

#Film #Cinéma #Mission

120 min. Disponible jusqu'au 02/08/2024. À la télévision le lundi 29 juillet à 02:20

Dans l’Amérique du Sud fraîchement colonisée, un missionnaire jésuite tente d’entraîner un marchand d’esclaves sur la voie de la rédemption... Palme d’or inattendue en 1986, un film spectaculaire avec #RobertDeNiro #DeNiro et #JeremyIrons.


Still some hope. Also a chance for some robotic gallows humor, I suppose. The robots did deploy, even though the craft landed basically upside down.Japan’s moon landing picture might be the space photo of the decade | Mashablehttps://mashable.com/article/japan-moon-landing-recent-images Image #space #moon #mission #japan

via Diaspora* Publisher -


Leuven-Fiasko Part III - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?

Das #Leuven-Fiasko Part III

Ohne mein #Fahrrad, ohne mein #Schloss

… aber dennoch ist #Leuven eine Reise wert, denn es ist eine sehr interessante #Stadt.

Um meinen, durchaus vorhandenen #Frust abzubauen, habe ich mich entschlossen, für uns, in der kleinen #Schrankküche unseres #Ferienapartments, #Bratkartoffel mit #Spiegelei zuzubereiten.

So weit, so gut! Natürlich müssen an die #Kartoffel auch #Röstaromen heran und diese wiederum regten den #Feuermelder an, jetzt mal das ganze #Apartmenthaus in #Panik zu versetzen!

Dieser #Feueralarm, mit diesem Ton und in dieser #Lautstärke, der setzt so viel #Adrenalin frei, dass du tatsächlich nicht mehr überlegst wo deine Brieftasche ist, oder ob du etwas an hast, sondern versucht das #Gebäude zu verlassen, egal wie!

Nun, jetzt stellt euch einen beliebigen #Aktionfilm vor, der #Countdown auf 12 und der #Held läuft im Gebäude umher beruhigt #Gäste, welche sehr verständlich reagierten und ruhig nach draußen gingen.

Countdown auf 5: Ich finde die Schaltschrank für den Feueralarm mit holländischer Beschriftung, im Hintergrund immer noch dieses nervenaufreibende Geheule. Klar denken ist kaum möglich.

Countdown auf 2:
Am Schrank steckt ein #Schlüssel, mit dem öffne ich den selbigen:

Schaltschrank mit wirren Kabeln, roten und grünen Leuchten und Schaltern

Countdown auf 0,5:
Das blaue oder das rote Kabel?

Nun ich habe mich für den kleinen schwarzen Schalter unten entschieden und Ruhe trat ein! Pfffff.

Interessantes Detail: Es kam keine #Feuerwehr und die Verwaltung benötigte eine halbe Stunde um aufzuschlagen und wieder alles ins #Lot zu bringen.

Und ich mach mal #Kaffee zum entspannen und passend zum Thema was aus der #Mottenkiste:

#Mission # Impossible - https://vid.priv.au/watch?v=R1biE4aNt-0

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


"Culturocide" by Vasily Prozorov
#Culturocide - a #documentary

Description from Vasily Prozorov from UKRLeaks
#Literary #mission

My documentary "Culturocide" (https://t.me/ukr_leaks_eng/943) for the most part is based on the study of enemy literature in schools in the liberated territories of the LPR. Through books, Kiev introduced Russophobic attitudes to the younger generation (and adults too), distorting history and denigrating the big neighbor in the most "vivid" colors.

The process of restoring the liberated territories implies the return of cultural justice, the eradication of the openly fascist education system and, in general, the protection of the culture of the Russian population, which was subjected to the most severe repression by the Kiev regime.

The Union of Writers of the LPR performs (https://litrossia.ru/item/vojna-ne-otmenit-rabotu/) with honor and enthusiasm this difficult mission in the Luhansk region. In 2022, the Union brought about 20 thousand books to the liberated territories. Among them there is a part of the circulation of my book "The Hot summer of Mariupol". In the new year, 2023, the LPR Writers' Union plans to transfer about 14 thousand #books to #libraries in January alone, and this is an excellent indicator.

I would like to wish all the employees of the literary mission great luck in this extremely important work


Quick Reaction Saves ESA Space Telescope


Once launched, most spacecraft are out of reach of any upgrades or repairs. Mission critical problems must be solved with whatever's still working on board, and sometimes there's very little time. Recently ESA's INTEGRAL team was confronted with a ruthlessly ticking three hour deadline to save the mission.

European Space Agency INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory is one of many space telescopes currently in orbit. Launched in 2002, it has long surpassed its original designed lifespan of two or three years, but nothing lasts forever. A failed reaction wheel caused the spacecraft to tumble out of control and its automatic emergency recovery procedures didn't work. Later it was determined those procedures were dependent on the thrusters, which themselves failed in the summer of 2020. (Another mission-saving hack which the team had shared earlier.)

With solar panels no longer pointed at the sun, battery power became the critical constraint. Hampering this time-critical recovery effort was the fact that antenna on a tumbling spacecraft could only make intermittent radio contact. But there was enough control to shut down additional systems for a few more hours on battery, and enough telemetry so the team could understand what had happened. Control was regained using remaining reaction wheels.

INTEGRAL has since returned to work, but this won't be the last crisis to face an aging space telescope. In the near future, its automatic emergency recovery procedures will be updated to reflect what the team has learned. Long term, ESA did their part to minimize space debris. Before the big heavy telescope lost its thrusters, it had already been guided onto a path which will reenter the atmosphere sometime around 2029. Between now and then, a very capable and fast-reacting operations team will keep INTEGRAL doing science for as long as possible.

#space #esa #gammaray #gammaraydetector #mission #reactionwheel #spacedebris #spacesafety #spacetelescope #telescope