

Not from the Onion : French President Emmanuel #Macron expressed concern about the expansion of BRICS and stated that the entry of new members into the bloc could lead to a "fragmentation of the world."

"The expansion of BRICS shows the intention to build a world order alternative to the current one, which is seen as too Western," said the French President during a meeting with ambassadors on Monday.

"We are an Amazonian power through French Guiana. I would like Brazil and the powers in the region to accept our membership," he added.

Citing that the new configuration of #BRICS could pose a risk to the weakening of #Europe, Macron stated that he intends to "engage with all" partners to try to prevent such a scenario.

#Politics #NotTheOnion #Brazil #France #WTAF

French President Emmanuel Macron defended the trade barriers approved by the European Parliament, which have been criticized by Brazil and other countries in the region during the Amazon Summit this week.

In a tweet, the French president stated that his country was a "driving force behind the historic decision of the European Union to no longer contribute to imported deforestation." The determination mentioned by Macron prohibits the import of products originating from deforested areas.

The measure is contested by Brazil and other countries that are members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). It is also expected that there will be points in the Belém Agreement, to be signed by the countries at the end of this week's Summit, addressing trade barriers like those imposed by the European Union.

Source: https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/republica/apos-rejeitar-convite-de-lula-macron-defende-barreiras-comerciais-criticadas-por-paises-amazonicos/


Not from the Onion : United States: We unloaded $56 million dollars worth of oil from the Iranian tanker, the money could go to victims of 9/11

Damn Osama was Iranian after all. I knew it.

Thanks to Biden, we know better now.

Next finding connection between Iran and JFK assassination.

#Iran #US #Politics #Bandits #Biden #NotTheOnion


(Not from the Onion) US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin called on Russia on Saturday to respect the laws of the sky and cease "irresponsible behaviour" when asked about the latest incidents between US drones in Syria and Russian jets.

Freaking Russians, they are bothering Americans in their heroic act to spread freedumb and democracy in #Syria and have a little of their oil to compensate for their costs.....

#US #Russia #NotTheOnion #WTAF #GoodOccupation #Hypocrisy #Politics


(how dare they?) : A Russian fighter jet flew within meters of a US MQ-9 drone in Syria and fired flares at it, hitting and damaging the US aircraft, the US military says.

The head of the US Air Force Central commented on this:

"We call on the Russian forces in Syria to immediately stop this reckless, unprovoked and unprofessional behaviour."

The drone was able to return to its base.
(Don't laugh, this is perfectly normal, Russia bad, US good, now go and watch Barbie movie).

#Syria #NotTheOnion #GoodInvasion #Russia #US #hypocrisy #politics


WTF story of the day : The Taliban’s Successful Opium Ban is Bad for Afghans and the World

For over 20 Years US and NATO act as de-facto nacro-traffickijg Army in Afghanistan. The millions of tons of opium and Heroin the flooded the market in neighboring countries and all the way to Ireland and Finland, destroyed local economies and lives of 10s of millions of people and created a lost generation in those countries addicted to drugs, outcastes from society, life in misery and death

Now, we have American Peace Institute telling us that ending the trade is bad for Afghanistan and the world.

It is not a joke, this is the disaster capitalism speaking.

Enjoy waving the flag of #US and #NATO high up and call those who served in Afghanistan for heroes, because this is the real reason Afghanistan was invaded, not the #Taliban.

The ban is not a counter-narcotics victory and will have negative economic and humanitarian consequences, potentially leading to a refugee crisis.

The Taliban have done it again: implementing a nearly complete ban against cultivation of opium poppy — Afghanistan’s most important agricultural product — repeating their similarly successful 2000-2001 prohibition on the crop. But the temptation to view the current ban in an overly positive light — as an important global counter-narcotics victory — must be avoided. This is particularly true given the state of Afghanistan’s economy and the country’s humanitarian situation. Indeed, the ban imposes huge economic and humanitarian costs on Afghans and it is likely to further stimulate an outflow of refugees. It may even result in internal challenges for the Taliban itself. And, in the long run, it will not have lasting counter-narcotics benefits within Afghanistan or globally.

#Afghanistan #Opium #Heroin #Economy #politics #Economy #Drugs #WTF #NotTheOnion #DrugTrafficking



Another one, Not From The Onion : The perception of wokeness is turning off people who otherwise are positive about military service - JungianThings

The other causes of the military recruiting woes:

  1. Gen Z is 25% smaller than Gen Y
  2. GENESIS is weeding out perfectly good recruits
  3. Covid closed schools; some didn’t reopen to recruiters
  4. You medicated your kid
  5. Your kid is morbidly obese
  6. Kid smokes weed
  7. Kid is too dumb

📝 The changing racial composition of America excludes some innate traits held by the minority populations from reaching White-made military standards. Also, non-whites care less about civic duties in the US, such as voting or polling. The same may apply to military service for one's country when they feel no real fidelity to a new land they entered for economic opportunities and not blood & soil.


#Politics #NotTheOnion #Military #WTAF #Militarism


The Associated Press: Pentagon says accounting error provided extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid

They are making a lot of accounting errors with Ukrainian equipment. Wondering how come they never detected any such errors in Afghanistan or Iraq.

I know I am a conspiracy theorist who sees strange behavior in many things these days. But it is really great that #Biden is such an honest person and his administration is so trustworthy that they are correcting themselves left and right.

Wondering who's paycheck is getting cut by these #corrections".

#Pentagon #Ukraine #NotTheOnion #MoneyForWar #Politics

PS. Who wants to bet we are going to have a shit load of movies about Ukraine in the coming days, why not a M.A.S.H. because we already have a live Rambo playing Mr. Z.!
PPS. Sorry had to delete the old one to correct the mistakes #


Not from the Onion, "Terror attacks" against American military occupying Syria illegality while stealing their oil and selling then on black market.

Recently released U.S. Intelligence Documents suggest that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is working to Train and Arm a Network of Militant Groups in Syria with “Powerful Armor-Piercing Roadside Bombs” so that they can conduct Terror Attacks against U.S. Forces in the Country.

This reportedly is part of a “Broader Strategy” that has been created by Iran and àRussia to cause enough problems for U.S. Forces in the Region that they decide to Withdraw specifically from Positions in Northern and Eastern #Syria.
#Iran #Propaganda #NotTheOnion #Politics #WTF



Foreigners must tell the #Israeli defence ministry if they fall in love with a Palestinian in the occupied #WestBank, according to new rules.

This is truly turning into a sad and disgusting dark comedy. The only problem is that it's real.
#NotTheOnion #Aparthrid #Occupation #WTF
