

#kultur #satire #küppersbuschtv
***"... warum die deutschen Medien an breiter Front an einer Enthüllung vorbei berichten" und das schöne Wort vom "Rektal-Journalismus"

Die Panzer-Blamage – Küppersbusch TV

  • Naftali #Bennett ist der israelische Edward #Snowden der Neuzeit...oder so. Er hat in einem Podcast ziemlich interessante Dinge über den Krieg in der #Ukraine und die Machenschaften von #Putin, #Selenskyj, #Scholz und Co. preisgegeben. Derweil hat sich unser Bundeskanzler stellvertretend für #Deutschland richtig schön blamiert...Wir liefern #Leopard 2-Panzer und die anderen? Tauchstation. Und achja: Dieses Mal bekommt ihr übrigens euer Soul & Funk! Viel Spaß und gute Unterhaltung! 0:00 👉 Das wird man ja wohl doch noch enthüllen dürfen! 0:21 👉 Schalom Schabatt 3:13 👉 Das Panzleramt 4:50 👉 Küppis musikalisches Quiz Die gezeigten Quellen findet ihr hier: 👉 bit.ly/3x4tQcv

Kiel is home to #Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Maschinenbau, builder of the #Leopard tank. In the Kiel parliamentary vote of 2021, the #Greens gained almost 14% to score 28% of the total, while the SDP lost ground but held on to the seat with 29.5%. Just over two thousand votes separated them. The anti-war Left and Alternative for Germany (AfD) candidates lost ground in Kiel, ending up with 5% and just over 7,000 votes each. In Dusseldorf, headquarters for the #Rheinmetall group, the Greens gained 13% in 2021 from the SDP and CDU, losing narrowly to the CDU. Similar vote switches to the Greens were recorded in Essen and Duisburg, where #Thyssen-Krupp directs its military industrial complex.

#Kujat’s links to these leading German arms makers are indicated by his chairmanship of the advisory council of the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium, an association of US, German and other European weapons makers. For more on the prospects of the German corporations he and the consortium represent, read this.

Kujat is #warning that #defeat of the #US and #NATO by the Russian forces in the #Ukraine puts the future #profitability of this business #in-jeopardy. “This is the current situation in which modern Western weapons systems are used in the Ukraine war. In December, Russia launched an extensive program to evaluate the technical and operational-tactical parameters of captured Western weapons, which should increase the effectiveness of its own operations and weapon effectiveness.”


Then what to add to the list of possible believes next?


80 years on, we are facing German tanks again - Putin

Vladimir Putin has compared Russia's invasion of Ukraine to the fight against Nazi Germany, in a speech to mark the 80th anniversary of the conclusion of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Citing Germany's decision to send #Leopard #tanks to Ukraine, he claimed history was repeating itself.

"It's unbelievable but true," he said. "We are again being threatened by German Leopard tanks."

#Politics #Germany #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Putin



Ukrainische Soldaten in Bachmut: "Dieser Krieg ist schrecklich" | DW | 25.01.2023

Angehörige einer ukrainischen Panzerbrigade, die an den Kämpfen bei Bachmut teilnimmt, berichten über die Lage an der Front - und erklären der DW, warum sie gerade jetzt auf moderne westliche Ausrüstung angewiesen sind.#Ukraine #Russland #Krieg #Bachmut #Soledar #Front #Kämpfe #Waffen #Panzer #Leopard
Ukrainische Soldaten in Bachmut: "Dieser Krieg ist schrecklich" | DW | 25.01.2023