

Thoughts on conversation-generative online discussion platforms and features

I've become increasily aware of how conversation medium and participants shapes the "quality" of conversation.

Conversation scales poorly.

It's also fragile and very easily destroyed, discouraged, or dissuaded.

The biggest issue I find on Reddit itself is that there's no notion of "thread (or post) as conversation". And absolutely no support for same. Reddit is where interesting conversations go to die.

An item is posted. It's at top-of-page for ... a few minutes or hours, possibly days ... then vanishes And no amount of activity within a thread will boost it, generally. Even those who'd participated in the discussion have no signal of any activity. The best that can happen is that members might subscribe to replies for two days. This is madness.

Put another way, Reddit's post-weighting algorithm is all but entirely determined by posting time, not activity recency. This avoids "necroposting", for both good and bad. For small niche discussion, all but entirely bad.

Problem is that Reddit's scale spans about 6-8 orders of magnitude -- subredduts of < 10 members, to > 10,000,000. One-size-fits all ... wears poorly. Most of the glaring problems are at large scale. The small subs get neglected. Clue flees.

The little-lamented Imzy had the problem of seeing Reddit's problems-at-scale, whilst utterly failing to grasp its own failures-at-inception --- no scale --- and failing to address those. Put another way, how you get to scale, by solving the problems of inception, teaches you nothing about hoe to survive at scale. The problems are entirely different.

As noted at HN, for all its copious faults, Google+ solved this particular problem well. Facebook may also (I don't use it). Microblogging platforms (Twitter, Mastodon, Fediverse) at least present individual posts within a thread well, though they seem to uniformly suck at actual threading (see: Threadreader). Diaspora ... kind of does this but was an immensely clunky slow interface for notifications & response.

But yes, as McLuhan said, "the medium is the message". It has profound impacts and influences, most not immediately apparent -- they're emergent properties.

Independent of medium, scale, expressive richness (e.g., markdown, multimedia), latency, arity, ephemerality / permanence, message size, moderation (leaf-node or trunk), culture, founding cohort, exogenous vs. endogenous motivators and incentives (or demotivators and disincentives), editability/revisability, search, organisation and management tools, protocols and standards, and much more, all matter.

I've discussed some of this at the (rather neglected) discussion of social media types and characteristics at Plexodus Wiki, see especially Platform Types and Features and Capabilities.

Adapted from a private Reddit discussion.

#media #conversations #generativity #MarshallMcLuhan #reddit #twitter #hackernews #mastodon #fediverse #diaspora #usenet #moderation #googlplus #gplus #plexodus #plexoduswiki


A set of 604 curated "locally notable" G+ profiles


This list comes from a set of contributions from +Eli Fennell's listing here:


Though not strictly-speaking "signal flares", I've submitted the profiles to the Internet Archive's Wayback machine (scripted via the "Save" URL) -- that part took about 90 seconds. Sorting out grabbing all the profile names and IDs from G+ HTML (and wrestling with local systems) a couple of hours.

A really good reason to pin a #signalflare post is that that pinned post WILL SHOW UP IN THE INTERNET ARCHIVE when saved.

(I'll schedule another save or few of this through April 2.)

This'd be a good set of folks to keep tabs on and through whom to find others.

I'll be adding this to the #PlexodusWiki Notable Names Database (NNDB) ... eventually:



#GooglePlus #GplusRefugees #Plexodus #SignalFlare #GplusContacts


With the demise of Mr. Jingles, my plans and suggestions

I'd posted this to the rapidly-fading PLOOS, though some of the information applies here as well.

I'll be checking the Google+ Notifications page periodically, at least twice a day if possible. That's not as slick as the Notifications pane was, so expect slower responses to anything.

I'm trying to keep on top of the Google+ Mass Migration community, as well as the (much less active) Plexodus: The Beginning is Near community.

I've had a fair bit of personal stuff going on for the past few weeks which is making online time both less available and productive. My apologies.

The Plexodus Subreddit is an excellent place to get ongoing and post-sunset information. That would be on Google+, data migration (focusing much more on data import), contacts, where people are, and yes, yet more discussions about the past and future of social, online, and user-generated media.


There's far too much updating to do at the #PlexodusWiki. So I'll try to tend to that garden as well:


(It means "before it was cool", in Latin, if you're wondering.)

I'm still working on my future personal blog home. That'll be at GitLab, as a continuation of the Lair of the Id. Plan is to post original longer-form content there, then syndicate it elsewhere -- Mastodon, Diaspora, and the Lair subreddit (https://old.reddit.com/r/dredmorbius).

The New Lair blog will be: https://gitlab.com/dredmorbius/lair-of-the-id.git

For those of you who were Mirandans (or want to find out what the hell that was), there's still the /r/MKaTH and /r/MKaTS subreddits. I'm open to posting a bit more content there. MKaTH -- Miranda's Knitting and Tea House, is public, MKaTS -- Miranda's Knitting and Tea Society, is a related private forum:


For more on what that's about:


There's also a more general Plusser's subreddit, /r/PLOOS:


Otherwise, I'm posting at Mastodon, Diaspora, Tildes, Reddit, Hacker News, and a few other haunts, generally as "dredmorbius", as promised.


#googleplus #GPlusRefugees #dreddit #plexodus #plexodusReddit #plexodusWiki


Plussers: Bryan Ruby's Massive Google+ Blogroll

A key concept of keeping communities intact or at least in contact is for prominent members to be readily findable.

Bryan Ruby has compiled a list of 189 significant contributors to Google+, with links to their blogs and (generally) Twitter feeds. That's posted to his own blog: "My Massive Google+ Blogroll".

I've filled in RSS/Atom feeds for all but a small handful of the entries (with a script -- I'm obsessive, but not that obsessive), and made that available in various formats:

  • OPML -- this can be imported directly into most feed-readers.
  • HTML -- for posting wherever.
  • Markdown -- in case you like that sort of thing.

The entries have also been added to the #PlexodusWiki G+NNDB (Google+ Notable Names Database), another repository of public contact information: Google+ Notable Names Database. We'll roll those in with the general categories over time. Descriptions and bios would be useful.

The script can be used on other blog lists as well, though it'll likely have to be adapted to different formats. It retrieves feeds based on either HTML metadata or typical locations used -- parsing that out is ... interesting. Processing is 189 records in about 4m40s. That could be sped up considerably with parallelisation.

#googlePlus #Plexodus #RSS #feeds #blogs #gplusRefugees


WTF is Social Media?

Attempting to come up with a uniform, or at least sensible, way to describe and classify online, user-generated, and/or social media content has been an embarrassingly frustrating task.

A stab by me at G+, "Defining Platform Capabilities". Thinking of this in terms of protocols, or rules for interoperating among elements.

Julian Bond, also at G+, "Some thoughts on ways of categorising Social Networks along different dimensions". Surprisingly similar to my views.

@Christian Buggedei took a stab at Platform Types.

This mess ("suggested fields") at #PlexodusWiki.

I can't even. "User generated and social media types and characteristics".

Warning: Here be dragons: "Signal Theory".

#wtf #socialMedia #ontologies #taxonomies #ontonomies #taxologies #taxonts #ontaxes #helpImTrappedInAHashtag #plexodus


Signal Flare

In the event you've missed it, I'm Edward Morbius at Google+, and you can find my Forwarding Address post, listing this Diaspora profile, there.

Additionally, you can find all your Space Alien Cat needs served at:

Sites I will not use

I am not:

  • "dredmorbius" on Twitter
  • "dredmorbius" at ZeroHedge
  • Anything on Facebook.

Organising the Exodus on G+

See the following communities:

#signalflare #gplusRefugees #googleplus #plexodus


For those of you who've been pining for Long Wikifiied Lists of software and media features ...

... is today ever your lucky day!!!

I've been hammering at the Sites & Platforms section of the Wiki and trying to sort out just what it is that makes Social Media platforms precisely what it is that they are.

This is a snapshot view of the changes I've just committed:


It ... expands the list of "Suggested Fields" considerably, and starts breaking it into categories for easier handling. This will probably be a table, or far more likely, a series of tables for various platform alternatives. The fields here refer to platform properties, ranging from name and URL to ownership to whether or not they allow gore or porn or have content-response email notifications.

I can see at least a half-dozen edits I'd make to this right now, mostly to simplify the structure. But I've got to walk away from this for a bit.

Fresh eyes and opinions welcome. Feel free to edit, if you think you can help, that's what this is there for.

(And if not this page, there's plenty else: TODO.)

The link below will show the latest version of the page, with whatever changes are committed:


So for all the geeks needing to geek out, get geeky!

#PlexodusWiki #googleplus


PlexodusWiki: Privacy and Electronic Rights Organisations

The following are organisations related to online, free press, free speech, privacy, and related issues. These may be of interest and/or benefit particularly to self-hosting groups, communities, or individuals....

Of probable interest to those looking at self hosting.

And as they say in teh biz:

This list is incomplete. Please help expand it.

#googleplus #pglusrefugees #selfHosting #digitalRights #plexodusWiki



Status: Updates, plans, news

  • There's a subreddit for the Plexodus, r/Plexodus. It's an off-site hub for discussion and information, in addition to the G+MM community on G+.
  • I'm planning on contacting other G+ community owners and members over the next few days. Steeling up to do this. Much appreciate others doing likewise. Intent is to direct them to Google+ Mass Migration.
  • The #PlexodusWiki got hit by spammers last night, so I've got to unwind some damage and learn the abuse / spam tools there. @Thom Thomas if you have any experience that'd be a huge help. Comment here or email dredmorbius protonmail com
  • Quite a bit of activity on G+MM as well as moderator discussions on direction. No big shifts, but some re-eval and focusing. This is all evolving quickly.
  • The Markdown quick-ref got a lot more play than I'd expected, glad that was helpful.

#googleplus #gplusrefugees


Google+ Exodus Recommended Practices

What you should be doing now:

As of October, 2018, given the announced shutdown of Google+ effective August 2019, you and/or your community should:

  • Exchange permanent contact information with contacts and groups. A pinned Profile post is easiest to find. Update your profile "About" page with forwarding addresses. Any addresses you don't want public can be shared in private Circles or Communities, or directly.
  • Talk over and decide on your online/social-media presence after August 2019. Your closest relationships, family, friends, work, professional, or other immediate community will likely be your biggest influence.
  • Start thinking about data: what you want to keep, what you can delete, and how you want to use it.
  • Make a Google Data Takeout Archive. Not because this is the last time you'll need to do this, but because it's likely the first and you should familiarise yourself with the process and its limitations.
  • Start assessing Google+ alternatives.
  • Start developing a goal-directed plan, timeline, and actions to achieve it.

Each of these steps may involve far more detail, this is just a basic outline. Other planning sections of the Plexodus Wiki address activities and aspects in more detail and should be helpful.

#googleplus #gplusrefugees #PlexodusWiki



A request to Members, Moderators, and Owners of Google+ Communities

Through several recent conversations, I'm realising that G+ Communities need to both migrate their users and the community itself, ranging from small groups to 400,000+ member, 2,000-3,3000 monthly post groups.

I think some tools for that are missing -- there’s no “export Community” button, for example -- and there's a lot of confusion over ''what'' to do, ''when'', or ''how''.

The Google+ Mass Migration Community (2,300 members since 8 October) is the largest I know of on Google+ itself dealing with this problem, and we're collecting and organising information on contacts, practices, possible destinations, Google tools, and more.

With the voice and members of larger communities, the whole G+ Mass Migration effort has more sway. We’re 2,300 voices now, it would be Really Nice to say “hi, we’re representing about 50,000 (or 500,000, or 5 million) Google+ users, we’re looking for a new home, and we’d like to talk Features and Stuff We Care About with you”.

There is power in numbers and unity, that's an attractive pull, and can make things happen, especially representing multiple engaged and cohesive groups.

Would you be interested in getting the word out about Google+ Mass Migration:

If you're a mod or owner, engage with your members, if you're a member, recruit your moderator(s) and community owners.

And the #PlexodusWiki, which has been getting populated with information detailing goals, plans, schedules, data migration, and potential target platforms. It is agnostic to destination, and doesn’t pretend to speak for all Google+ users and groups, but to help each in their own process of moving communities forward.


The text of this post should be a good template or copy or adapt for posting to your communities.


Data Migration Process and Considerations

Making use of Google+ data take out can be more complicated than it first appears, particularly for a large archive with contributions from many people or organisations. You'll want to consider:

  • What to archive
  • What you want to use from it.
  • How you plan to use the data.
  • What portions of the archive you want to, can be, and you have permissions to make public.
  • Where you plan to publish it, and what tools exist to import the selections you publish.

A practical guide.

#PlexodusWiki #googleplus #gplusrefugees #DataMigration



A Practical Guide to Planning and Scheduling your Next Exodus

The Google+ sunset was announced 8 October 2018, and will take effect in August 2019, though a precise date has not yet been set.

This is a timeline for planning which you may adapt to your needs.

Exodus Planning and Scheduling

As an initial approach, consider a four-phase process, on roughly the following schedule:

  • Oct 2018 - Dec 2018: Coordination, Planning, and assessment.
  • Jan 2019 - Apr 2019: Execution.
  • May 2019 - Jul 2019: Re-establishing community.
  • Aug 2019 - ∞: Assess and rebuild.

Groups, sizes, aims, goals, and capabilities vary greatly. We're looking to help everyone from small groups of friends to 100,000+ strong Google Communities, and between.

The schedule is a suggestion, not a requirement, though August 2019 is Google's final service date for public Google+ activity.

#PlexodusWiki #googleplus #gplusexodus #gplusrefugees

Exodus Planning and Scheduling


PlexodusWiki: Risks and Threat Models

First draft of an article, intent is to consider the issues, risks, and mitigations in various potential online service offerings.

  • Self-hosted.
  • Community- or volunteer-hosted, and hosting.
  • Commercial sites and services.

Both user and host / adminstrator perspectives should be addressed (they are not yet filled out).

Additional resources should be recommended.

I am looking for specific guidance on risks of self-hosting, p2p hosting, and federated hosting situations, a fairly new development and a rapidly changing landscape.

#plexodusWiki #googleplus #gplusrefugees #wiki #securiity #risk #references



Established G+ Diaspora Communities

As of 13 October 2018, pluspora.com - increased membership from perhaps 100 before the G+ termination announcement (October 9?) to 5500 within a few days afterward .

The MeWe community "Google Plus Refugees" has 124 members. community "Google+" has 20 members.

The Cake interest category "Google" has 189 followers. Recent posts address the demise of G+. The category also tracks other Google-related matters including related consumer devices and working at Google, and others.

I'd like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and any other relevant stats as well.

#googleplus #gplusrefugees #PlexodusWiki



Back in the saddle, October 14, 2018. What's on fire?

I'm bandwidth-challenged, will be watching this and my immediate prior Hubzilla/Friendica planning post.

General status:

  • Google+ Mass Migration is getting large and a bit noisy, we're discussing that among mods. I don't want to discourage interest, but do want to keep focus.
  • The #PlexodusWiki is up and running and getting contributions, thanks all who've stepped up: https://social.antefriguserat.de
  • There are concerns over Diaspora hub capacity, scaling, numbers, costs, and features. Hubzilla and Friendica may be better long-term options, and play well with Diaspora. See and discuss on other post.
  • I want to build out the Risks and Concerns wiki section, currently does not exist, brief notes on What's Needed.
  • There are numerous TODO items. It's a target-rich environment, fire at will.
  • I'll set up some sort of logbook and planning pages, also an Editors Lounge, for discussions. Cluebyfour me if I don't get to that soonish.
  • Experienced MediaWiki types very much appreciated. I did learn Transclusion yesterday ("TODO"), which is fucking awesome. Some templates would help.


Be excellent to each other!

#googleplus #gplusrefugees #PlexodusWiki #GoogleMassMigration #TheNewBeginning #PlexodusPlanning #GettingAMoveOn


The G+ Exodus should start assessing Hubzilla and Friendica for capacity purposes

The reports on scalability, costs, and hub needs from Diaspora pod admins including @Di Cleverly and @David Thiery are suggesting we may need a more scalable solution in the near term.

At the Google+ Mass Migration and The Beginning Is Near communities on G+, Hubzilla and Friendica seem to be promising at scale, though we have thin data on this.

Of the open alternatives, these three are the most developed that I'm aware. Tim Berners-Lee's #Solid and #Irupt are very interesting, but are mostly vapourware at present. If you're interested in exploring them (and I certainly am) do, but for a mass movement, that's likely not where we're going to end up initially.

Friendica and Hubzilla are compatible with existing Diaspora pods, so those on Diaspora can still interact. There are also some sought-after features.

I am reporting information second-hand. What I'd like to see is a concerted effort to investigate and explore this and report back results. @woozle@hey.iseeamess.com is running https://hub.toot.cat, a Hubzilla instance, and I've got a rudimentary presence there: dr@hub.toot.cat (the "edmorbius" got lost, I am now officially The Doctor, the truth is known...) and I've been checking that out as I can. A Hubzilla instance at scale talking to Diaspora would be a great thing to have for performance/cost data. Also Friendica. Please mention any in comments.

A reminder that this is a multi-stage process, and what's happening now is that explorers are evaluating remote lands to see what is suitable, in the long term, or if necessary, the short. There's a lot of agitation at G+ to declare some decision made. Group decisions have not been made, and likely won't for some time. It's been days, we have months. Hammering out a reasonable timetable is something I have in mind.

I'm fairly swamped with G+ notifs, two communities I'm moderating, and getting the PlexodusWiki in shape which (quick look) ... seems to have had a bunch of activity while I was away, a Good Thing. That's Good Trouble, but some independent assessment of other options is needed.

If you can keep discussion in this thread it'll be easier for me to monitor, I'll have another in a moment for more general stuff. I plan to not watch notifications closely today except for fires.

Hope all are well, thanks.

#googleplus #gplusrefugees #PlexodusPlanning #PlexodusWiki #GettingAMoveOn