

Opened the pod network screen.
Surprisingly didn't crash anything.

Also wow I am very federated, I should make a script to load all these and look for things that look like usernames so I can add people. I'm sure it comes as no surprise, even to those who didn't read my first few posts, that I compulsively follow everyone. I just have one aspect I chuck everybody in as soon as I see them, make federation go very brrrrrrrrrrrr.
I also have an aspect for high-volume posters that I think I put one account in, the idea was that my default view would exclude it, but I could still peek in sometimes when I'm bored. I haven't figured out how to actually do this yet.

#podmin or something


Hey #podmin​s! Remember a week ago, when I asked y'all for input on Camo?

Well, the "and will not have a direct impact on anything" part was actually a lie, kinda? Over the last two weeks or so, I re-build #camo in... Rust. While I was no longer using the NodeJS version, the version I was using had a bit more memory consumption than I liked, and I wanted to change some things. Well, anyway.

The code is public at https://github.com/denschub/camo-rs, and there are instructions on how to use it. If you are an experienced podmin and want to help alpha-test it, give it a try! It's running on Geraspora, and it's fine so far, but you never know what kinds of hidden bugs are there. I plan on making this the "officially-suggested Camo for use in #diaspora*" at some point when there is a stable 1.0.0 release, but until then, we have a lot of testing to do. :)

Please file bugs in GitHub if you find anything. If you have a question or run into troubles setting it up, join me on Matrix in #camo-rs:schub.social, but if you don't use Matrix or you don't want to join a room, feel free to just file a GitHub issue with a question. I'll respond there as well.

Note that this project is considered early-alpha, and if you're not comfortable with testing things in our pod - that's absolutely fine! No podmin should feel forced to help with testing - I've already got a large'ish deployment myself to test things. Also, while the frontend is compatible with the original Camo (i.e. you don't need to change any diaspora* config or anything!), the configuration and the behavior are slightly different. Be sure to check the README.md and the linked other documentation files to avoid being caught off-guard by a difference!


#pod #podmin #diaspora #hetzner #vserver #server #inflation #strom

und schon wieder wird der Betrieb von Diaspora* teurer :(

Sehr geehrte(r) Frank,

seit Ende letzten Jahres haben sich die Bezugskosten für Strom drastisch erhöht. Diese globale Entwicklung ist in vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens bereits spürbar. Da sich in absehbarer Zeit keine Stabilisierung der Energiepreise abzeichnet, sehen wir uns leider gezwungen, die Preise zahlreicher Produkte um ca. 10 % anzuheben. Die Strom-/Klimapauschale für Colocation muss leider noch deutlich stärker angehoben werden.

Die Preisanpassung erfolgt zum 1. September 2022 für Neubestellungen. Sämtliche neue Preise für die aktuell angebotenen Produkte finden Sie ab dem 1. September 2022 auf unserer Website unter https://www.hetzner.com. Bei Produkten, die vor dem 1. September 2022 bestellt und bereit gestellt werden, berechnen wir erst ab dem 1. Januar 2023 den neuen Preis.

Kunden mit Bestandsprodukten profitieren ebenfalls bis zum 31. Dezember 2022 vom bisherigen Preis.

Um Ihnen größtmögliche Transparenz und Planungssicherheit zu geben, haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, über die Preisanpassungen für Bestandsprodukte bereits heute in dieser Nachricht zu informieren. Wir werden zu Beginn des 4. Quartals mit detaillierten Informationen auf Sie zukommen.

Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir Ihnen trotz der Preisanpassung unsere Produkte nach wie vor zu einem fairen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anbieten können.

Falls Sie Ihren Vertrag dennoch nicht fortführen möchten, können Sie ihn innerhalb der regulären Kündigungsfrist über die entsprechende Administrationsoberfläche beenden.

Wir hoffen Sie können unsere Entscheidung nachvollziehen und bitten um Ihr Verständnis für diese Maßnahme.

Bei Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen finden Sie unter https://docs.hetzner.com/de/general/others/price-adjustment oder wenden Sie sich an unseren Kundensupport. Verwenden Sie dazu bitte das Kontaktformular in Ihrer Administrationsoberfläche im Menüpunkt “Support”.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hetzner Online


Un paquet de mises à jour pour FreeBSD sont en attente sur le serveur popeye.
Je vais lancer la procédure dans la soirée, les services suivant vont être indisponible un petit moment.

A set of FreeBSD patches are pending on the popeye server.

I will proceed to server and jails upgrade later in the evening.

The following services will be unavailable for a while:

#podmin #freebsd #matrix #security


Hey podmins!

Please note that diaspora* is currently not compatible with Ubuntu 22.04, aka Jammy. Canonical decided to ship OpenSSL version 3 to everyone, and unfortunately, Ruby 2.7 is incompatible with OpenSSL 3. While there are some potential workarounds for that, we're currently unable to offer any help or support. So for now, please set up new pods using Ubuntu 20.04, and please do not upgrade your existing pods.

The next major release of diaspora* will support Ruby 3, and as soon as that is released (please do not ask for a timeline - we don't have one :)), you can upgrade your pods.

If you're already running a production pod on 22.04, and you somehow managed to get it running... please tell us how. We'd really like to know in case we get more support requests!

Thanks y'all.

#diaspora #podmin #podmins #ubuntu #jammy


#podmin #diaspora #update

pod.dapor.net is now running on


diaspora* version released!
As announced, a new minor release is now released. Over the past three months, we have managed to collect 113 commits made by 3 contributors for this minor release.

A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.

Notable Changes
We updated the recommended Ruby version to 2.7. If you followed our installation guides, run rvm install 2.7 to install it!
We updated to bundler 2 and rails 6.1.
Switched to sassc-rails which makes assets:precompile a lot faster.
HTML notification emails now contain the correctly formatted posts and comments.
For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. For those of you who have been testing the release candidate, run git checkout master before the update to get back to the stable release branch.

If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!

[jasmine ~]# cat no_excellent.diff 
<           .excellence-box
<             .content
<               %p
<                 = link_to t("layouts.application.be_excellent"), "https://diasporafoundation.org/community_guidelines"
[jasmine ~]# cat no_excellent.sh 
patch /usr/share/webapps/diaspora/app/views/streams/main_stream.html.haml /root/no_excellent.diff

I have set my pod's rules the way I like. As I'm still the only user, it's a moot point (unless someone has considered registering here and checked the rules to determine it), but regardless, the whole point of federation is not being beholden to some arbitrary group's rules, so I do not appreciate this hugbox shit being hardcoded in to display more prominently than my pod's rules, which take precedence. It's definitely more effort than it's worth to try to include it at the bottom of that box, in a smaller font, since those guidelines are arguably not relevant to my pod at all. More of a "how to not get blocked by most other pods" thing, which assumes I, or my users, care about that. In my case, at least, I consider it a self-solving problem: I will find people I like by everyone else avoiding me.

I wonder if I can hook that script into my package manager to run when diaspora updates, as I'll definitely forget to run it until I notice it's back - but at least then it saves hunting for the file and lines.


@Frank Dapor 💉💉+💉 #podmin Das Problem mit dem falschen Profilbild ist auf Friendica gelöst: Michael Vogel ist ein Fehler unterlaufen und ich habe auf seinen Wunsch hin mein Profilbild erneuert.

Auch hier auf Diaspora habe ich meine Friedenstaube erneut eingestellt. Leider wird sie nicht übernommen. Und nun, Frank?


@Frank Dapor 💉💉+💉 #podmin
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass hier auf Diaspora immer weniger Menschen aktiv sind. Kannst Du das nachvollziehen? Falls ja: Wo könnten die Ursachen dafür liegen?


Well, it took two week, but I was finally able to plug in the server at the new house! No, I am not completely moved in and there are boxes everywhere, but the server is back up and running (although downtime will be high for the next two weeks as everything finds their way into their respective places). In a separate but neat (to me) point, download/upload speeds have changed from old 300/11 Mbps to 475/33 Mbps. #nota404mn #podmin #moving


this is my favourite rose - Ebb Tide. it's a lovely dark purple-red colour which i find very difficult to capture in a photo but this is close.
Cette image est pour @Vengeur Masqué pour être le meilleur #podmin du monde entier. Vos efforts ont été appréciés à leur juste valeur - merci. :)

(pic dedicated to @Vengeur Masqué, for being the best #podmin in the whole world. Your efforts have not gone unappreciated - thankyou )

#photo #happysnaps #podmin-appreciation #roses #flowers #myphoto #mywork


Testing Joindiaspora and Federation

New On-Post Interactions Not Possible, Reshares Supported

I'm trying to figure out just how dead Joindiaspora is. The pod is now operating in "limited service mode". That means it's only mostly dead, and there seem to be some possible vestigal services operating. How much life remains in old content is ... unclear.

What it does not appear to support is federation of new comments to posts originating on the Pod. And even locally-added content seems to disappear after a brief period.

Test Case: "Data Storage Fabrication: Chancery Papermaking"

My case in is a 2021-8-2 post from my previous Joindiaspora profile: https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/cc9a87c0d62d0139b78f002590d8e506

That was originally posted as https://joindiaspora.com/posts/cc9a87c0d62d0139b78f002590d8e506, which should redirect you to the "limited-service mode" announcement on that pod.

Reshares seem supported

I reshared the post about 20 minutes ago here: https://diaspora.glasswings.com/posts/5a42dd907f27013a5b46448a5b29e257

That reshare was possible, which is unlike what I've seen for other downed pods, deleted users, or deleted posts.

Archive of the original post

There is an archived versions at:

Archive.Today, should show full contents as of the archive snapshot date. This is a post which was not successfully saved to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine as can be seen.

Testing new comments

A few minutes ago I commented on the Glasswings version of the post, here:


(That's ... meant to be a link to the specific comment.)

What I'd added was a brief note about federation testing, and links to a number of different pods all of which had already federated the post.

What you'll find at those links though, or at least what I'm seeing as I post this, is that the newly-added comment is not shown. Rather, the last-visible comment is the "Archive Tag" note I'd made as I was archiving the post itself.

Comment disappears!

And checking back now, I find that my newly-added comment has been removed from the post. I happened to have a tab open showing that comment and so grabbed a few screenshots which I'm including in this post. Visiting the Glasswings version of the post now, that comment has now disappeared.

I've tested with a subsequent comment. That appeared to post, but disappeared immediately on reload, similarly to how interactions on content by a profile which has ignored your own behave. Effectively, Joindiaspora seems to have "ignored" the world.

Conclusion: Joindiaspora posts will not support either federated OR local comments or interactions

New interactions on Joindiaspora may appear to initially apply, but will be at best transient. This should appliy to comments and likes.

Reshares however appear to be possible.

How much of this is a general behaviour of defunct pods and how much is specific to the "limited-service mode" of Joindiaspora ... I'm still not certain.

Interesting behaviour.

#Joindiaspora #Diaspora #Federation #Help #Tips #Podmin