

According to a #UNODC report, poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has dropped by 95% since the #Taliban banned it in April 2022!

According to this report, poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has decreased from 6,200 tons to 333 tons. Thus, the area under poppy cultivation, which produces #opium and #heroin, decreased from 230,000 hectares to about 11,000 hectares.

New satellite imagery shows a significant reduction in poppy crops in #Afghanistan since the Taliban came to power.

Helmand province, which was the world's largest poppy producer, is now planted with wheat.


#Opium cultivation declines by 95 per cent in #Afghanistan: UN survey

Source: https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/11/1143232

According to the Afghanistan Opium Survey 2023, released by the agency on Sunday, the supply of opium declined by an estimated 95 per cent, falling from 6,200 tons in 2022 to 333 tons in 2023, corresponding to a fall in the area under cultivation, from 233,000 hectares to just 10,800 hectares over the same period.

War on democracy lost - war on drugs...? 🤔

#uno #news #drugs #politics #crime #economy


#Histoire du trafic de #drogue

#Arte-tv #Documentaire - Disponible du 23/06/2023 au 23/08/2023
1/3 L'ère des empires : https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/078196-000-A/histoire-du-trafic-de-drogue-1-3/

Comment, deux siècles durant, les pouvoirs en place ont fait naître et prospérer le #commerce des #drogues, envers occulté du #libre-échange. Cette fresque dense et limpide pulvérise les idées reçues en démontrant l'impasse de la #prohibition.

2/3 L'heure des barons : https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/078197-000-A/histoire-du-trafic-de-drogue-2-3/

Deuxième volet : une nouvelle génération de trafiquants émerge à la fin des années 1970, qui recherche à la fois l’ #argent et le #pouvoir.

3/3 Les territoires perdus : https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/078198-000-A/histoire-du-trafic-de-drogue-3-3/

Dernier volet : les trafiquants de drogue d’aujourd’hui ont muté. L’invisibilité est leur arme...

À 5min05sec, dans le premier volet :

Les intérêts mercantiles et ceux du #gouvernement n'étaient pas totalement séparés. Il y avait des intérêts communs. C'était l'âge de l' #impérialisme. Le #commerce était bon pour l' #empire, l'empire était bon pour le commerce.

#Drogues #État #Marchand #Marchands #Profit #Mafia #Asie #Opium #Héroïne #Cocaïne #Stupéfiants #Coca #Opioïdes #Fentanyl #Afghanistan #Colombie #USA


WTF story of the day : The Taliban’s Successful Opium Ban is Bad for Afghans and the World

For over 20 Years US and NATO act as de-facto nacro-traffickijg Army in Afghanistan. The millions of tons of opium and Heroin the flooded the market in neighboring countries and all the way to Ireland and Finland, destroyed local economies and lives of 10s of millions of people and created a lost generation in those countries addicted to drugs, outcastes from society, life in misery and death

Now, we have American Peace Institute telling us that ending the trade is bad for Afghanistan and the world.

It is not a joke, this is the disaster capitalism speaking.

Enjoy waving the flag of #US and #NATO high up and call those who served in Afghanistan for heroes, because this is the real reason Afghanistan was invaded, not the #Taliban.

The ban is not a counter-narcotics victory and will have negative economic and humanitarian consequences, potentially leading to a refugee crisis.

The Taliban have done it again: implementing a nearly complete ban against cultivation of opium poppy — Afghanistan’s most important agricultural product — repeating their similarly successful 2000-2001 prohibition on the crop. But the temptation to view the current ban in an overly positive light — as an important global counter-narcotics victory — must be avoided. This is particularly true given the state of Afghanistan’s economy and the country’s humanitarian situation. Indeed, the ban imposes huge economic and humanitarian costs on Afghans and it is likely to further stimulate an outflow of refugees. It may even result in internal challenges for the Taliban itself. And, in the long run, it will not have lasting counter-narcotics benefits within Afghanistan or globally.

#Afghanistan #Opium #Heroin #Economy #politics #Economy #Drugs #WTF #NotTheOnion #DrugTrafficking



Zu dieser Wahlniederlage paßt Merkels Spruch : Das ist unverzeihlich und muß sofort wiederholt werden...........Klar , was sind schon Wahlen wenn das Ergebnis nicht paßt ? Deshalb wird eben solange das Volk an die Urne getrieben bis das Ergebnis wieder ganz klar für #Bolsonaro entschieden bzw hingedreht wurde !.......Wahlen sind nur #Opium für's gemeine Volk, und haben letztendlich keinen Einfluß

