How To Harness The Power Of “Magic” (Scientifically Proven) w/ Dean Radin PhD :: Duration: 01:36:53 :: Views: 22,977 :: Uploader: Aubrey Marcus :: Uploaded: 2023-03-08 :: 1,248 likes
#health #aubreymarcus #deanradin
#placebo #psychicphenomena #science #belief #technologies #tools #dogma #magic #mysticism #mysticexperiences #space #outterspace #innerspace #psychology #sociology #civilisationshift #paradigmshift #nosecrets #radicaltransparency #gnosis #channelling #clairevoyance #telepathy #clairesentience #supression #oppression #parasitism #deception #wisdom #spiritualmonopoly #spiritualdemocracy #spiritualscience #spiritscience #witch #witchcraft #witchhunt #hypocrisy #catholicism #catholicmagic #secondcoming #christinall #socialcontrol #demonic #denomic #domination #denominational #spritualhegemony #spiritualstultification #decievers #agnotology #wilfulignorance #censorship #curiousity #taboo #religioustrappings #separationofchurchandstate #medicalindustrialcomplex #deathcult #murdercult #medicalmadness #churchofmoney #scientism #corruption #theylie #statusquo #confirmationbias #comfortinglies #ifignoranceisblissgivemeagony #oppressive #burnedatthestake #cancelled #falseequivalence #qualitativedifferences #ostricised #suicided #inquisition #hovering #levitation #creation #competition #reverie #prayer #pastlives #thislife #resonance #waterresonance #watercutting #sympatheticresonance #fieldofbelief #collectiveunconscious #morphicresonance #disbelief #possibility #openpotential #humility #miasma #vibe #lifttheworld #sourcery #secrecy #laboratory #experiments #projection #negativity #intentionology #belieffield #miracles #thetruthwellout #entertainment #art #magicisreal #fantasy #myths #modernmyths #theurgy #psychicability #ayahuasca #profound #eukarot #trance #coincidence #justcoincidence #suspensionofbelief #limitingbeliefs #nonbelief #presence #aerokinesis #aerokineticeffect #thewindcame #thebatsswirlled #repeatability #livereality #irreproduceable #biases #cantgettherefromhere #livescience #canneverstepintothesamerivertwice #food #cooking #intention #intentionalcooking #grace #blessed #control #study #clinicaltrial #chocolate #mood #doubleblindcontrolledstudy #confoundingfactors #statisticallysignificant #statisticallysignificantresults #monks #expectations #beleifdrivenoutcome #beliefmodulatedeffects #placeboplus #weallhavethecapability #mendwards #blessedwater #merlinclasswizards #psychoticbreak #meditation #perception #geomagnetism #lunarcycles #moonphases #solarstorms #solarflares #solarweather #weildbelief #discipline #fascinating #intriguing #curious #psychedelics #psychedelia #psychenauts #connection #timeline #betterworld #searching #finding #thepuzzle #thestory #dystopian #existentialrisk #heartsknow #anotherreality #themorebeautifulworld
I stopped reading the #news. Is the #problem me — or the #product?
source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/08/how-to-fix-news-media/
“Hope is like water,” says David Bornstein, co-founder of the nonprofit Solutions Journalism Network. “You need to have something to believe in. If you’re in the restaurant business, you’re gonna give people water. Because you understand human biology. It’s weird that #journalism has such a hard time understanding this. People need to have a sense of #possibility.”
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"When we #align with #nature’s #powers, the impossible becomes possible, the certainty of collapse becomes the #possibility of #regenerating another path – the #path to return to #Earth as members of one #EarthFamily"
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