

‼️‼️Dernières nouvelles : Des révelations explosives ont émergé suggérant que le Forum économique mondial ( #FEM) avait l’intention de nuire avec les #vaccins contre le #COVID-19. (in English too in link)

Dans une révélation surprenante, il a été révélé que le ministère américain de la Défense ( #DoD) détenait des brevets liés à ces #vaccins dès 2016, exonérant ainsi l'ancien président Trump de toute responsabilité et laissant entendre que le ministère de la Défense l'avait trompé.

Les rapports indiquent que les personnes vaccinées souffrent d’une surcharge #cardiaque importante, entraînant de graves complications de santé.

Étonnamment, la #Nouvelle-Zélande a été témoin de foyers mortels où 100 % des personnes vaccinées au sein de certains groupes sont décédées en seulement deux heures.

Il y a eu une augmentation alarmante, de près de 50 %, du stress exercé sur les cellules cardiaques après la vaccination, une condition qui persiste pendant une période prolongée de six mois.

Cela aurait entraîné une augmentation du nombre de décès soudains et inexpliqués, des données alarmantes étayées par des études évaluées par des pairs.

Le développement de ces vaccins controversés est désormais lié à la Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( #DARPA) et au ministère de la Défense. En outre, 33 % des substances utilisées dans ces vaccins contre la COVID sont censées altérer l’ADN, ayant des effets permanents sur le corps des personnes vaccinées.

L’augmentation mondiale des cas de #myocardite, une inflammation du muscle cardiaque, est liée au développement de vaccins, ce qui laisse présager une crise sanitaire massive.

Ces révélations remettent en question la sécurité, l’éthique et les motivations derrière la campagne mondiale de #vaccination, suscitant des appels urgents à la responsabilité et à la transparence.

source: https://nitter.unixfox.eu/PolFabrice/status/1748327032809746868

#Davos #Davos2024 #OMS #WHO #Health #Billgates #Gates #BMG #pfizer #biontech #CDC #NIAID #Fauci #vaccinovigilance #couillonavirus #pharmacovigilance #injections #Canada #Toronto #mRNA #VaccineInjuries #DiedSuddenly #mortalité #surmortalité #mrna #pharmacovigilance #médecine #santé


#Update: 142 names, occupations & nations, responsible for creation & deployment of the engineered #Covid #virus &/or creation &/or deployment of #mRNA #injections, &/or #illegal #lockdowns, #mandates & other violations of #law relating to Covid.

Including #government officials, #corporate executives & others. All of these individuals are complicit in the mass #murder of millions of people #worldwide & must be brought to #justice.

Please reply with additional #names if you can #think of any not included.

#corporations #pfizer #biontech #vaccineinjuries #vaccinedeaths #eu #massmedia #socialmedia #usa #uk #un #nuremberg2 #canada #australia #newzealand #massmurder #ngo #criminals #criminalconspiracy #who #crime #astrazeneca #janssen #johnsonandjohnson #massmurder


Beware the #distraction #value to #Western #elites of the #Ukrainian situation. #Putin is very likely a member of the #unified #global #elite & his foray into #Ukraine, if indeed it's occurring at all, is very likely planned & has been launched now to move people's attention from the #Covid #crimes of Western elites, onto Putin.

Their #mandates forced #injections into 100s of millions, of which at least 1% died. Their genetically engineered #virus infected billions, of which at least 0.1% died. The percentages are small, but the numbers murdered are in the millions. The numbers injured, some with life-changing injuries, are in the 10s if not 100s of millions.

#vaccinemandates #vaccinedeaths #medicalmandates #vaccineinjuries #massmurder #humanrights #law #USA #UK


According to the FDA FOIA data, the Pfizer "vaccine" has a (1223/42086)x100=2.91% fatality rate. According to data from Cambridge university, the mortality rate of Covid in the UK including all ages is (1/480)x100=0.208%. Overall, that makes the "vaccine" 14x (1400%) more deadly than Covid overall.

It doesn't stop there though, as according to Cambridge the younger a person is, the lower their Covid mortality rate is.

Under 25s = (1/91,775)x100=0.001% mortality rate.
25-44 = (1/7405)x100=0.014% mortality rate.
45-64 = (1/934)x100=0.107% mortality rate.
65-74 = (1/249)x100=0.401% mortality rate.
75+ = (1/50)x100=2.000% mortality rate.

So, the Pfizer "vaccine" is:

2,910x (291,000%) more deadly than Covid for those under 25.
208x (20,800%) more deadly than Covid for those 25-44.
27x (2,700%) more deadly than Covid for those 45-64.
7.3x (730%) more deadly than Covid for those 65-74.
1.5x (150%) more deadly than Covid for those over 75.


#fda #vaccine #vaccines #pfizer #covid #covid19 #cdc #foia #data #statistics #cambridge #adversereactions #vaccinedeaths #vaccineinjuries #bigpharma #corruption #cronycapitalists #psyop #ccp #westerncivilization #uk #usa #fauci #albertbourla


Burial costs covered for Canadians killed by approved vaccines

The department has budgeted $75 million for all claims but said it was unclear how many submissions there could be. Management of the program is contracted to RCGT Consulting.

Canada’s COVID-19 health experts admit there are unknown long-term effects of vaccines, but they provide another layer of protection.
#news #politics #Canada #Trudeau #liberals #globalists #vaccines #VaccineDeath #VaccineInjuries #funerals #covid #coronavirus
