

Journal that published faulty black plastic study removed from science index - Ars Technica

However, the authors made a math error in their analysis that put their estimate of exposure to toxins from kitchen utensils off by an order of magnitude. Corrected, the article notes that the exposure potential from kitchen utensils is actually less than a tenth of the limit considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency. Further, the study found flame retardant contamination in less than 10 percent of the 203 household products it examined—and only about 8 percent of 109 kitchen utensils.

I did not know that the original paper was retracted
#kitchen #plastic #science



Der Morgen: Waghalsig frühe Termine mit sich vereinbaren und doch nicht erscheinen. Augenlider zusammengepresst halten im grellen Licht, bis bunte Flecke durch die Wahrnehmung tanzen. Erste Mails, neue offene Punkte ersetzen alte offene Punkte und an der Haltestelle schließt ein erster Bus seine Türen. Unterbewusst nervös, ungeduldig, wartend auf den Wasserkessel und einen Moment innerer Stille mit weniger Nacht und darauf, dass die vagen Erinnerungen an die letzten Stunden Form ergeben oder verschwinden wollen. Dann schneidet Nachbars Radio durch den Spuk, die Katze trollt sich unters Bett, die Ausflüchte, sich dem üblichen Takt zu entziehen, werden dünner. Kaffee, Brot, Küchentisch und eine kleine Fliege, die über den Atlantik rennt. Erfolglose Zwiegespräche, aber immerhin geduldet. Habt es mild heute!

#outerworld #concrete_city #waking_to_the_day #kitchen_mood

#concrete city #waking to the day #kitchen mood


Noch etwas mehr nachtwärts: Küchenbier, vibrierender Herd, Müdigkeit als Aggregatszustand. Der Teig klebt am Nudelholz, und die Pflaumen sind noch hart und sauer, Sommer fehlt den Früchten. Unten im Nebenhof weist ein Vater seine Kinder zurecht. Laut, genervt, hilflos in der Sprache und schlussendlich bleibt die Ansage wirkungslos, Lärm und Treiben gehen munter weiter. (Eine Ahnung von Wind. Drückende Bässe am Fluss. Sich selbst wiederfinden, kurz nach Sonnenuntergang.)

#outerworld #concrete_city #later_that_day #kitchen_mood

#concrete city #later that day #kitchen mood


The case of the disappearing teaspoons: longitudinal cohort study of the displacement of teaspoons in an Australian research institute - PMC

Objectives To determine the overall rate of loss of workplace teaspoons and whether attrition and displacement are correlated with the relative value of the teaspoons or type of tearoom.

Design Longitudinal cohort study.

Setting Research institute employing about 140 people.

Subjects 70 discreetly numbered teaspoons placed in tearooms around the institute and observed weekly over five months.

Main outcome measures Incidence of teaspoon loss per 100 teaspoon years and teaspoon half life.

Results 56 (80%) of the 70 teaspoons disappeared during the study. The half life of the teaspoons was 81 days. The half life of teaspoons in communal tearooms (42 days) was significantly shorter than for those in rooms associated with particular research groups (77 days). The rate of loss was not influenced by the teaspoons' value. The incidence of teaspoon loss over the period of observation was 360.62 per 100 teaspoon years. At this rate, an estimated 250 teaspoons would need to be purchased annually to maintain a practical institute-wide population of 70 teaspoons.

Conclusions The loss of workplace teaspoons was rapid, showing that their availability, and hence office culture in general, is constantly threatened.

#teaspoons #science #kitchen



Opinion On Kitchen Knives:

I'm looking for advice on buying a set of replacement knives for my kitchen. I've had the set we've been using (Ginsu serrated) for some years now and would like to get myself something more effective and sharp for everyday use. One look at Amazon and the huge number of blades and brands out there has shown that my knowledge is inadequate on the subject. I want some low maintenance blades that will keep an edge for a long time. Steel? Ceramic? Titanium? Brands? Someone who knows this stuff and can point me in a reasonable direction to start at without bankrupting my home budget please throw some suggestions at me?

#InformationPlease #Knives #Kitchen #ShoppingSuggestions #HouseholdKitchen