

La France perd le contrôle de sa mine d’uranium au Niger

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#france #politique #géopolitique #énergie #uranium #niger #afrique

‼️ Clause de non-responsabilité v1.0


Maybe the best argument against nuclear as a major source of energy production I have ever seen : it's just not possible (or you have to get Thorium to work, but nobody seems to care except the chinese).
Case definitely closed for me : nuclear won't save us, it could play a role like any other source and we better have as many independant sources as possible.


#energy #uranium


NATO bombed #Yugoslavia 25 years ago

'They #poisoned our #land, #water, and #air': Serbs hold NATO responsible for depleted uranium pollution

"NATO must pay compensation,” Serbian lawyer Srdjan Aleksic told Sputnik. “By #bombing #Serbia and the Republic of Srpska with #depleted #uranium ( #DU) shells, despite knowing DU's long-term effects—such as its half-life of 4.5 billion years—the alliance poisoned our land, water, and air. Depleted uranium entered the #food chain."

The North Atlantic Alliance deployed DU weapons during the war in #Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in 1995, and then again during the aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.

In September 1995, NATO forces had fired off 4.5 #tons of DU penetrators in the territory of BiH, according to the Commission of Inquiry into the Consequences of the Use of Depleted Uranium.

The Serbian Ministry of Defense said the Western military bloc dropped 15 tons of DU munitions on Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999.

Aleksic follows in the footsteps of his Italian counterpart, Angelo Tartaglia, who won more than 300 cases for Italian soldiers who served in the NATO KFOR mission in #Kosovo and later fell ill or died of cancer.

"Currently, 35 lawsuits against NATO have been filed in courts in Belgrade, Nis and other cities in Serbia,” Aleksic said. “50 biopsy results of Serbian military and police officers who served in Kosovo and were diagnosed with cancer have been sent to Italian laboratories."

Aleksic called on residents of the Republic of Srpska (part of BiH) suffering from cancer to establish a causal link between their condition and the bombing with depleted uranium shells.

"The biopsy results show the presence of heavy metals and depleted uranium, which is 100 percent proof that we are right," he stressed.

NATO bombed a capital of Europe for 78 days to break Serbia and create Kosovo with largest #military base in #Europe - Jeffrey Sachs to Tucker Carlson
- Wasnt it to save Muslims in Kosovo?
- No, it was very much to save military industrial complex to have nice locations in Europe


...and this is all without looking at molybdenum mines and silver mines...

DoomsdaysCW - 2024-06-02 02:37:22 GMT

ICYMI - from 2014#DemocracyNow
Mar 14, 2014

"The iconic Grand Canyon is the site of a battle over toxic uranium mining. Last year, a company called Energy Fuels Resources was given federal approval to reopen a mine six miles from the Grand Canyon's popular South Rim entrance. A coalition of Native and environmental groups have protested the decision, saying uranium mining could strain scarce water sources and pose serious health effects. Diné (Navajo) tribal lands are littered with abandoned uranium mines. From 1944 to 1986, 3.9 million tons of uranium ore were chiseled and blasted from the mountains and plains of the region. More than 1,000 mines have closed, but the mining companies never properly disposed of their radioactive waste piles, leading to a spike in cancer rates and other health ailments. Broadcasting from Flagstaff, Arizona, we speak with Taylor McKinnon, director of energy with Grand Canyon Trust, and #KleeBenally, a Diné (Navajo) activist and musician. "It's really a slow genocide of the people, not just indigenous people of this region, but it's estimated that there are over 10 million people who are residing within 50 miles of abandoned #uranium mines," Benally says. Benally also describes the struggle to preserve the San Francisco Peaks, an area considered sacred by 13 Native tribes, where the Snowbowl ski resort is using treated sewage water to make snow."


#NoUraniumMining #IndigenousActivism #IndigenousAction #Navajo #TheReturnofNavajoBoy


From Iranian IRGC telegram channel: Iran now has the ability to produce 10 nuclear warheads due to its enriched uranium.

Supreme Leader: If we decided to get nuclear weapons, no one could stop us. The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the use of nuclear and chemical weapons and similar as a great and unforgivable sin, we should not have nuclear weapons and we will not have them.

ایران، اکنون با توجه به اورانیوم غنی شده در اختیار توان تولید ١٠ کلاهک هسته ای را دارد.

مقام معظم رهبری: ما اگر تصمیم داشتیم به سلاح هسته‌ای دست پیدا کنیم هیچ کس نمی‌توانست مانع بشود. جمهوری اسلامی ایران استفاده از سلاح هسته‌ای و شیمیائی و نظائر آن را گناهی بزرگ و نابخشودنی می‌داند، سلاح هسته‌ای نباید داشته باشیم و نخواهیم داشت.

PS. Image in Farsi showing how much uranium is needed to make bombs. 4700kg 3.5% to make 4 bombs, 712kg of 20% to make 3 bombs. 121kg of 20% to make 3 bombs.

#Iran #NucleaBomb #Uranium #IRGC #Politics #JINSA #IRI


#Energie #Nucléaire #Industrie #Combustible #Uranium #Stock
Au-delà du débat sur le nucléaire, un angle mort : la crise de l'uranium
En somme, cet argument des stocks d’uranium qui nous garderaient de ressentir toute contrainte sur nos approvisionnements relève d’une réelle paresse intellectuelle : l’existence de stocks important dans l’industrie nucléaire témoigne moins de sa prévoyance supérieure aux autres secteurs énergétiques que d'une absolue nécessité de produire en temps et en heure le combustible utile au fonctionnement du parc. Pour autant, cet argument est dressé de manière réflexive par la filière, tel un bouclier pour conserver le statu quo. Or, c’est bien cet immobilisme stratégique qui nous condamne à brève échéance et non « l’action secrète de groupe de pression écologistes antinucléaires à la solde de l’Allemagne », comme certains voudraient nous le faire croire.


"nuclear is safe"


"The public lands surrounding #GrandCanyon National Park contain high concentrations of uranium ore. Mining bores deep into vertical rock formations called 'breccia pipes,' making #uranium soluble to #groundwater and risking pollution to Grand Canyon’s biologically rich springs. They then leave most of the removed material in #tailing piles that contribute to #water and #air #pollution.

"Because #UraniumMining is not consistently profitable, these mining operations are often abandoned for decades at a time — without any oversight or continued maintenance of the work area.

"Large drilling sites, tailing piles and mines are often left open to the forces of nature — leading to leaks into #groundwater, dispersal of #airborne uranium pollution and #dust, and unsafe conditions for recreational visitors to public lands. And if and when these old mines are cleaned up, the cost burden usually falls on the American public.

"Even more disconcerting is the #toxic legacy left on public lands and sacred #AmericanIndian sites. Iconic landscapes have been marred, and sources of drinking water remain polluted. Manmade ponds containing uranium-contaminated water are left uncovered and used by native #birds and other #wildlife. These mines affect #abitat for more than 100 sensitive species, including #muledeer, #mountainlions, imperiled #Californiacondors and highly endangered native #fish.

"#Groundwater #pollution has the potential to seep into underground #aquifers used for drinking water and into seeps and springs that are the lifeblood for animals in the arid Grand Canyon region.

"The Center for Biological Diversity opposes all uranium mining near Grand Canyon. Over the past decade, we have worked through the courts, through Congress, with the president and in the media to prevent new uranium mining and force the closure and cleanup of old uranium mining sites. To date we have been successful in securing and defending a ban on new uranium mining claims for 20 years on the doorstep to Grand Canyon National Park and have pushed back the reopening of old uranium mines through aggressive litigation.
Our work continues today.

"We've submitted a legal petition to the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management asking them to update old uranium-mining regulations that don't adequately protect #PublicLands, tribal communities and human health.

"We're supporting a campaign to designate a monument that would permanently ban new uranium mining on 1.7 million acres of land that contain the sacred sites of many American Indian tribes, habitat for endemic and endangered species, and tributaries of the #ColoradoRiver.

"And we're fighting existing uranium mines, and the efforts of the mining industry to roll back existing protections, in federal court."



NATO-AKTE Grimme-Preisträger Frieder Wagner: 16 Studien im Geheimarchiv bei der WHO

Mit zwei Dokumentarfilmen (u.a. #Deadly #Dust) und dem Buch „#Todesstaub made in USA - #Uranmunition verseucht die Welt“ stellt der Regisseur und Grimme-Preisträger Frieder #Wagner umfassendes Material aus umfangreichen Recherchen und wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung, um sich ein Bild über die Gefährlichkeit von Uran ummantelten #Geschossen (#Depleted #Uranium = #DU) und deren Langzeitwirkung zu machen. Nach dem Irak-Krieg 2003, in dem 2.000 Tonnen #Uran-Geschosse zum Einsatz kamen, prognostizierten Wissenschaftler innerhalb von 10 Jahren bis zu 7 Millionen #Todesopfer. Und ein Ende von aggressiven #Krebserkrankungen und fötalen #Missbildungen ist über Generationen nicht in Sicht. Die Frage des heute 81jährigen Frieder Wagner, vor allem in Bezug auf die aktuelle Situation, von #Großbritannien und #USA gelieferte #Waffen aktuell in der #Ukraine zum Einsatz zu bringen, ist ernst und nachvollziehbar: „...sind wir in einem verbrecherischen Laden gelandet?“. So sind auch die von der #Politik instrumentalisierten #Medien Thema des Gesprächs mit der Fotografin und Redakteurin der Kölner Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung, Anneliese Fikentscher. Das Gespräch wurde Anfang November 2023 in Köln aufgezeichnet.




"Nachhaltig vergiftet": Filmemacher Mortiz Enders über Uranmunition und Kriegsverbrechen der "Guten"

Tonnenweise hat die #NATO in #Ex-Jugoslawien ‚#DU-Munition‘ eingesetzt (DU steht für ‚#Depleted #Uranium‘, abgereichertes #Uran). Seitdem ist #Serbien das von Krebs am zweitstärksten betroffene Land weltweit. Es sei ein #Kriegsverbrechen gewesen ebenso wie der Einsatz von #Uranmunition heute in der #Ukraine, sagt Publizist und Filmemacher Moritz #Enders. „Sie treffen damit vorwiegend die #Zivilbevölkerung und vergiften sie nachhaltig“. Im Gespräch mit Ivan Rodionov erzählt er über seinen neuen Film ‚Toxic Nato‘, den er in #Südserbien gedreht hat, und die Erfahrungen aus langjähriger Arbeit als Investigativ-Journalist. Warum „nichts wie es scheint“ ist und sich oft hinter gemeinhin geglaubter „Wahrheit“ eine andere Wahrheit verbirgt – InfraRot im Gespräch.



Outrage Grows as Pentagon Confirms Depleted #Uranium Rounds Headed to #Ukraine
"It wasn't enough for the U.S. to send cluster bombs," wrote the communications director for Just Foreign Policy. "Now, the Biden admin is sending depleted uranium—which will cause babies to be born with severe deformities and cancer."
by Jake Johnson - Sept 7, 2023

evil beyond measure