

China Double Eleven 11/11 Shopping Frenzy

Chinese live sellers on double eleven

Hello, again from Shunyi. China is entering the crazy season – a busy time for marketers and delivery gals and guys alike. Hopefully a boom time for brands and sellers internationally.

Today we are going to build on that post, just a little bit around the #11/11 (Double Eleven) #shopping festival / bonanza / craziness – call it what you will. We all know the β€œStory” (every great marketing success must have a β€œstory” these days it seems) how it developed as a small celebration of singleness on November 11th to the mammoth global, or near enough to, circus it is today.

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#marketingtochinese #marketing #alibaba #livestreaming #lipstick


#apple is not a Techkakistocracy either but something else. It's a bunch of #marketing charlatans taking advantage of gullible masses to take away the little wealth they have (by offering them FALSE PROMISES of improved social stats). They're like a religion or a cult... like Scientology.