

Ce tirage de ma série Bord de mer (visible sur mon site, dans le portfolio) claque vraiment dans ce cadre noir. Il s'agit d'un détail de la plage d'Ilbarritz je pense, en tout cas c'est la côte basque.

C'est un format 20x20 cm dans un papier légèrement texturé Baryta ni mat ni brillant, ici dans un cadre bois noir.

Je l'ajoute dans la boutique. C'est le premier exemplaire sur 30 maximum. Il peut être tiré en plus grand ou plus petit aussi.

Une belle idée cadeau pour soi ou pour offrir.

#tiragedart #tiragephoto #fineart #qualite #qualitemusee #baryta #hahnemuhle #photographie #photographe #ocean #plage #cotebasque #paysbasque #sable #cailloux #print #artprint #museumquality #photography #photographer #beach #sand #basquecoast #atlantic #atlanticocean #atlanticcoast #pyreneesatlantiques #nouvelleaquitaine


Entrez mes amis, entrez ! Soyez les bienvenus.

Souhaitez-vous observer les résultats encore vivaces de rencontres entre deux éléments ? Et que pensez-vous de ceux issus des caresses d'ondes lumière sur la matière ?
Entrez. Ici, l'illusion est palpable mais sans artifice. L'art artisan est à votre service. Venez tromper le temps et refléter votre esprit. Echangeons à travers les miroirs, aimons être curieux.
Par les X et Y, pour vous servir...

Ou plus simplement, voici quelques images reflets de l'exposition "Être entre deux" à laquelle je participe. Celle-ci est visible dans la galerie du Laboratoire XY (chambre noire associative et galerie d'exposition situées à Oust, Ariège) jusqu'au 21 août.
Les mardis, vendredis et dimanches de 14h30 à 19h.

Bien à vous.

#art #photographie #photography #argentique #analogphotography #dessin #drawing #gravure #etching #eauforte #print #exposition #exhibition #occitanie #pyrenees #ariege #saintgirons #oust #laboratoirexy #bezzibatani #antoineleroux #sylvievey #faonpaon #mywork #laboratoirexy


GNU Linux Debian 11 - How to setup Brother QL 600 LabelPrinter

it’s a two part process:

1. install the drivers

(thanks all involved great work 🙂

<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root
apt update
apt install printer-driver-ptouch

2. install the printer via cups web browser interface




-> Administration -> Add Printer

select the driver for QL-650TD

click on “Add Printer”

stick with the default options.

3. (optional but recommended) get some templates for LibreOffice:



(print some nice sentences… and make ’em stick… e.g. to a traffic light post… )

for example:

it can do pictures fairly fast…

“fascinating” isn’t it?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #debian #print #label #labels #printing #cups #brother

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/13/gnu-linux-debian-11-how-to-setup-brother-ql-600-labelprinter/


GNU Linux Debian 11 - How to setup Brother QL 600 LabelPrinter

it’s a two part process:

1. install the drivers

(thanks all involved great work 🙂

<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root
apt update
apt install printer-driver-ptouch

2. install the printer via cups web browser interface




-> Administration -> Add Printer

select the driver for QL-650TD

click on “Add Printer”

stick with the default options.

3. (optional but recommended) get some templates for LibreOffice:



#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #debian #print #label #labels #printing #cups #brother

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/13/gnu-linux-debian-11-how-to-setup-brother-ql-600-labelprinter/



C'est avec un brin de joie estivale que je vous partage l'affiche de la prochaine exposition collective du Laboratoire XY à laquelle je participe.

Ces réjouissances se dérouleront du 12/07 au 21/08/2022,
les mardis, vendredis et dimanches de 14h30 à 19h.

Et on aura un super (juste parce que c'est toujours agréable de boire un verre en bonne compagnie) vernissage le 15/07 dès 18h !

-1 thème unique
-4 artistes
-3 médiums (photographie argentique, gravure à l'eau forte et dessin).

Si vous habitez près de chez nous ou que vous venez vous promener dans les beaux paysages Pyrénéens pour vos vacances, on vous attend !

Au plaisir de vous y croiser!

#exposition #exhibition #affiche #poster #art #artisanat #handcrafted #collectif #photographie #photography #argentique #analogphotography #analog #dessin #drawing #gravure #eauforte #etching #print #workonpaper #occitanie #pyrenees #ariege #couserans #saintgirons #oust #mywork #bezzibatani #sylvievey #antoineleroux #faonpaon #laboratoirexy


Dreaming of utopia: photographing the 60s – in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian

Public Photography. The Sixties, an exhibition in Madrid as part of the annual PhotoEspañna festival, explores the power of the printed image as it appeared in books, magazines, newspapers, posters, and more. The Sixties surveys the publications that carried images of everything from Beatlemania to the sexual revolution, the civil rights struggle and the first man on the moon
Public Photography. The Sixties is at CentroCentro, Madrid, until 2 October

#photography #art #print #publishing


OZ magazine, London, 1967, showing a hippie woman, printed in black and yellow, with pink/white flowers overlaid at the top


GNU Linux (Debian 11) - Brother HL-5450DN reliable Black and White Laser printer - that works out of the box with cups - filter those laser printers

Brother HL-5450DN

<span style="color: #00ffff;">lsb_release -d</span>; # tested on
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)

# with mate desktop
<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root</span>
<span style="color: #00ffff;">apt update; apt install mate-desktop-environment;</span>
ii  mate-desktop-environment              1.24.0+4                         all          MATE Desktop Environment (metapackage)

good job all involved 🙂

the MFC 9465 and 9460 and 9332 also should work “smooth” (the install script (which will download & install additional drivers) might be needed for scan functionality)



laser printers & health

  • it might be wise, to give the laser printers it’s own room (get a room)
    • living room
    • sliping room
    • dining room
  • plus a filter on the output fan vents (it’s the large one on the right-top side)
      • tested and yes, a lot of black sooth will accumulate here

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #print #printer #gnu-linux #cups #brother #works

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/05/19/gnu-linux-debian-11-brother-hl-5450dn-reliable-black-and-white-laser-printer-that-works-out-of-the-box-with-cups-filter-those-laser-printers/


James Rattray

Temple of 'Ahmed Shauh', King of Afghanistan

The current situation in Afghanistan in desperate. Posting memes found on Twitter doesn't mean anything and won't change a thing. Nothing will. But I do think about it and then I just have to go into the escapist dream world of history.

This is how the tomb of the King Aḥmad Shāh Durrānī (I know, a tautology, as shah already means king) who conquered Delhi and more or less founded modern Afghanistan, looked in 1848. The building is still there in Kandahar. James Rattray was a British Lieutenant who made a rather fascinating work with a lot of ethnographic lithographies from his own sketches. I have been looking at other pictures to see those stately mountains and even though it might be exaggerated in this it does seem that it is a beautiful city in the mountains.

#art #print #lithography #graphicprint #graphicart #JamesRattray #AhmadShah #tomb #Kandahar #Afghanistan #1848