

Meanwhile, before or after the turkey, ham, or Chanukah leftovers... Christmas Eve, 2023, bounding towards a New Year...

Here's an interesting bit of legal/political perspective from George Conway, ex-Federal Society fan, AKA Mr. KellyAnne...
No spoiler or details except to say, it's actually a little comforting after the jolt of the SCOTUS (in)action and questions about COLO.

"The Colorado Ruling Changed My Mind" - George T. Conway III / The Atlantic

"The strongest argument for throwing Trump off the ballot is the weakness of the counterarguments."

#sedition #Article14 #Constitution #Jan6 #TrumpVirus #justice #accountability #ballot #election #truth #law


... And thus goes the #SCOTUS endorsement of #GQP / #TrumpVirus #sedition

Supreme Court rejects Jack Smith’s plea to hear Trump immunity case

"The Supreme Court has declined to take up an expedited review of former President Donald Trump’s claim of presidential immunity from the 2020 federal election interference case, reported The New York Times on Friday — a loss for special counsel Jack Smith, who had urged them to take up the case and …"

And so?

Reposting (from earlier private post) - which may recycle as pora* privates are wont to do.

Kenny commented "Damn"

My comment was/is:

Well at least they didn’t block the trial date from proceeding.
Best case I can see off-hand now would be SCOTUS affirming COLO or not touching it, and that setting in motion other states doing the same, but meanwhile off the ballot(s) in COLO.
And what would happen if, say, it does go to court but meanwhile all along the way there are appeals based on immunity? Or if it gets to trial without it being resolved… put on hold (“until after the election”?) until it gets put before SCOTUS again?
This is fresh news, so I’ve not heard all the experts (Weissman, Katyal, Tribe et al) have a go on “what this may mean” yet, but I"m sure the news cycles tonight, both nightly and “week in review” are going to delve into this. SMH… ho ho ho

#sedition #Jan6 #justice #truth #accountablity


Well well well...

'You are the man': Texts show close ties between far-right lawmaker and Trump co-defendant

FTA: Newly released text messages reveal that Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) had deeper ties to Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark during the 2020 election plotting than was previously known, Politico reported on Wednesday.

..."The intimate exchange between two central figures in Trump’s bid to subvert the election was disclosed in a newly unsealed court filing released Wednesday by a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C.," said the report.

When a house of cards goes down, all the cards fall. I hope this is what we're witnessing. It's either that or the death of American democracy.

#Perry #Clark #Coup #Jan6



Well, here you have it, clear as can be. The “brain” of #TrumpVirus, the chief strategist, pre-pardoned, spells it out clearly:
The GQP #Cult (nee party) is in fact embracing the obvious: Welcome to America’s new, official 'party of Trump', AKA #Fascist Party

“There Isn’t Enough Fascism in the GOP”:

#### Bannon Explodes at RNC Over Republican Losses in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia

#Fascism #RNC #Bannon #Jan6 #sedition #GQP #FascistParty #truth #psychopathy #psychopathology


Last bit of processing, late-night after a day of TMI, none good....
A somber reflection about the latest mass shooting(s), and then top-notch #humor churned in a mixture of satire and #truth.

Stephen Colbert Calls Out Mike Johnson’s First Fail

The “Late Show” host chided the new House speaker for offering little more than thoughts and prayers to survivors of the Maine shooting on his first day in office.

#GQP #TrumpVirus #MAGAMikeJohnson #truth #TMI #violence #Jan6


Meanwhile, in "OUR House" (G-d Help us if they actually are 'representative' of America!)....
Donald #TrumpVirus celebrated his only "good news" of the day, proof he still owns the #GQP cult.

As they stay stuck on a sharp rusty post of anti-#democracy and assaults of basic rights.


Heeeeeere's Mikey! Or as Gaetz calls him, #MAGAMike

So who is this guy installed by Lord StableGenius with the enthusiastic support of #GymJordan, Gaetz, & other #Jan6 seditionists?

New Speaker Mike Johnson’s Long History With The Religious Right

"Come for the Noah's Ark theme park, stay for the relentless efforts to strip women's and LGBTQ+ rights."

#truth #democracy #MakeAmericaSane (ish)


Meanwhile... In the #TrumpVirus Crime, #Cult, & #Psychopathology Department today...

A look at the Emperor's Sick Clothes...

As the #GQP House approves the only Drumpf- disapproved candidate for Speaker, in the #Jan6 #sedition arena, Jen Ellis was 'flipper # 4' today among co-conspirators ... And today is the day of Michael Cohen vs. Don Don in the big NY Civil case vs #Trump Org...

But meanwhile, a lovely little thread on Xitter addresses the unique and "perfect" malignant narcissism and myriad #psychopathology features of Lord StableGenius and his #cult of malevolent "personality", devoid of actual belief in anything beyond his winning, 24/7.

(1/3) Trump is unique among malignant narcissists in being of below average intelligence, inarticulate, and poorly read. Many non-political malignant narcissists (Ted Bundy) had high IQ's. And even "cult of personality" malignant narcissists (Jim Jones) were literate and sharp.

(2/3) The persuasiveness of cult leaders is usually enhanced by their intelligence and articulacy. Trump is such a loud and obvious con, that his political rise speaks as much to the susceptibility of our electorate, his enablers, his broad celebrity, and this moment in time.

There's a great deal of #truth plus commentary in this thread assessing #DJT of the StableGenius Klan...