

There are few if any #fantasies that involve #socialism, same with #anarchism. There are only a handful with #liberals. more so with #Fascism Almost all of them center around #monarchism and feudalism. There are #sci-fi with ones of all those systems as well with a higher level of leftists. #Kings, #knights, #princes and lords are all negative evil titles and characters to people on the left for good reason. However #Queen and #princess have taken on positive feminist meanings that have nothing to do with ruling others. Nestor Makhno was the closest thing to an anarchist #lord, as one could possibly be. Most male nobility terms will always have a negative meaning to the left. If say anarchism took off, would people be referring to a strong influential woman/girl in her local sustainable community/direct democracy workers counsel as a queen/princess? In leninism everyone was referred to as comrade. In the US at least we aren't so much hung up on titles though post Czarist Russia needed a cleaning of their feudalist past and deference to nobility and titles very quickly. It would be interesting how old titles will be reworked in a leftist world.


Not My King: it’s not a crime to say it


  • Protest organisers at King Charles’ coronation have been arrested, and placards confiscated.
  • The protest was legal and agreed with the police in advance, but organisers were arrested on their arrival.

The attempts to shut down debate about the issue are a disgrace

It’s time to move on from the feudal age and abolish the monarchy.


#Monarchy #ToryFascistDictatorship #Kings #Queens #coronation #petition #repression #oppression #protest #FreeSpeech #DemocracyLost #DemocracyNotAutocracy #ToryScum #ToryScumOut


The 9 Kings of Europe gather for the first and only time for a photograph at the funeral of King Edward VII in London. May 20th, 1910 (Colorized and remastered with Topaz Labs Photo AI) [4800 x 3498] [+]

Standing, left to right: King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of the Bulgarians, King Manuel II of Portugal and the Algarve, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia, King George I of the Hellenes and King Albert I of the Belgians.

Seating, left to right: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George V of the United Kingdom and King Frederick VIII of Denmark.

pity, the King of Hungary Franz Joseph I is missing..

#Kings #Europe #1910
