

#Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of #Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization: “A young boy and girl, 6 and 8 years old, and their parents around the breakfast table,” Blinken intoned. “The father’s eye gouged out in front of his kids. The mother’s breast cut off, the girl’s foot amputated, the boy’s fingers cut off before they were executed.”

Landau’s story – and by extension, Blinken’s testimony before the Senate – therefore appears to have been spun out of whole cloth; a cynical #fabrication intended to dramatize the supposed barbarism of Hamas in order to widen the political space for #Israel’s rampage in the #Gaza Strip. As this investigation will demonstrate, Landau’s tale was merely one of many tall tales concocted by a small circle of dubious characters who have managed to shape the official narrative of October 7 in Western media.



[ #PDM #3] – Les #HORREURS du #CHOCOLAT #industriel. - #TroubleFait


Le chocolat fait partie de ces produits nobles qu’on aime offrir. Les boites respirent le luxe, la #tradition, la #gourmandise… la #déforestation, le #travail des #enfants, l’ #excès de #sucre et de #matières #grasses bas de gamme !
Aujourd’hui nous allons faire un tour d’horizon excessivement complet du #marché du chocolat en #Europe, tenu aujourd’hui par une poignée de #multinationales, qui vous vendent un prix et un #emballage et bien peu de #cacao.
Bien sûr le #goût est #subjectif, mais le #rapport #qualité #prix l’est beaucoup moins, surtout si on intègre des paramètres #écologiques et #sociales.

Après cette #vidéo, vous serez bien mieux équipé pour faire votre choix, en évitant les #pièges, les #arnaques et les #produits de #merde !
Bon appétit, bon courage et bonne chance !

---Découvre les chocolats de Camayos sur Zone-Artisanale !
--- https://www.zone-artisanale.com/epicerie/confiserie-et-chocolats/

Boutique d’artisanat : https://www.zone-artisanale.com
Tipeee : https://urlz.fr/6AbO
Discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/FcbJ8vU
Facebook : https://urlz.fr/cpWv
Twitter : https://urlz.fr/cpWt
Instagram : https://urlz.fr/e34l
Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/trouble_fait

00:00 Intro.
01:15 L’h #istoire du chocolat.
07:00 [Partie #économie] - La #production des fèves de cacao.
21:26 Le cacao « #durable ».
30:36 [Partie #agricole] - La production des fèves de cacao.
38:10 Les #dingueries de la #fabrication du chocolat
51:36 Les #chocolatiers
01:06:46 Point #boutique

[Plus d’infos]

#Bibliographie :
François Ruf – #Boom et #crise du cacao
Amaryllis Ghislain – #Analyse économique du marché du chocolat
Samuel Igbatayo – La domination des sociétés multinationales dans la chaine de valeur du cacao
Denis Pompidou Folefack – Commercialisation du cacao en zone forestière du sud Cameroun
Léo Battino – Les méfaits du libéralisme sur les marchés agricoles
Jean-Baptiste Pany – Le cacao profite-t-il encore à la Côte d’Ivoire ?



The Nameless Thing of 50 Berkeley Square

50 Berkeley Square, London, England was for many years renowned for being visited by some sort of creature and terrifying any guests, some fatally, who dared spend the night there in a specific room. Descriptions of the creature vary but the common features seem to be some sort of Octopus type creature in nature.

enter image description here

But what’s the most rational explanation for this incident? By rational we mean, can the explanation be proved to be a plausible one?
Just look at the list below of explanations. Remember, whichever one(s) you pick as being likely ask yourself if you can prove them to be possible:

1 - A real monster.
2 - A spectre or ghost.
3 - Some sort of a demon or creature from mythology.
4 - A real octopus type creature that was able to find its way up from the sewers to that room.
5 - A lie or fabrication to cover something up.
6 - A lie or fabrication to benefit someone in some way.

The article below goes onto look at some of the possible explanations for the incident


enter image description here

#mystery #supernatural #berkeleysquare #london #berkeley #england #ghost #spectre #lie #fabrication #creature #nameless #sewers #octopus #mythology #demon #cryptoid #cephalopod #octopi #unidentifiable #monster #coverup #harryprice #paranormal #investigation