

#CVE-2024-20356: #Jailbreaking a #Cisco appliance to run #DOOM

In this adventure, the Cisco #C195 device family was jailbroken in order to run unintended code. This includes the discovery of a vulnerability in the #CIMC body management controller which affects a range of different devices, whereby an authenticated high privilege user can obtain underlying root access to the server’s #BMC (CVE-2024-20356) which in itself has high-level access to various other components in the system. The end goal was to run DOOM – if a smart fridge can do it, why not Cisco?

source: https://labs.nettitude.com/blog/cve-2024-20356-jailbreaking-a-cisco-appliance-to-run-doom/

#software #security #bug #network #game #news #vulnerability #exploit #hack #hacker


#LLM Agents can Autonomously #Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities

Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.08144

To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the #CVE description. When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87% of these vulnerabilities compared to 0% for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and #Metasploit).

#ai #technology #Software #chatgpt #bug #hack #news #cybersecurity


Logiciel "Orphée" médiathÚque

#surveillance #vieprivée #fichage #biblio #bibliothécaire #logiciel #médiathÚque #privatisation #public #informatique #bureautique

Pour situer depuis un peu plus d'un an j'assure des permanences en tant que bénévole à la médiathÚque de mon village de 800 habitants.
Mes collĂšgues et moi bataillons avec cet outil en ligne #coĂ»teux, #labyrinthique, qui fonctionne mal, est lourd, difficile Ă  maĂźtriser mĂȘme pour les plus expĂ©rimentĂ©s d'entre nous. Lorsque qu'il y a un #bug les responsables techniques et commerciaux sont injoignables ..
Quant au respect de la vie privĂ©e des #usagers, il y a de quoi ĂȘtre vraiment inquiet.

J'aimerais en discuter sur D* avec d'autres personnes concernées par le problÚme; comment elles y font face ou pas. Ou si elles ont un avis différent sur ce truc..


#Google don't like C++

Based on this experience we expect that high assurance memory safety can only be achieved via a Secure-by-Design approach centered around comprehensive adoption of languages with rigorous memory safety guarantees. We see no realistic path for an evolution of C++ into a language with rigorous memory safety guarantees that include temporal safety. As a consequence, we are considering a gradual transition of C++ code at Google towards other languages that are memory safe.

Source: https://research.google/pubs/secure-by-design-googles-perspective-on-memory-safety/

#Rust. #Go and #Java will be used.

#software #development #code #language #future #memory #security #bug #exploit #program #news


Hackers exploited #Windows 0-day for 6 months after #Microsoft knew of it

Source: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/03/hackers-exploited-windows-0-day-for-6-months-after-microsoft-knew-of-it/

Even after Microsoft patched the #vulnerability last month, the company made no mention that the North Korean threat group #Lazarus had been using the vulnerability since at least August to install a stealthy #rootkit on vulnerable computers. The vulnerability provided an easy and stealthy means for #malware that had already gained administrative system rights to interact with the Windows #kernel. Lazarus used the vulnerability for just that. Even so, Microsoft has long said that such admin-to-kernel elevations don’t represent the crossing of a security boundary, a possible explanation for the time Microsoft took to fix the vulnerability.

#software #news #security #cybercrime #bug #exploit #0day #fail #economy #problem #politics #hack #Hackers #trust #risk


GNOME Is Malicious

So says the MPV (the media player) man page.

I agree. I hate GNOME 3. They also ignore XDG (freedesktop.org) standards.

GNOME is one of the worst offenders, and ignores even the now widely supported idle-inhibit protocol. (This is either due to a combination of malice and incompetence, but since implementing this protocol would only take a few lines of code, it is most likely the former. You will also notice how GNOME advocates react offended whenever their sabotage is pointed out, which indicates either hypocrisy, or even worse ignorance.)\
Such incompatible desktop environments (i.e. which ignore standards) typically require using a DBus API. This is ridiculous in several ways. The immediate practical problem is that it would require adding a quite unwieldy dependency for a DBus library, somehow integrating its mainloop into mpv, and other generally unacceptable things.\
However, since mpv does not officially support GNOME, this is not much of a problem. If you are one of those miserable users who want to use mpv on GNOME, report a bug on the GNOME issue tracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/groups/GNOME/-/issues

#gnome #gnome3 #standards #malice #ignorance #screensavers #idle-inhibit #bug #mpv #de #desktop-environment #hypocrisy #sabotage


#Piped #Issue #Issues
Exemple : https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=uTrP3escs0s&start=8&end=372
La #vidĂ©o dĂ©marre bien Ă  start, mais ne s'arrĂȘte pas Ă  end .
The #video starts well at start, but doesn't stop at end .

La page issues : https://github.com/TeamPiped/Piped/issues
Je ne crois pas voir cet item, mais je n'ai peut-ĂȘtre pas assez regardĂ©.... (m'y connais pas trop non plus, pour fouiller dans cette partie)
Si quelqu'un a un compte pour faire remonter le #Bug ?

À noter qu'avec #Invidious, lĂ , la vidĂ©o commence et s'arrĂȘte comme demandĂ©.
Exemple : https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=uTrP3escs0s&start=8&end=372

J'en profite pour indiquer que, si sur une page Piped, il pouvait y avoir un lien vers l'URL youtube, ça serait un plus, car ça permet de basculer sur une autre instance Piped ou Invidious facilement, grùce notamment à un #add-on comme #LibRedirect ..
J'dis ça, j'dis rien. :)
Et merci, surtout, à ceux qui ont créé Piped.


Hey, let's use #AI to generate #bug reports and #spam the bug trackers of open source projects ...

The I in #LLM stands for #intelligence

source: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/02/the-i-in-llm-stands-for-intelligence/

When reports are made to look better and to appear to have a point, it takes a longer time for us to research and eventually discard it. Every #security report has to have a human spend time to look at it and assess what it means.

#curl #openSource #fail #software #troll #problem #time #news #technology #disaster


A giant crawling #brain: the jaw-dropping world of #termites

source: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/sep/18/a-giant-crawling-brain-the-jaw-dropping-world-of-termites

Back in the 1930s, the other Marais didn’t write a #termite #science book, but a book about how humans could understand termites – as a #bug, a #body, a #soul, a force on the #landscape. Looking at termites this way changed how I see the #world, science, the #future and myself.

#nature #environment #knowledge #understanding