


The Nameless Thing of 50 Berkeley Square

50 Berkeley Square, London, England was for many years renowned for being visited by some sort of creature and terrifying any guests, some fatally, who dared spend the night there in a specific room. Descriptions of the creature vary but the common features seem to be some sort of Octopus type creature in nature.

enter image description here

But what’s the most rational explanation for this incident? By rational we mean, can the explanation be proved to be a plausible one?
Just look at the list below of explanations. Remember, whichever one(s) you pick as being likely ask yourself if you can prove them to be possible:

1 - A real monster.
2 - A spectre or ghost.
3 - Some sort of a demon or creature from mythology.
4 - A real octopus type creature that was able to find its way up from the sewers to that room.
5 - A lie or fabrication to cover something up.
6 - A lie or fabrication to benefit someone in some way.

The article below goes onto look at some of the possible explanations for the incident


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#mystery #supernatural #berkeleysquare #london #berkeley #england #ghost #spectre #lie #fabrication #creature #nameless #sewers #octopus #mythology #demon #cryptoid #cephalopod #octopi #unidentifiable #monster #coverup #harryprice #paranormal #investigation


Navigating the Mysteries - by Martin Shaw

The correct response to uncertainty is mythmaking. It always was. Not punditry, allegory, or mandate, but mythmaking. The creation of stories. We are tuned to do so, right down to our bones. The bewilderment, vivacity, and downright slog of life requires it. And such emerging art forms are not to cure or even resolve uncertainty but to deepen into it. There’s no solving uncertainty. Mythmaking is an imaginative labor not a frantic attempt to shift the mood to steadier ground. There isn’t any.

But—a major but—maybe there’s useful and un-useful uncertainty. The un-useful is the skittish, fatiguing dimension. The surface of the condition. The useful is the invitation to depth that myth always offers. Because if there’s uncertainty, then we are no longer sure quite what’s the right way to behave. And there’s potential in that, an openness to new forms. We are susceptible to what I call sacred transgression. Not straight-up theft but a recalibrating of taboo to further the making of culture. Let me give you an example of what I mean.

In a Hebridean story I call Cinderbiter, a serpent is wrapped four times around the world. Its head is a few miles offshore from a Scottish island. The only way to appease it has been to supply the creature with sacrifices. To satisfy a killer with killings, goes the stressed-out daytime logic. But this cannot continue, the island is running out of victims. The exhausted islanders are all out of ideas. Sequestered in the drama rests a boy who lies by a fire dreaming. Hearing of the many attempts to meet this peril, the lad uses night intelligence, not day, to save the island.

He steals three things.

He steals his father’s speediest horse.
He steals three embers from an old crone’s fire.
He steals the king’s boat and strangely allows himself to be tipped into the belly of the beast. He then locates the liver. He cuts the liver open and places the crone’s embers inside. The serpent then ejects the boy and dies flamboyantly. As he collapses, his teeth become the Faroe, Shetland, and Orkney Islands, and his liver becomes the still smoking island we call Iceland.

Cinderbiter’s unconventional instincts save the day. His transgressions, forged in his dreaming state, have a genius that the islanders can only gawp at. And we swiftly move from a story of insurmountable dread to a creation story: the formation of the Scottish Islands and Iceland. It’s a refreshing narrative and only possible with openness to unexpected approaches. The warriors have been dealing with the outside of the situation, but Cinderbiter navigates it from the inside.

So when we face uncertainty, we should be open to the quixotic and the unconventional. Culturally we need to be Cinderbiters at a moment like this. It’s the Cinderbiter in us that would query the word “uncertainty” anyway. So, let’s re-imagine it.... (cont reading...)

#Martin-Shaw #writings #mystery #uncertainty #mythmaking #reimagining


The Callanish Stones (or Tursachan Chalanais in Gaelic) are a 5000-year-old mystery that look like something straight out of Outlander! Older than Stonehenge, this incredible stone circle complex features a series of stones arranged in a cross shape with a central circle and 4.8m tall centre stone.

The Callanish stones are located on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis. The Isle of Lewis is part of the Outer Hebrides archipelago off the west coast of Scotland and requires catching either a ferry or plane to visit. It’s well worth the effort though!

#Callanish #Stones #IsleofLewis #Scotland #Hebrides #mystery... @Shonie Hutter ♄


Why There's No Such Thing as a #1983 #Corvette

Behind the mysterious gap year of America's quintessential sports car.

source: https://www.history.com/news/missing-1983-corvette-model-year

Initially planned as a 1982 model, the fourth-gen Corvette, by far the most advanced to that time, was first pushed back to a fall 1982 introduction as a 1983 model—and then again to spring 1983 as ambitious upgrades met with further delays. By then, #Chevrolet had decided to designate the “1983” Corvette a 1984.

So the question is, is there a 1983 Corvette?

In my opinion, the answer to this question must be YES, because some prototypes were built in 1983 but these were supposedly all destroyed. So there was a 1983 Corvette but none exists today.

#car #usa #sports #history #conspiracy #Mystery


Mirage trompeur ou promesse enivrante, serait ce mes sens qui se troublent ? Ma conscience qui s’affute ? L’appel qu’exercent sur moi ces vieilles granges reste encore à ce jour un mystùre.

Misleading mirage or exhilarating promise, could it be my senses becoming blurred ? My consciousness sharpening itself ? The call that old barns exert on me still is a mystery.

#photographie #photography #argentique #analog #filmphotography #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #art #artvisuel #visualart #doubleexposition #doubleexposure #hallucination #grange #barn #mystere #mystery #ligne #ivresse #dream #reve #bezzibatani #gts #yannickdurand #mywork #ourwork #laboratoirexy


TikTok drama channels are turning into online intelligence agents | The Verge

A new class of creators is using OSINT techniques to solve online mysteries

Yet another good reason to stay away from TikTok. And comparing these people to Bellingcat? I know you have to make money as a journalist, but that's ridiculous.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #TikTok #crime #mystery



But there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,”


#mystery #covid


Hörbuch Tipp | Oliver Döring - End of Time

Wenn Ihr gerne HörbĂŒcher hört und auch mit Mystery, Shocker, Thriller und ein wenig SciFi was anfangen könnt, dann ist evtl 'End of Time' von Oliver Döring etwas fĂŒr Euch. Hier eine Kurzbeschreibung die ich ganz passend fand.

Niemand kann sich sicher sein – in Oliver Dörings neuem Hörspiel Blockbuster! Ein Agent des SIS infiltriert in Russland ein verstecktes Labor und wird Zeuge eines abscheulichen Menschen- Experiments. Eine junge Frau wird in ihrer Wohnung von unheimlichen GerĂ€uschen gepeinigt. Eine Journalistin wird vor einer Vergeltung an der englischen Regierung gewarnt. Ereignisse, die scheinbar nichts miteinander zu tun haben. Doch sind sie die Vorboten fĂŒr eine Bedrohung, die die zivilisierte Welt ins Verderben stĂŒrzen kann. Je tiefer die Beteiligten in diesen unheilvollen Strudel gezogen werden, desto mehr fĂŒrchten sie sich vor der Auflösung des RĂ€tsels. „End Of Time“ ist ein dĂŒsteres Mysterium, ein Thriller-Drama, das den Hörer packen und nicht mehr loslassen wird. Oliver Döring geht mit diesem Hörspiel neue Wege, bricht mit vertrauten Hör- konventionen und stellt mit der ersten Folge in Punkto Cast und Aufwand alles in den Schatten, was er bisher gemacht hat: Knapp 60 Sprecher hat Döring fĂŒr sein Werk versammelt.

Wer von Euch Spotify hat findet es auch dort. Aber natĂŒrlich ist es auch auf CD und aus anderen Quellen erhĂ€ltlich. Unten könnt Ihr mal ein wenig rein hören. :-)

Info: Achtung, das ist nicht fĂŒr jeden was!

Tags: #Hörbuch-Tipp #End-of-Time #Oliver-Döring #Mystery #Shocker #Thriller #SciFi #samor #2021-11-06