livrent leur témoignages à Basta. https://basta.media/caf-declaration-en-ligne-prestations-APL-RSA-AAH-numerisation-chaos-raconte-de-l-interieur

Nouveau volet dans le cadre de notre grande enquête sur les dysfonctionnements des caisses d’allocations familiales. Les volets précédents sont à retrouver ici 👉 https://basta.media/caf

Ce travail de terrain, à l'écoute des allocataires, chômeur-ses, travailleur-ses à #poleemploi et dans les #Caf, l'équipe de Basta! le mène depuis de longues années grâce à votre soutien, merci infiniment !
Pour nous aider à la poursuivre, faites nous un don 👉 https://basta.media/don

#Caf #Allocataires #ConditionsDeTravail #Numerisation #Dematerialisation #Agent #APL #AideAuLogement #RSA #AAH #allocationAdulteHandicapé #Temoignages #MaVieAuTravail #Travail #DeclarationEnLigne #ServicePublic #AdministrationPublique #Inegalité #Sanction


RSA supprimé sur décision du département : « J’ignore absolument ce qu’on me reproche »

Macron veut imposer du travail obligatoire aux bénéficiaires du Revenu minimum de solidarité. Déjà, les allocataires font face à des contrôles provenant de tous côtés : Pôle emploi, CAF ou départements. Témoignage de Philippe, allocataire sanctionné. https://basta.media/RSA-supprime-radiation-CAF-Pole-emploi-controle-sanction-fraudes?var_mode=calcul

Illustration : Rodho

#RSA #PoleEmploi #CAF #Sanction #FraudeSociale #FraudeFiscale #Fraude #Controle #Radiation #Allocations #Precarite #Travail #Temoignage #Solidarite #Departement #AideSociale


Russian oligarchs move yachts as U.S. looks to ‘hunt down’ and freeze #assets

source: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/28/russian-oligarchs-move-yachts-as-us-moves-to-hunt-down-and-freeze-assets.html

Data reviewed by CNBC from Marine Traffic shows that at least four massive yachts owned by Russian business leaders have been moving toward #Montenegro and the Maldives since a wide array of #sanctions were announced in recent days by leaders from around the world, including the U.S. Treasury targeting Russia’s central bank. The #Maldives doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S., according to Nomad Capitalist.

#news #wealth #yacht #Russia #sanction #news


Passe sanitaire au travail : « L’octroi d’une forme de pouvoir de police à des employeurs est inquiétant »

D’abord instauré pour le public, le passe sanitaire est désormais obligatoire pour plusieurs milliers de salariés. Depuis le 1er septembre, ceux et celles qui ne s’y conforment pas peuvent être suspendus, et privés de salaires. Explications. https://www.bastamag.net/passe-sanitaire-salaries-quelles-sanctions-suspension-pouvoir-des-employeurs

#PasseSanitaire #Travail #Obligation #Sanction #Employeurs #Salariés #Suspension #RGPD #Controle #Surveillance


« Le recours au Conseil d’Etat est devenu l’une des voies principales pour discuter des choix gouvernementaux »

Le 4 août où le Conseil d’État a condamné l’État à payer une astreinte de 10 millions d’euros pour son inaction face à la pollution de l’air. Cela devient de plus en plus fréquent qu’il sanctionne le gouvernement. Le Conseil d’État est-il devenu le dernier bastion d’un débat démocratique mis à mal ? Entretien avec l’avocat Antoine Lyon-Caen qui y a notamment porté la contestation de la réforme de l’#AssuranceChomage et la dénonciation des #ControlesAuFacies. https://www.bastamag.net/Conseil-d-Etat-recours-inaction-du-gouvernement-climat-controle-au-facies-ONG-syndicats-Antoine-Lyon-Caen

#Democratie #ConseilDEtat #Climat #Ecologie #Sanction #Gouvernement #Astreinte #Pollution #DebatDemocratique #Loi #Recours #Justice #Syndicats #Association #Entretien


It's time to sanction Israel for bombing Gaza; among many other atrocities
#RecklessPolitics #Israel #Anti-Zionism #Gaza #Sanction #Palestinians #Avaaz #Petition

"Dear friends,

We're on the brink of a full scale war in Israel and Palestine.

31 Palestinian children have already been killed. Mothers dead. Hundreds injured.

The tensions are escalating. Fast.

It's all rooted in Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and decades of violent oppression of the Palestinian people, which Human Rights Watch just concluded amounts to “crimes against humanity.”

This is where it all began, and this is where it must end.

Possibly the only way to stop this horrific cycle of Israel’s violent displacement of Palestinians from their homes, daily punishment of innocent families, Hamas firing rockets, and Israel bombing Gaza is to make the economic cost of this conflict too high to bear.

It’s what helped end apartheid in South Africa, and it can end apartheid here.

We've just hit 2 million signatures. Join our call in one click to sanction Israel for breaking international law and committing crimes against humanity, and let's make this a turning point.

Human Rights Watch, one of the most respected human rights organisations in the world, and B’tselem, one of the most respected Israeli human rights organisations, both recently concluded that Israel is committing crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people.

Meanwhile, extremist Israeli settlers march in the streets chanting “Death to Arabs”, and have burned thousands of olive trees that many Palestinians rely on to survive. Once again the bombs are falling on the open-air prison that is Gaza , and Israel is under rocket attack -- something has to change to end this vicious downward spiral.

Imposing sanctions is not about demonising Israelis. Extremists and corrupt leaders on both sides benefit from the status quo. But there is no question that the Israeli government, with one of the strongest militaries in the world, is the actor with maximum power on the ground. Israel controls the land, air, water, food, and even the freedom of movement of ALL Palestinians. For 70 years, it has been punishing, evicting and discriminating against millions of Palestinians whose lives it controls.

The Israeli government believes it has a green light to continue committing these crimes, crushing Palestinians with impunity -- because it believes governments will not impose sanctions. Let’s prove them wrong by turning this petition into a massive people’s movement that no decision maker can ignore.

This is a last resort. Virtually every other tool has been tried, for decades, to stop Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. Targeted sanctions, covering things like Israeli blood diamonds, a boycott on arms sales (Israel sells weapons to some of the world's most brutal regimes) as well tech and cultural sanctions (like banning Israel from sporting events), may be the first step in bringing freedom to Palestine and peace to the region.

With hope and determination,

Fadi, Marie, Christoph, Mo, Nax, John, Risalat, and the entire Avaaz team"

Palestinian Rights Matter - Sanction Israel!


Why are we sanctioning Iran and sending Israel weapons?
#RecklessPolitics #Sanction #Iran #Israel #Weapons #Nuclear #WinWithoutWar #ProgressiveForeignPolicyDebrief

Key points:

  • Though near-opposite contexts, stories from Israel and Iran paint a single picture: all across the globe, U.S. militarism fuels violence, empowers repressive governments, and obstructs the path to justice.
  • Israel has long been seen as an unquestionable U.S. “ally.” Unwavering U.S. diplomatic and military support is fueling a violent crackdown on Palestinians resisting apartheid and forced expulsion.
  • Iran, meanwhile, is the subject of vicious U.S. aggression. As our latest webinar explores, this antagonism — and broad-based sanctions in particular — are immiserating, deadly, and a powerful obstacle to those fighting for progress and human rights in the country.
