

bye bye
after years I give up - no #debian no #knoppix no #ubuntu (especially not #ubuntu-mate )
it's not that I am not eager to search through sites looking for some helpful advice - and often it has been helpful
but after 2 years of trying to get #cups working I am pissed off
yesterday it worked (by chance) today nothing .... no time to switch through menus after menus to get one page into #print
(by the way the office org /libre office package instructions are as deliriously unhelpful as all the hints I got these last years about printing)
and my time on this planet is getting short ... I put a year ago some shitty comments on this site about these nerds with their wonderful
"constructions" which only make the things more complicated than it should be
internet, print, that's all
so: no consolation or again endless hints of howtos, please ....
welcome NSA

my #question is: I need a cheap laptop whatsoever with #windows where I can connect printer, internet whatever simple things are required
any suggestions where to get it in Germany or Europe ?


Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Chimneypiece in the Egyptian style

From the work/series with the simple name: Diverse Maniere d'adornare i cammini ed ogni altra parte degli edifizi desunte all'architettura Egizia, Etrusca, e Greca con un Ragionamento apologetico in defesa dell'Architettura Egizia, e Toscana, opera del Cavaliere Giambattista Piranesi Architetto

#art #print #etching #graphicprint #Piranesi #GiovanniBattistaPiranesi #Architecture #interiordesign #chimneypiece #1769